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  1. Even Fauci admitted that requiring COVID vaccine mandates would cause hesitancy on other vaccines which has been proven true. I find it hilarious that the 2 senators attacking RFKjr the most today were Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren both who are bought and paid for by Big pharma
  2. it's best for a Dom Alpha Man to make a bottom cum before fucking. That way all of the bottoms focus is where it must be, on the Doms pleasure and entertainment because Master needs come first and foremost
  3. Most of the ones who say a condom is necessary take it off halfway through if they even put it on to begin with
  4. White bareback bottom hosting here or can travel to Birmingham . looking for multiple guys to use my holes, no loads refused , available 24/7
  5. People love being bootlickers for the government on both sides, never trust anything a politician says especially during election season.
  6. The popular vote has never been used to elect POTUS. It doesn't carry any weight. But Democrats constantly use it like it matters.
  7. The EC was implemented in 1787, and is just as important today as then. The only other way to do POTUS election would be to go by majority of congressional districts. There's 435 across the country. This would make every state important, there's Red and blue districts in every state. 2/3rds of 435 is 290 instead of 270 for EC
  8. You should be upset with his parents who listened to Anita and not their son
  9. Only person responsible for some unaliving themselves is the person who decided to unalive themselves. Plenty of people who haven't unalived themselves have faced the same hatred or worse and didn't take their life. This reminds me of when Pat Robertson died and gays were celebrating as well. Like you realize that shows how much control their opinions actually had on you, no matter what you said previously.
  10. [think before following links] https://x.com/Ry28158331Ryan/status/1872860194621071690?t=c6ChcEkRX3Op-BiNJB4qPQ&s=19 Me taking 10" BBC
  11. It's funny you would take offense with me saying that but that's exactly what the trans and gender activists are doing by trying to redefine everything and telling people what words they can and can't use
  12. The biggest and most realistic threat to democracy is the BEAURCRACY
  13. The best Christmas gift ever would have been a government shutdown. They gave 2 shits about shutting down this country 4 years ago while they lived by different rules. And let's not act like Gates and Soros haven't had major influence on the democratic party in years past. Musk is just doing it in your face and people don't like it. I was specifically talking about the unelected beaurcratic dickwads who were appointed by POTUS to all the agencies that were able to pass rules through executive orders. Chevron deference ruling stopped that
  14. Even slings that have been made out of something else. Guy had a hammock chair made out of rope reconfigured and it worked well
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