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Everything posted by einathens

  1. there's a continuum from trick to hookup to one night stand to weekend fling to occasional sex partner to fuckbuddy to friend with benefits to 'guy i'm seeing' to boyfriend to lover to husband to soulmate. isn't it fun to figure out where everyone we're sleeping with fits in?
  2. Finally got together with top4fun. As requested, I was naked on all 4s when he arrived. "Nice ass," he said. I looked over my shoulder at him as he undressed and approached the bed. He pulled my face into his sweaty crotch. I love feeling a soft cock getting hard in my mouth. His kept getting longer and thicker. I got it as slick with spit as I could. Thank god I'd prelubed. My hole was gonna need it. I tweaked his nipples as he leaned down and slid a finger into my ass. "You ready to be bred?" I nodded and turned back around. I felt his big cockhead circling around my hole - then he began to push in. I hoped he'd go kinda slow, give me a chance to get used to the intrusion, but he didn't: just a steady pressure until he was all the way in. Oh my fucking god, he was all the way in, and it was deep. He slowly slid back almost all the way out. "Sweet hole," he said. "Fuck, you're tight." "Fuck, you're big," I replied. This felt good. He started giving it to me hard and fast. All I could do was moan. "Oh fuck oh fuck ok fuck me oh god oh fuck yeah big fat cock fucking me deep...." I know I was babbling. Fortunately he wasn't distracted from the task at hand. he fucked and fucked and fucked me, pushing me down from doggie position so I was flat on my stomach with his full weight on top of me, his hairy chest scratching my back while he whispered in my ear. "I know you love cum in your hole. I'm gonna breed you deep, flood your hole with my fucking seed." "Do it!" I yelled. "Fucking breed my hole, motherfucker! Give me your fucking load!" A dozen or so more deep hard thrusts and I felt his cock throb all the way up inside me. "Take it! Take it! Take my fucking load!" And then I felt him shoot. And shoot. And shoot some more. He remained on top of me until his cock began to soften and slide out of my ass. Then he got up, pulled my legs apart, and laughed. "My cum is pouring out of your hole." I clenched, but not before I slid a finger across my opening and brought it to my lips for a sample. It was quite tasty. "Tell me we're gonna do this again," he said. "Oh, fuck yeah." And then he was gone.
  3. i just got bred by top4fun. fuckboy20 was right. big cock, expertly applied, huge load shot in deep. i recommend him to anyone in NE GA who wants their hole to be happy.
  4. you have to find a polite but clear way to let them know you're no longer interested. example: ' i'm afraid i'll get too attached. i need a clean break.' and then you pass them along to someone else. or: 'i'm spending too much time on sex. let's just be friends.'
  5. i call it 'deja screw,' that odd and unsettling feeling that i've had this sex before. at least you don't feel that way about your BF. that's the difference between lust and love.
  6. charlie sheen once said that he wasn't paying them for sex, he was paying them to leave afterward. you could think of it as dating for a hobby, not as a living.
  7. are you talking about them leaving a $20 on the dresser, a handful of loose change hitting the pillow, or a tasteful bearer bond? if it makes you feel like a whore, don't do it. but if somebody wanted to show unsolicited financial appreciation for something i was gonna do for free and i didn't take it, i'd feel like an idiot. you could save it for a rainy day, or use it as a bookmark in your copy of 'breakfast at tiffany's.'
  8. i read that the biggest rise in US infection is among 13-25 yearolds, and 60% of them don't know they're infected. those stats were in an article in USA Today.
  9. i've met some guys during the last two folsom fairs. after they shot in my hole they all leaned in and whispered their status to me. i asked the first one 'why did you tell me that?' and he replied 'i saw your ad...' heard that at least a dozen times over the last two fairs. don't know any of their names, but i thank each one, and look forward to more next year.
  10. benefit: relaxation, improved mood. risk: it's addictive.
  11. i'm 5ft5, 140 lbs, and a notoriously easy lay.....
  12. legal action? you made the choice to have unprotected sex with him. that's all on you. as for your medical other concerns, talk to your local health or social services department.
  13. there's a posting by liam cole in the blogger section about how semen has antidepressant qualities. i could've told ya that decades ago, based on my experience as both a spreader and ingester of cheer.
  14. don't try to force yourself into any behavior you're not comfortable with. if and when you're ready to be an NLR slut, you'll know and you'll do it. and if you're never ready to make your fantasy into reality, that's okay too.
  15. i recommend taking the streemaster mini with you. two nozzles, one big bulb and a handy carrying case. i got mine through fort troff. two bulbs' worth of warm soapy water and you're good to go in 10 minutes. plus they're good for deep applications of lube. best $10 i ever spent.
  16. if the bottom expects a pull-out, he needs to bring that up and be clear about it before the fuck starts. if the top doesn't intend to pull out, he also needs to be clear about that before the fuck starts. if no one mentions their expectations beforehand, neither can blame the other if the outcome isn't what they want. personally, i never ask for a pullout. in fact, i demand to be bred. and if i'm about to fuck a guy and he asks me to pull out, i just say 'i'll try.' then when i'm about to cum, i make a lot of noise and say so, giving the bottom the opportunity to remove his anus from surrounding my penis. no one has ever taken that opportunity.
  17. if i'm feeling devilish or horny i'll sometimes wear a TIM tee shirt out in public as a coded reference to barebacking, just to see who knows what it means and how they respond. i usually get a wink, a high five or a phone number. my cumunion tee is far less open to interpretation. its graphic is a man covered in semen. it got me a blowjob in the bathroom from the busboy. as for being totally public about barebacking, i'd let rawpozlust do me at noon easter sunday on the cathedral steps. that could be my coming-out party.
  18. i wouldn't go with tape. you want something you can remove easilyshould the need arise. plus tape will leave marks on your face. if the club is dark enough, mirrored sunglasses might be enough to cripple your vision. i've been handcuffed in a bar or two. it's fun to ask guys to help you take a leak. if this is your first public bondage scene and there's any chance at all you might become separated fromyour friend, i'd suggest toy handcuffs--the real metal ones, but they have a lever you can push yourself in an emergency. earplugs might be a nice touch as well.
  19. do your kegels.
  20. i'm blessed. i have a big cock and s small, round, dimpled ass. of course i show them off.
  21. got a text last night from the world's greatest fuckbuddy: 'i need to breed your hole.' fuck yeah. we haven't gotten together since friday night and i was jonesing for him as well. he came over. we got naked immediately. we kissed. i sucked his cock, he ate my hole. "i haven't come since the last time i saw you," he said. "i need to feel your ass around me right now." he pushed my knees up to my shoulders, lined his cock up with my opening, looked into my eyes and pushed in. no matter how much i want it, there's always a bit of resistance when his big round cockhead and fat cock try to enter me. he likes it when i wince. i like it when my ring relaxes and he gets in. i really like watching his expressions change from happy to intense to primal to intense to posessed. he getsmore and more beautiful as he gets lost deeper and deeper in the fuck. there was no tenderness at all. there was just cock conquering hole, and i loved it. "i want to fuck you forever, " he said. ditto for me but it was only about 15 minutes before his breathing deepened and his rythm changed from wonderful strokes all the way in and all the way out to short brutal jabs as he ground the base of his cock hard against my hole. he looked deep into my eyes, smiled, then slammed in one last time and began to shoot his four-day load as far inside me as it would go. he collapsed on top of me, panting and laughing. i held him tight until his cock softened and slid out of me. we kissed and i flipped around and sucked his cock clean. he reached down and gathered the bit of his load that had frothed out of me and pushed it back in. then he leaned down and sucked my still-hard cock until i shot in his mouth. we shared it, as we always do, and then it was time for him to go. the best part? i got to go to work with his poison load swimming inside me. not a drop leaked out.
  22. i don't much care for the word. it's meant to be derogatory, to tell a woman that her only worth is as a receptacle. with men, it feeds into the idea that the bottom is less of a man than the top. some guys like that. i tend to only use it to point out the qualitative difference betwen 'boypussy' and 'mancunt.' and there is a difference. if i have to call it anything other than 'hole' or 'ass,' i prefer 'snatch.' just sounds so friendly and fun. as a compromise, i sugest 'munt.'
  23. a fetish is what happens when your cock and brain team up to imbue a particular object or aspect with the power to arouse you sexually. that power is independent of whoever is wearing or using the object. for instance, if you fetishize combat boots, you're gonna chub up if you see them on a punk at the mall or on a hot daddy at the lumberyard. without stopping to look it up, i believe that the term originated to refer to an object which was filled with magickal power for ceremonial purposes. in the historical sense, a voodoo doll or a silver pentagram was a fetish item. the word has been diluted by time. now it just means clothing that gives you a hardon. me? harleys, cigars, motorcross jackets....
  24. my record is 24 loads in one night, but i didn't get to carry them around. i find that after a few deposits, someone will want to suck them out before they add their own. can't blame them. i like to do the same thing. slurped about a cup of seed out of a beautiful german in a sling last year during folsom fair, snowballed it to him, and there was still enough in there to foam up and ooze out around my cock when i fucked him. when i left at the end of my 24-load night, i had the 4 final loads inside. i let them soak for a while back t the hotel before i fingered them out and lapped them up.
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