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Everything posted by ktopper

  1. A shemale with a big dick and nice breasts. I've had xdressers and sissy boys and enjoyed them but I would really like to breed a ladyboi. I reckon it is my Bi side coming out. I like gay sex and I like the ladies. It seems that a shemale would be the best of both worlds. At my age and living in a redneck town it will probably just remain a fantasy but who knows? A fuck buddy of mine claims he picked up a girl from the local collage who turned out to be a trans.
  2. I prefer clean bottoms. But I have screwed guys on a few occasions who weren't prepared and cleaned out, spur of the moment type fucks. Usually it wasn't too bad, a little clean up afterward. But one time I topped a guy early in the day, around 7:30-8:00 AM. He had just drank several cups of coffee. That did not go well at all, it was horribly gross.
  3. Have a good one guys.
  4. Well, I've done pissed off the political commissars on this forum big time. It all began with a topic I started as a troll of some posters who believed (or at least pretended they believed) that the election of Pres. Trump would lead to much evil. Most here saw what I was doing and some saw the humor in it. It resulted in me being sent to the gulag for three days and being placed on probation for a year. Truthfully, I expected much worse. I do derive a lot of satisfaction in provoking their ire. I have enjoyed this forum a lot. But I cannot and will not tolerate lies designed to drive wedges between segments of our society without speaking out. Identity politics at its worst.
  5. So true!
  6. I have worried that some kind of free speech crackdown is coming. Neither Federal, State or local governments have any right to suppress speech of any kind. You often hear the counter argument that "you can't yell fire in a crowded theater." That is NOT a free speech issue. The crime is causing a public disturbance or inciting a riot or something along those lines. Just because one uses speech to commit the crime does not mean that the speech itself is illegal. People also use speech to plan murders, bank robberies and such. This reminds me of the Satanic Panic of the late 80s and early 90s. They were finding witches and warlocks everywhere. The public finally realized it was nothing more than bored teenagers who had raided daddy's liquor cabinet or mommy's pills or had scored a few doobies somewhere and were hanging out in the cemetary burning incense candles and chanting harmless nonsense. But a lot of people had their lives wrecked or went to prison first.
  7. BootmanLA said Tim Pool told me that the legacy media is drastically cutting their budgets due to declining viewership and readership and are having to lay off staff. Even some of their superstar propagandists are "resigning" such as Chris Wallace and Don the Lemon. Greg Foreman of "Black Conservative Perspective" said the same thing, as did Dr. Steve Turley. I hope your "journalist" friends will be alright. They can always get jobs in agriculture picking tomatoes and other such low skilled labor. I heard it is paying up to 20 bucks an hour. It is hard, backbreaking work and may be considered demeaning by some but others find a lot of job satisfaction in those trades. Just imagine being able to tell your family and friends "I picked 48 crates of 'maters today. That's 2 more than yesterday. Bossman says if I can get up to 75 per day he will give me a dollar an hour raise." 🤩
  8. And you are a snowflake with a serious case of TDS. They haven't yet found a cure for that.
  9. What's that term used by psychologists for folks who project their own behaviors and shortcomings onto others in order to avoid dealing with their own deficiencies? Ah, that's it, PROJECTION!
  10. BootmanLA said Well, that does explain a lot. King Ludd lives! All hail the General Ludd! If you ever drive through rural flyover America and spend some time looking around and getting to know the people you might notice a dearth of "typical American teenagers and young adults." They now live in cities because for a couple of generations they haven't been able to survive there because they have been displaced by "undocumented workers" and the jobs no longer pay enough to support them. Second and third generation people whose ancestors Immigrated here are in the same boat. They also left for the cities (and they also voted heavily for that bad ol' Orange Man). My point is that they are not there where these jobs are, and why should they pack up and head back to the land only to be paid shit wages when they can make as much or more at the local fast food joint. Saying they simply will not do these jobs is still unadulterated bullshit. If it was economically feasible they would. The problem is not them. It is due to Corporate greed (as you seem to understand) and governmental corruption that allows it to happen. I did not say you said anything like that, I said it was not a good long term solution. Claiming I accused you of saying something that I did not accuse you of is a downright horseshit way to argue a point. Then why did you call it demeaning? She sounds like a good mother. Women, may Odinn bless their sometimes overly protective little hearts.
  11. LOL! Cue up Warren Zevon: "I went home with a waitress the way I always do How was I to know she was with the Russians too..."
  12. Damn, that looks absolutely delicious. No doubts about that making this top hard because it already has.
  13. And all you have is calling me a racist. Really?
  14. Yes, I have noticed that about them also. No rational responses like the left is known for, such as those nice ladies behind the 4B movement, or the MATGA fantasies. MATGA stands for Make Aqua Tofana Great Again. It calls for poisoning men with a poison invented by some woman in Italy back around the 1600s. You can't call those ladies fragile snowflakes. You go, girls!
  15. What Democrats did for Kamala's campaign budget they would have done for America.
  16. Wait, I thought the snowflakes were on the left? That's what Tim Pool told me. Now I'm confused.
  17. Nanana, you are one twisted homo and I love you for it. I haven't been following the situation in Germany so have nothing to contribute on that. But I was recently made aware that our own women here in the good ol' USA have gone on a sex strike, something called a 4B movement. That means we are going to have a lot of domestic Nazis entering the market. I can't wait to get my cock in some of those Trump voting bastards sexy Nazi asses. My only fear is that the MATGA ladies will poison them before I can have my way with them. 😟
  18. No! Increases in wages follow inflation. They are an adjustment in response to inflation. But then I suspect you already knew that. 😉
  19. BootmanLA said: And you know those farmers were offering that wage exactly how? Were you there? Or did you get your facts by way of CNN? Those jobs are not all unskilled labor "requiring no education or training whatsoever." I don't know how many farming operations you have been around lately but they no longer use Grandpa's old "Popping Johnny," they are using equipment that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars or more. You don't turn unskilled, untrained labor loose on those machines. For one thing they use a lot of computers in them. Twenty bucks an hour is not at all out of line. Yes, some of the jobs are low skilled grunt labor. Most of the local population who used to do those jobs have moved to cities in search of a higher paying job. There are a lot of factors at work in the job market. Just opening the borders to ever increasing numbers of economic migrants is not a good long term solution. And calling manual labor "demeaning" says more about you than it does them. A few generations back most people's ancestors made their living doing manual labor. That is the problem. I would call your attention to the fact that those jobs paid a living wage within my lifetime. And a cheeseburger at McDonalds was 29 cents.
  20. Hey what do ya expect from us peasants? Many of us can't even read.
  21. I must confess that I was doing a bit of trolling with that. I think most got the joke, a few didn't. Personally I don't think things are going to change all that much, Trump might try but the established power structure is just too entrenched. Indeed there have been periods of sudden decline, sometimes drastic declines. Yes. We have already fought one war over states rights (among other things), hopefully we can avoid another. The checks and balances bit has worked pretty well for over a century. Many, perhaps most, seem to think we just did. For most of my lifetime America has been a great place to live, good economy, social mobility, progress toward racial equality, acceptance of LGBT issues, etc. I would like to see those trends continue.
  22. Barely! While not at Zimbabwean levels it was still painful for working class Americans. And no, we cannot simply go back to former levels. To do so would create a deflationary depression which according to those guys with the big brains is not good. I can sort of understand that, although I am an uneducated old redneck and not an economist. Most people fail to understand exactly what inflation really is. They think it is a deficit that must be repaid. The truth is you pay for it as it happens. A 10% inflation rate means 10% of your income or other assets have just been stolen. Not much to disagree with here. All of that is obvious. I would add that the rich and powerful have gained control of the government, the formerly powerful but now largely irrelevant legacy news and entertainment media, the judicial system, and the education system which they have largely turned into an indoctrination system. A given societal structure can only be stressed so far before it breaks. And once Western Civilization does break things are going to get rather barbaric. As in hangman's nooses, firing squads, and other assorted unruly behavior, even the "blood eagle" may come out to play. I'm not talking about racial conflicts here, it will be more of a mass uprising against a system that is oppressing us all, that is one reason the so called deep state keeps pushing identity politics, they want to keep us divided. Think it can't happen or is unlikely to happen? I hope you are right. But I wouldn't bet on it. Perhaps Trump is the safety valve we needed, a way to release some of the pressure. It is not so much that people won't do those jobs as it is they won't do them for shit wages that they can't exist on. I myself have done those jobs as a young man, both sides of my family grew up doing them. Saying Americans won't do those jobs is bullshit so quit lying about it. Gosh, ya thank? See above.
  23. All this talk about 10 or 11 inch cocks makes me feel downright inadequate as a top but I would sure to give one a BJ. Or fuck some guy missionary style with that monster on display as we fucked. 😍 😍 😍
  24. I've never been fucked through a glory hole but have fucked a lot of other guys through them. And I have sucked tons of dick through them. There is nothing wrong with letting the slut in you out to play. I am not familiar with the gay scene in NM, I have been through the state several times but have never had sex there. But in general about any ABS or adult emporium will have glory holes. So do a lot of rest areas and park bathrooms but a lot of caution should be used in those places due to police. Good luck and have fun.
  25. Back when I first started getting into gay sex I had a GF I was living with who would go for a night out with the girls. She would come home with that delicious aroma of sex on her. Her panties would be soaked. I would greet her with an erection and a kiss while wondering how many dicks had been in her mouth that night. We would immediately head for the bedroom for some very hot love-making. The taste of her pussy loaded with cum was a HUGE turn-on for me. We never talked about it but we both knew the game we were playing. I would also play around on her. There was a guy I was bottoming for and I would come home with a load or two in my ass. After getting fucked by him I would have an intense craving for straight sex and would simply just have to fuck her, maybe subconsciously I was compensating for having gay sex. I didn't spend much time thinking about it, none worrying about it, just enjoying it. This was pre-AIDS.
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