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Everything posted by einathens

  1. 5.5 loads per day? i wish i had that kind of time and resources. last year i took 350 loads and gave 250. my goal for this year is to give and take an average of one load per day. so far i'm right on target.
  2. i think that some men are here for the fantasy, for jackoff material. and i think that's fine. some men are here because they can't decide whether to take the plunge and live out their fantasies. and that's fine. some men are here because they're living the life and want to commune with their fellow travellers. and that's fine. some men are here to find fellow pigs to wallow with. and that's more than fine, in my opinion. we shouldn't judge any of them unless they start it, and then i think it's best handled in private messages, to which you can respond or not. to circle this back to luscious antonio biaggi, i only know him through his work for treasure island. my understanding is that they serosort screenmates if the mates so wish, and they offer healthcare to their employees. so if he is poz (and in my mind he is, but in my mind i'm the one he's kissing, rimming and fucking, and he also takes as good as he gets) he's probably on meds. if that's too much risk for incrediblebutt, i say good for him for realizing it beforehand. no one should be forced to play raw if they don't choose to, just like no one should be forced to wear a condom if they choose not to.
  3. what about a guy going off his meds to consensually poz the man he loves? beautiful? selfish? stupid? romantic? all/none of the above?
  4. late one night i was at the corner of horny and stupid, and i made a wrong turn. i invited a guy who had been pursuing me on a4a for a while over. he was adorable-- 25, nice body, big cock, bubble butt, funny and sweet. good kisser, pretty good head-giver, tight hole. we blew and fucked each other for a few hours. it was quite nice. eight days later i got a message from him. he had gonorrhea and was 99% certain he'd gotten it from me. i replied that i had no symptoms of anything, thanked him for letting me know, and told him i'd certainly get checked out right away. he seemed to think i was lying. i told him he might've been exposed some time ago and just been asymptomatic. he didn't seem to believe me. i got the full $80 panel at the health dept-- gono, syph, hiv, chlamydia, warts, etc. i was swabbed, gave blood, had a wire q-tip shoved into my urethra, you name it. i kinda thought they were gonna tell me i'm poz. i'm not. turns out i'm so clean i should squeak when i walk. i gave cutie the courtesy of an update. he didn't respond. about a week later, i got another mesage from him. he'd had such a hot time with me that he wanted to get together again as soon as possible. i told him that while the sex was fun, all the drama afterward wasn't. and then i blocked him.
  5. best way to get the condom off is never get it put on in the first place. try rubbing your hole on the head of his cock before he suits up, and maybe it accidentally goes in a bit. or say 'just put it in for a minute. i gotta know how it feels.' my guess is that most men, once the initial penetration is made raw, aren't gonna stop to glove it.
  6. in 2012, i gave about 250 loads and took about 350. my 2013 goal is to average giving and taking one per day. so far i'm right on track. trying to get ahead of schedule.
  7. i like older men so much i became one. had sex last year with an 85yo i met at flex, and it was one of the best experiences i've ever had. he shot a huge load in my hole and loved taking mine in his. i asked him if it was difficult to start practicing safe sex after 50 years of raw, and his answer was 'what makes you think i ever started?' and when i asked if he was concerned about getting HIV, his reply was 'what's it gonna do, kill me?'
  8. my guy & i both enjoy a hand or 2 on the throat, and we also both enjoy getting skullfucked. i told him that if i pass out sucking his cock, go ahead and fuck me while i'm unconscious.
  9. i do horizontal aerobics 2-4 times a week. i'd do them every day with rawpozlust. *sigh* and i walk about 35 miles per week.
  10. if you have to ask, you're not ready.
  11. i like to pretend they all are.
  12. last time i was at eros, i was barebacking a guy with a man in a staff t shirt watching and rubbing his crotch. another guy came up and shot his load down my throat and the staff guy didn't say a word, just smiled and walked away.
  13. with relationships in general, and not just monogamy in particular, the question is whether you can live happily with the idea that 'we' is more important than 'me.'
  14. only you can decide if you can be monogamous. some men will cheat at every opportunity, including at their wedding reception, regardless of the consequences. some men will cheat occasionally, given the opportunity. some men draw a distinction (artificial, i think) between 'monogamous' and 'faithful.' some men seek out loopholes ('we'll do 3ways together/only sleep with other couples,' or 'i was on the road...' or 'it was just a one-time thing...'). some men would simply never do it. you have to be able to commit wholeheartedly to the idea that the sum of what you have at home is better than any stray piece of ass you might find outside, and tune out the temptations and distractions. if you can do that, go for it. if you can't, talk about it with your lover. there's nothing worse than being in an 'i'm not married but my husband is' relationship.
  15. i can't answer this question because i refuse to have sex with bi or married men. my guess would be no, they are not.
  16. i ignore them. have seen staff watch me fucking and gettting fucked raw and not say a word. to me it's like a 'wet floor' sign at a store. it's allegedly there to warn customers of danger but it's really to remove liability for the owner.
  17. sex is all about connection. sometimes that's only physical, just a pole in a hole, and that's okay. but sometimes the connection is psychological, emotional, even spiritual. for me that makes for better sex, experiences that are transcendant instead of rote, orgasms that are soul-shaking instead of just toe-curling. in my opinion, true intimacy it built over time. it's a sense of something private and shared. it comes from being comfortable, secure, trusting, not being afraid to show your vulnerability, and not ignoring or exploiting the vulnerability shown to you. that's hard to get with a one-night pump&dump. it's hard to define and describe, but you know it when you feel it.
  18. i believe in fuck karma. you never know. the guy you ignored or insulted yesterday could be best friends with the guy you try to hook up with tomorrow. and they could talk. it costs nothing to be kind, even if you're not interested. you can be clear without being rude.
  19. i recommend athens, ga.
  20. which sexclub were you at? i'm always looking for nearby darkroom action.
  21. i went through some of this in '85 when my men started getting sick and dying. thank you for being there for him. being a friend is harder than being a fuckbuddy. we all have to remember that sometimes a shoulder is more important than a cock, and a hug can mean more than a fuck.
  22. @hook-- hey, hooky, 68 loads is nothing to be ashamed of. that's an average of one load every 5 days or so. that's more than most guys get laid. my first year bareback-only, i took 12 loads and gave 24. what made you decide that 2012 was the year you were gonna go raw?
  23. 2012 was the year i rediscovered the joys of guys who shoot multiple loads, gangbangs, group sex and mass sex. including nights at flex where i took 12+ loads and folsom fair weekend (where i took 50 loads in 4 nights, not counting oral), i'd say that this year i've taken about 350 loads and given approximately 250. not including folsom, where i'm hoping for a 100-load weekend, my goal for 2013 is to give and take an average of one load per day.
  24. ask hum to tell you about favorite BB experiences in his past. tell him you want to recreate some of them for him. this will probably urge him to ask you about yours, and then you recreate those. do you guywatch & dish when you're out and about together? one 'that guy is hot-- i'd love to help him breed your ass!' might open the door to the two of you playing together with others, if that's what you want and you both agree. if not, you have plenty of hot memories in the spankbank.
  25. *blush* thanks. glad you enjoyed it.
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