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Everything posted by einathens

  1. it never ceases to amuse me how many men say 'safe only' in their profiles, but when they see 'no condoms, no pullouts' in mine they confess that they play bare but don't want anyone to know. any time you set yourself up as being superior, you're begging for the universe to knock you down.
  2. www.suckdicksavetheworld.com
  3. political correctness keeps a lot of honest discussion from happening.
  4. therre are those who want mainstream acceptance, and those who don't care. right now the people who don't want to be left out are getting more notice than those who just want to be left alone.
  5. i don't think there is a gay community per se anymore, if there ever was. demographically speaking, we're a cluster of niche markets. right now the 'we're just like everybody else and we want the same rights' people are getting most of the attention. i do not wish to denigrate the work that any activists are doing, but i do have a problem with self-appointed watchdogs and spokespeople. i'm a gay professional, as opposed to a professional gay. subgroups have and will always sit in judgment of other subgroups. some just do it more quietly than others.
  6. i don't know if it's because of technological advances or 'reality' tv or what, but we are losing our ability to be kind to each other. when a guy wants to have sex with you and you don't want to have sex with him, it doesn't cost you anything more to say 'no thank you' instead of 'oh hell no.' i guess etiquette skills are being lost along with penmanship.
  7. i wrote about this on another thread. i started having sex when bare was the norm, and always hated having to wrap up. went unwrapped whenever i had the opportunity, and finally made raw sex my official and only choice.
  8. i don't understand that attitude. sex is experiential; you get better at it by having it with more people. when i was a young'un i had sex with pretty much anyone who expressed interest in having it with me. now my standards are a bit higher-- two out of every 3. but i'd still rather fuck with one 40 year old than two 20 year olds.
  9. i think the purpoe of life is just to share the journey. anything that closes you down or shuts you off is counterproductive, in my opinion. waste of money, time and braincells. when i'm on my back in a sexclub getting fucked by 6 men, or when i'm in the back of the bar sharing my seed with that cute guy, it's because that's what i want to do, not because i don't know what's going on. i like my free will too much to surrender it.
  10. issues of trust and honesty and risk aside, it might ad a new dimension to your relationship. might also end it.
  11. i can't think of anything to say that won't sound judgmental, so i'll just ask if you've asked him about it, maybe told him it's a fantasy of yours?
  12. if i'm in a tanktop, they can see my TIM tatt. if i'm in a t shirt, it's also TIM. if i'm naked, they can see the tube of vaseline tucked into my boot and that i'm not wearing a condom.
  13. i'm not big on anything that takes away my control of my own body, messes up my ability to think, or interferes with my free will. and karma is a bitch.
  14. damn, that IS nasty! if you could subtract the meth and replace the mother with the father.....
  15. baregeil: "When did you know they were poz? Before, during or after the fuck?" Knew some were poz before, figured out a few during, and asked a few afterwards. With the guys I asked afterwards, when I responded enthusiastically, all of them got so turned on they gave me a second load, and one of them gave me a third.
  16. last folsom fair, over the course of 4 nights i took 17 loads, 15 of them poz. this year i'm going to try for an even 24.
  17. taking loads from an undetectable guy is a great rationalization if you're not ready to admit that you're chasing.
  18. i'd give myself a 6 above the waist and a 9 below. i'll offer sex to almost anyone, and accept almost all that is offered to me. some of the best sex i've ever had has been with guys i couldn't see because the room was dark, and some more of the best was with guys most men either wouldn't notice or would run away from. some of the worst sex i've ever had was with guys who most men would rate in the upper 8 to 10 category. go figure. thank heaven that standards are subjective, and thank god they get lowered as the night wears on.
  19. .......... i guess i'm not asking clearly. what i meant was: IF YOU DECIDE that you'll cum in this guy but not that guy, or IF YOU DECIDE to take a load from A but not from B, how do you make that decision?
  20. here are some for-instances: some guys will top raw but not bottom that way. i know neg guys who will only play raw if they think the other guy is neg too. i know poz guys who will only go bare with other poz guys. and a poz guy who prefers to start out wrapped with neg guys and 'work up to' going bare and cumming in them.
  21. i'm a firm believer in giving and taking wherever and whenever possible. some men aren't, and i was just wondering why.
  22. was chatting with a guy about sexual limits the other day. it got me wondering: tops-- will you cum up an ass but not down a throat, or vice versa? or will you just unload into whatever orfice is in use at the time? bottoms-- do you swallow loads but not take them anally? will you get bred but not gargle babies?
  23. it isn't rude, but don't expect an honest answer.
  24. admitting to yourself, and then in a forum like this, that you want it is the first step. actually doing it is the second. don't do it until you're ready and don't let anyone talk you into it if you're not.
  25. i agree. incest can be the hottest, both in life and fiction. but that's only one part of why this story is such a cumspurter.
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