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Everything posted by einathens

  1. in my mind here's what chapter 2 would be: diego coaxes martin into the sling. he gets gangfucked while nick watches from the doorway, horrified and aroused. after the fifth guy, diego tells martin, "i'm not on meds. none of these guys are. you're full of our virus. you're one of us now." martin is happy and at peace. he's in love. nick pitches a hissyfit and the guys drag him into the room and fuck him at both ends. martin and diego end up together in poz love and nick ends up alone, bitter and pozzed.
  2. i believe that your TIM tatt will bring you all of the pride, joy and mindmelting sex that mine has brought me. they're magic.
  3. is seeking unprotected sex with multiple serodiscordant partners kinky?
  4. kinky is in the eye of the beholder. it depends on attitude and level of experience. i know some guys who think it's really twisted and shocking if you lick teir bellybutton, and i know some guys who can't get off unless they're hanging by their nipples from the ceiling fan while 'der fledermaus' plays in the backrground.
  5. there are parts of the quarter i wouldn't go into alone at night, and i lived in midcity. that said, don't stay if the environment doesn't feel safe. i've left because of bad vibes before. i try to apologize right away and suggest meeting at another place, if the original place was the problem. if the bad vibe was from the guy, i won't schedule a redo.
  6. guess i'm lucky. my tops are big enough & i can grip tight enough not just to feel the throb but also feel the load hitting me deep.
  7. i don't sleep with everyone who offers either. just two out of three.
  8. i don't sleep with everyone who offers either. only 2 out of 3.
  9. i for one don't mind a romp with a burly boy or a beefy daddy. no bony asses to bruise my hipbones. but that wasn't the question. what i was trying to say has already been said-- we as a society are getting heavier. the number of guys who aren't built like pornstars is far greater than the number of guys who are. and this trend will continue until the pendulum swings back the other way. your ideal man is getting harder to find. how specific are you being in your search? i think that 'hwp' is the current politically correct way of saying 'no fatties.' if you're only interested in a lean, mean breeding machine, make sure you're being clear on that point. are you checking out siites that aren't bareback-specific? i've found that hot men of every description in every location are eager to play raw if you advertise the opportunity, can keep a secret, and don't judge them for it.
  10. sounds to me like your ideal is based on guys in porn, whereas jookup sites feature guys in real life.
  11. i love mine. it's given me nothing but pride, joy and great sex.
  12. getting my TIM tatt was one of the best decisions i've ever made. it's brought me nothing but joy, pride and amazing sex.
  13. the only thing hotter than cum dripping out of a well-fucked hole is cum pouring out of a well-fucked hole. a bottom who can squeeze and pulse well enough to control the flow is to be treasured. especially by a creampie fan like me.
  14. i like older men so much i became one.
  15. i love button-fly jeans. no zipper mishaps. i learned in highschool that if a guy leaves the bottom 2 buttons undone he wants you to slide a few fingers in.
  16. he texts you every day so he can keep tabs on you. if you get serious, you won't have to 'slow way down,' you'll have to stop. and so will he. do you really see that happening? if i were you (and i am somehow glad i'm not) i'd tell him not to contact me again until he's had a job and a place of his own for 6 months. i'm also beginning to think that the 2 of you are just drama queens who deserve each other but want an audience. this has gotten boring and i'm unsubscribing from the thread.
  17. i prefer a cleaner hole, both to have myself and to find waiting for me. shit happens, but 5 minutes of prep time can prevent a mudslide. i'm not a compensated endorser, but i gotta plug the streen master mini. hand-sized bulb, two nozzles (long & skinny, short & thick), travel bag included. got mine through fort troff. best $10 i ever spent. i find that 2 bulbs of warm soapy will take care of 95% of the potential mess. it's a manageable amount of water in a short amount of time, and no cramping from taking too much. and the thicker nozzle is great for applying lube, too. i just greae up the outside and slide it in. can also double as a butt toy if you're in need of penetration and there's no man in the room.
  18. so he stayed with meal ticket #1 for 18 months after dumping you. what did he do the 6 months in between #1 and you? whose tears were they? yours or his? did he want to date you before or after the wild passionate sex? and he doesn't want an open relationship. open for you, that is. if he cheated on #1 he'll cheat on #2. sounds to me like he wants to use his cock to control you. and it's a short jump from controlling to abusing. you've heard the warning bells. you just have to decide to listen to them. think with your head, not with your hole.
  19. don't take a step back. run away as fast as you can.
  20. you CAN say no. you CAN just not go. if you're not ready, if you're not eager, don't do it. your happiness is just as important as his. if he does not agree, he's not the man for you.
  21. i try to take it as a compliment when guys persist in spite of my turning them down. first time, i say 'no thank you.' second time, i say 'no.' third time, 'no, i'm not interested." after that, they're stalky and i block them. i don't database or anything, but i keep a list in my head of guys i've offered sex to. after the second offer, i don't make a third. if they wanna block me, i don't care. also my onsite buddies and i share intel on who's crazy or just a tease.
  22. if you're a true addict, you don't think about it or feel anything from it. you just do it because you can't not do it. if you're just superhorny, i hope you at least enjoy it.
  23. not realistic for me; i can't sleep well if i haven't just cum. but i have been eating my own loads (rather than getting a cumrag pregnant) pretty much as long as i've been producing them. guy asked me the other night 'where's your trick towel?' and i just wiggled my tongue at him. that got round 2 started. those loads didn't soak into fabric either.
  24. you can't have it both ways. is the thrill of the (alone) unknown better worth more than the (sometimes dull) comfort of the familiar routine? first you need to be honest with yourself, and then you need to be honest with your lover.
  25. just got my copy yesterday, haven't gotten to the 13" scene yet. but the first scene, with a smokin' hot daddy blowing a buy, is wonderful. brought back a lot of memories.
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