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Everything posted by einathens

  1. hint: he has PS in his name
  2. there's only one daddy in palm springs i want.
  3. this makes me pine for the BBS days when a picture took half an hour to download and we just did without them.
  4. this is one of several versions of this story floating around here. first time i did a websearch for 'conversion party' this is what popped up. never fails to get me off either.
  5. if i know for certain (or even suspect) that a guy is married, in a relationship, bi, closeted or on the downlow, i cross him off my to-do list. cheating is cheating, and i do not participate in it.
  6. i don't know if cheating is more common in the gay community than it is in the bi or straight ones. hell, i don't even know if there is a gay community. i guess the sociological answer is that since our relationships are not socially sanctioned, we are free of heteronormative constraints and can define our relatinoships as we see fit. or that could be total bullshit. i really don't know. if you're gonna sleep around, be honest about it with your partner. the choice to stay or go is theirs. i, for one, choose to leave. daddy doesn't care for leftovers.
  7. in my experience, memory-foam matresses are lousy for fucking on. hard to get leverage.
  8. pullouts are for porn. loads belong inside. period. you can usually tell when a guy is getting to the shotstrokes. that's when you grab his ass with your hands or feet and move him in as deep as possible. if i'm fucking a guy and he asks me to pull out before i shoot, i tell him i'll try but there are no guarantees. and then nature takes over and he takes my load. if they complain you didn't pull out, you just say 'it was too hot. couldn't help myself,' and then you kiss them.
  9. when you're truly ready and your mind catches up to what your body wants, your fear will turn into energy and your uncertainy into power, and you'll do it without thought or hesitation.
  10. you might think you're pityfucking them when in reality they're pityfucking you. having sex with everyone who asks is a valid approach to life. i, for one, no longer do it. only 2 out of 3.
  11. loads are liek potato chips. semen is addictive.
  12. beaver-cleaver
  13. that's one of the hallmarks of the homosexual capricorn-- faaaaaaaaaaabulous AND machine-washable.
  14. not really, andy. i know daddies in their 20s with boys in their 40s. it works for them and they're all blissfully content and happy. as for me, when i was little my dad and his friends were soldiers and sailors. it was like living with the cast of 'jarhead.' warped me forever.
  15. still, if i cab help jsut one man not have to deal with a mudslide, i shall not have lived in vain. also, let me point out that a leopard print duvet cover will camouflage a multitude of sins and mishaps.
  16. i'm not a compensated spokesmodel, but this is why i prefer my streemaster mini. two bulbs of warm soapy, ten minutes at most, and everything's ready to go, with no excess liquid to find its way out at an importune moment. even has a travel pouch and 2 nozzles. can even be used to shoot lube waaaaaaaaaaaaay up there. best $10 i ever spent on fucksupplies.
  17. who knew that operant conditioning and neurolinguistic programming could be so hot?
  18. there's been a lot written elsewhere about the hypocrisy involved in both the IML bareback ban and the booting of TIM from folsom fair. a lot of entertaining reading if you care to do the websearch.
  19. i went several years ago, before the BB porn ban was in effect. lots of great sex that weekend, but the rest of it felt like a big circuit party to me.
  20. that works too. guess it jsut depends on what kind of risk appeals to you. i'll take the semen of unmedicated high viral load poz men inside me, but i won't ride a rollercoaster or a zipline. i don't even like spicy food.
  21. people climb everest to prove something to the world. people bareback to prove something to themselves.
  22. or that will be the excuse. i wonder how long it wil lbe before someone holds the manufacturer liable.
  23. fear is definitely part of the experience. it heightens the senses. know that you're stronger than it is, and let it give you energy.
  24. the home test info states that they're not as accurate as professional testing; false reports either way are possible. even with that wiggle room, it'll make it harder for guys to lie about their status, which to me is a good thing. and you can always refuse to sleep with a guy who's neg.
  25. i'm proud of you for taking these steps. be proud of your courage. and i congratualte you in advance for all the intense sex you're about to have. enjoy it.
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