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Everything posted by einathens

  1. my last 2 tests i was sure they were gonna tell me i was poz. this was after months of raw gangbangs (anywhwere from 10 to 24 loads at a time) and getting bred several times a week for months by one poz guy. both times, my results came back negative.
  2. you have to remember, that load is his to give, not yours to take.
  3. i can't judge, i've been trying to get my head up my guy's ass face first for months now.
  4. i'll ask this again-- how do you know they're not pityfucking you? one of my personal-growth goals for the year is to remove superficial judgment from my sex life. i've always been pretty good about not judging the book by its cover, making my decision based on the brain, personality and vibe instead of the face and body. and i gotta tell ya, i've had a lot of mindblowing, spectacular sex with men that many guys wouldn't look at twice. i've made some great friends, too. and that may be more important. don't we as gay male barebackers already face enough ostracism? why are we judging each other as unworthy?
  5. what the PC police don't take into account is that there are boys who sniff out and pursue willing men. i was one of them.
  6. in theory, no. everyone should be honest about their status when asked, and loads should be neither given nor taken under false pretenses. in practice, 'probably' is a useful answer.
  7. this is a sore spot for me. if you were truly worried about doing the right thing, you wouldn't be having sex, unprotected or otherwise, with married men.
  8. i applaud you for seeking guidance with your issues. i have to wonder, though, if your sex life is just one-offs and you couldn't keep it in your pants long enough to arrange a meeting on less volatile ground, if you might be a sex addict. that might bear some looking into as well. family and sex only mix well in porn stories.
  9. fucking as the start of a friendship is a time-honored gay tradition. get the tension out of the way, see who doesn't fit together, and then become devoted sisters. my best friend of 25 years and i met when we were both slutty twinks. neither of us ever had any sexual interest in the other, and we agreed immediately to never have sex with anyone the other was interested in. i think that's why we're still friends today.
  10. you can never know what's in someone else's head unless you ask. you might think that since he didn't ask, he's assuming you're poz; he might think that since you didn't say, you're neg. i believe that if you are asked, you must answer truthfully. if you're not asked, whether to volunteer the info is up to you.
  11. the thing about relationships is, you both have to relate. if after a few days he's posting about a relationship you didn't even know you were in with him, he could either be a stalker or a control freak. neither of those bode well. personally, i'd run before he changes the locks and takes away the key.
  12. i'm gonna skip the part where i want to scream about married men. let me just say this-- if you have to ask what to do, do nothing.
  13. you have to be honest and clear, first with yourself and then with your mate, and finally with the guys you play around with, either seperately or together. i know it can be done. i'm doing it. is it easy? not always. is it worth it? yes. the shorthand answer i give guys who ask about my relationship is 'he has my head & my heart. the rest of me is available for fun.'
  14. some people know about me. i got attitude about it in public from maybe 3 people, yet two of them hit me up later on in private. sounds to me like you need a new community. i recommend you visit the leather & bondage sections on recon, narrow the search to your town and those men who don't specifically check 'always' for the Safe Sex option. that will give you a pool of guys to chat with, maybe hang out with. and that's a start.
  15. fuckboy, i'd be more than happy to help you out again, fill that luscious hole with both quantity and quality.
  16. when i was turning 12 my experiences broadened from just boys to boys and men. what sort of guys did i hook up with before i turned 18? anyone who was interested or made a move.
  17. 'slammed' is amazing. the chemistry between the main fuckee and main fucker is intense and palpable. and i found liam cole's low, sexy voice in the background to bee quite arousing. i found 'fucktards' be be quite good, although i enjoyed certain scenes more than others. none of them failed to get me off at least once.
  18. paging dr freud, paging dr freud.... add, not ass.
  19. why does this feel like highschool but with better sex? anybody wants to ass me to their list, feel free and i'll return the favor.
  20. i think you're being unrealistic, and selfish is just one factor. let him go while you still have some good feelings for him.
  21. i was cursed with an oversized cock and a shapely ass. a lot of guys i want to fuck want to fuck me instead. a lot of guys i want to fuck me want me to fuck them instead. thank god i turned out truly versatile. when i'm feeling bottomy, i wear a jockstrap or position my towel around my neck so that one end covers my cock. when i'm feeling toppish, i wear tighty whities and pull my cock and balls out through the fly.
  22. have you considered several smaller ones instead of one big one?
  23. i'd never checked it before. i only have 10. *sigh*
  24. for me the 'anything goes' option on a4a is even more confusing. i've actually had to explain to guys who had it in their own profile that it is interpreted as meaning 'i will have bareback sex with you even if you're poz.' and don't get me started on 'misc fetishes.....'
  25. josh, this sounds like the perfect opportunity to ring up liam cole and do some filming with TIM.
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