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Everything posted by einathens

  1. For whatever reason, pissboi won't let me join. I wonder if my ex's current guy didn't cybersquat my sn to keep me from bumping into HIS man online. Can anybody recommend a zoom room? I'm feeling the need to fill and empty a mug, and I don't wanna do it alone.
  2. One pervy day in the shower when I was nostalgic for my younger days, I discovered that I could pull my cock down, push the head into my hole, and fill myself with piss. I used to freeze it into cubes for my then lover to enjoy in his drinks. One day when he was upset with his mother he put some in her iced tea. Used to do the condom thing too. I'd piss in my hot water bottle/enema bag and put a rubber over the nozzle. Then I'd insert it and undo the clamp. When the rubber was full, I'd knot the end and use my ass muscles to push it out and pull it back in while I reclined in a warm bath.
  3. I'm glad you're seeking info, but in general I think that if you're asking strangers on the internet, you're not ready. Your mind hasn't caught up to what your body wants. There is a good chance that barebacking will expose you to not just HIV but every other std/sti out there. Is going on prep an option for you? Why do I play raw? I became sexually active at a time that it wasn't unprotected sex, it was just sex. The pattern of behavior was set. While I did start using condoms, I resented being told I had to, and I played without them whenever the opportunity arose. Finally decided I was done with being a hypocrite, that there was nothing wrong with how I felt, that my behavior was my own responsibility, and that the safers could have their fun without me. I began to seek community with those men who felt as I do, and that's when the fun really began. You'll know when you're ready. Do not let any man pressure you into any act if you're not. And if you never are, that's OK too. You are welcome here.
  4. I think the term 'buddy' covers guys with whom you play but don't necessarily socialize. 'Friend, ' in my opinion, is someone with whom you spend clothed time. Unclothed time optional. I don't have a problem sharing info from my fuckbook with hookups, but I try to be discreet about it. 'We've chatted' and 'yes, I know him' cover a lot of territory and don't betray any confidences. If a potential hookup won't disclose the source of his info on me, I reconsider meeting up. I've only had one bad referral from guys I know, and only one guy I know of got negative info on me.
  5. I don't think you can or should convince someone to play raw if they don't want to. And I'm against stealthing. I think you tell them that you don't fuck wrapped and let them decide whether they want to play with you.
  6. Much of gay porn is 'tame' because it's aspirational and intended for mass-market sales and consumption. Studios like TIM are made for niche markets. They can explore other facets of gay sexuality because they don't have to try to appeal to everyone. Their aesthetic is part of that, much more documentary-style. I think of them as guys like me having sex like I do. I'll watch an average production of theirs instead of a Falcon epic any day. And with videographic technology literally in the palm of everyone's hand, guys are making their own. You're free to do that any time you want, and post it for others to enjoy. I'm finding great stuff on Tumblr these days. Take off your pants and start exploring.
  7. Welcome to the internet. Perhaps you should concentrate on sites that let you set search parameters to weed out what you don't want. That would save you time and frustration. Plus you can laugh to yourself about how the same guys will have varying stats from site to site. I usually leave the comment 'I like your bbrt profile better. ' Anonymity often brings out the worst in people. Just have to remind yourself that it isn't actually personal, it's someone unknown projecting onto you. Welcome to the internet.
  8. I think that 'no one over 45' = won't admit to daddy issues. And in my opinion, 'under 25 only' = can't handle what a real man has to offer. No fatties/femmes/flamers = doesn't own a mirror.
  9. Thanks, will do. Love to see your vids, show you mine.
  10. I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and proceed as though this were a genuine question sincerely asked. Are you freakin kidding? If you advertise on the internet that you're going to be immobilized and defenseless, waiting for anonymous men to come in and do as they wish, whether they'll use condoms or not to fuck you isn't as important as whether they'll use knives or guns to kill you. My advice? Stop watching porn alone, make some new friends and have sex with them.
  11. My apologies if this has been discussed before. Are there any reliable cam sites, zoom channels, kik groups, etc for watersports? Always been a special interest of mine, and I enjoy being watched, but I've only recently begun exploring it on cam and making vids. I can't be the only one.
  12. Damn, I guess I must be more innocent than I thought, but that's not very.
  13. My opinion, if you're truly straight, gay sex isn't a temptation, so bare vs wrapped isn't a factor. You can't be turned gay. Like I always say, doubt means don't. If you have to ask strangers on the internet for permission, you're not ready. Beat off to the fantasy of it all you want, but until you get your definitions and head in order, don't do it.
  14. My advice is to read the classics, namely The Leatherman's Handbook by Larry Townsend and The Topping Book by Easton & Liszt. They're great resources for getting started. And I hope that many of the awesome tops on this site begin conversations with you, help you figure out what kind of top you want to be, and not. Leather is a community, an extended family. Or it should be
  15. I don't have my glasses on, but it looks familiar. Leo &Lance, maybe?
  16. I agree, just make it clear before you start that you're not pulling out. He has the right to declare his hole a load-free area, and you have the right to decline to fuck him. When bottoms ask me to pull out, I used to equivocate, tell them "I'll try" and then not do it. But I couldn't live with the dishonesty on my part, so now when they ask if I'll pull out I just say "no, I won't. " About half of them agree, and take my loads. The other half I don't worry about.
  17. If you want a room with direct access, check out the courtyard rooms at goodhotel on 7th.
  18. Pissing is one of the great simple male pleasures, and it is so much better shared.
  19. was it a crotch closeup with hot verbal about how he kills with his cock? That is indeed from Treasure Island, one of the scenes in Sick Fucks.
  20. I used to freeze my piss into icecubes for my then boyfriend. Once he got mad at his mother and put some in her iced tea. We'd go out to dinner with my family and he'd 'accidentally' leave his beer on the sink in the bathroom. I'd go get it for him, and refill it. He'd be talking to my sister, drinking my piss.
  21. If you have a choice in the matter, whenever you're ready to start. I've found that if you wanna suck a cock, pretty much all you have to do is ask.
  22. Mine is 24, at Cumunion during Folsom Fair weekend a few years ago. It was a 50 loads in 4 nights adventure. I was hoping for 100 but I can't complain. But that only covers nights I was counting. I'm pretty sure I had higher numbers nights I wasn't keeping track when I younger.
  23. Mr S makes a great lube especially for toys and fists. It's called Shaft. Consistency is between Crisco and JLube.
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