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Everything posted by ktopper

  1. I have been guilty of calling bottoms faggots and bitches. But only after it is clear that they are into that. Otherwise I don't. I also make it clear just how much I enjoy fucking them. I started as a bottom and see no shame in that. Years ago the first guy I ever topped told me in one of our fuck sessions that it mattered not whether you were pitching or catching, you were both playing the same game. Back in the 1970s when I first got into gay sex you would sometimes hear bottoms referred to as "punks." Tops would talk about "making a punk" out of some sexy guy or "punking" him. I think that term came from the prison population and got picked up by some in the gay community. That was one hell of an offensive term. I haven't heard it used in a gay context for decades now.
  2. If enough of them discovered the pleasures of gay sex the problem would be solved. The only thing to divide us would be "top or bottom?" What would unite us is a shared need for sex. A hard dick or a horny ass is pretty much color blind. I have never been fucked by a black guy but have given several of them BJs. And I have fucked several of them. When I am buried in a hot black ass I am not concerned with his race although I am aware of it. But it's not a fetish thing for me, just two gay men doing what we like to do. White bottoms seem to think all black males are tops. I know from experience that is not true.
  3. Yes, I like doing that and get rock hard from it. And that is as a top. Even better if I suck dick before topping. It turns my gay dial all the way up to max. "Women? What's that? Now Excuse me while I enjoy a hot piece of gay ass." LOL
  4. I think I am past the DILF stage. Is there such a thing as a GILF, a grandpa I'd like to fuck?
  5. Yes. That sexy ass is world class for sure.
  6. I voted "clean cut". But truthfully it was a tough choice, it could have easily been femme. Well dressed businessmen types with a bit of a gay vibe always gets my attention. But then so do masculine working class types (like me). Fems also make my dick hard and I have always hooked up with them whenever I got the chance. I reckon I just basically like to fuck guys up the ass. Twinks are not my thing but some of them ARE sexy. I just don't like the idea of accidentally doing one below the age of consent.
  7. It isn't a big issue for me. I like when a bottom does get hard because I think it's sexy but if he doesn't I'm gonna fuck him anyway.
  8. I was 25 and my first time was raw. This was around 1977 and AIDS wasn't yet an issue. I never used condoms with women and saw no reason to use them with guys, after all I didn't have to worry about getting pregnant. My first several years of gay sex were bare, both as a bottom and then as a top. It kind of became imprinted on my libido. A few years into the '80s Aids came along and scared hell out of everyone including me. At first they knew gay men were getting sick and dying but weren't sure why. A lot of crazy theories were circulating, like the one that blamed it on poppers. Another said it was a reaction to a male taking cum inside his body and it was nature's way of punishing degeneracy. They never tackled the obvious question of why married men's wives were also getting it. Then they identified the HIV virus and that, if anything, made the panic worse. Gays dealt with it by using condoms. I hated the damn things but used them. As a top you wouldn't get any without a condom. By the late '90s things were turning around and that lead to pure ass breeding bliss for us tops. I love unloading is some fag's hot sexy ass.
  9. I once worked with several "Nazi" skinheads. The way they talked any gays they encountered were subjected to a Doc Martin boot party. I was several years older than them but they seemed to respect me because I could outwork them and never antagonized them. They also didn't realize I was gay and I wasn't about to advertise that fact to them. I've never had sex with one and never had any desire to do so. I have sometimes wondered if some of them aren't over compensating for something they are keeping repressed.
  10. In situations where quietness is very desirable, such as some public rest rooms, I often don't say a word, no loud growling or anything. The bottom still knows when I'm cumming, I grab his ass and get very physical even sometimes biting him as I cum. Not long after I got married my wife and I were at a nice restaurant and after we ordered I excused myself to go piss. While standing at the urinal a guy walked up to the urinal beside me and started checking me out. I looked at him and we recognized each other from a local ABS/video store where I had fucked him a couple of times. I was instantly hard and motioned for him to follow me into a booth. He had his pants pulled down and I had my dick out within seconds. He lubed my cock and I was inside him in real short order. I was nervous but also very excited and in probably less than a minute slammed into him with my cock buried to the hilt as I came. I cleaned up and arrived back at my table just as the waitress was setting down a basket of dinner rolls. My wife and I had a very pleasant dinner as I looked into her eyes and told her how nice she looked all dressed up and told her how much trouble she was going to be in when we got home.
  11. Yes! As a top I do this. I quietly tell the bottom, usually whispering into his ear as I pull him close, how good his tight faggot ass feels and say shit like "I'm gonna make a girl out of you and make you like it." When I'm getting close I tell him I'm about to breed his hot sexy ass and I announce when I'm starting to cum and say things like "you're gonna be shitting cum for a week." Sometimes a bottom is so into our fuck that he will start to cum also. Not often but memorable when it happens. It's like I am fucking him mentally as well as physically. I think I do a lot of this because I started as a bottom and just do what I liked having done to me. I think I am a natural top but when I first got into gay sex it took me a couple of years to figure that out. During that time I had some very hot encounters as a bottom but I always fantasized about what the top must be feeling when he came in my ass. I'm not loud when topping but I am verbal. It's interesting with fuck buddies at times when I have gotten to know them pretty well. One minute I'm telling him what a hot sexy slut he is and dominating him sexually and 5 minutes later we are talking about cars or guns or bitching about our wives or GFs or whatever.
  12. As a top I don't ever worry about being a "good top." If a bottom isn't into what I'm serving, well bottoms are all over the place and a hell of a lot of them do like it. That's not to say I absolutely don't care about the guy I'm breeding, if it is obvious that he is having a good time I enjoy that and try to make it even better. I am now 71 years of age and pretty much a one shot and I'm done guy. When I was younger and super horny I could cum and then stay in the bottom's ass and stay at least semi hard while we dirty-talked each other and within a few minutes we would be on round 2. Sadly those days are long gone. But mostly I consider bottoms as sexy pieces of ass looking for a load of cum and that is what I deliver. One of the things I like about fuck buddies is that you each learn each others buttons and that can make for fantastic fucking.
  13. Try that with a sugar pine cone.
  14. Yes, me. With both men and women. Natural scenic places make women horny. Good bottom boys are always horny.
  15. How about when a top/tops have pumped you so full it has nowhere else to go except out?
  16. If a guy is really a top fucking is what he lives for. For me half of the thrill is in knowing the bottom wants my cock. Now if I hooked up with a guy who said he was a bottom and then he wanted to fuck me that would piss me off.
  17. I don't know why but there is just something incredibly sexy about a fuckboy in fishnet.
  18. I have talked about my first time in other posts so will stick to the pain factor. I was 25 at the time so not a kid. The guy who broke me in was around 35 and experienced. He was also a nice guy and very attractive so that helped. He knew that I had never done anything gay before. The only lube we used was saliva, his and mine. He used his slicked up fingers to to prep my hole and then I sucked his cock to get it nice and wet. He positioned me on my back and when he first tried to enter me it hurt so he stopped. He told me to relax and push back against him. He kissed me while he pressed into me and there was a slight bit of discomfort until he opened up my anal ring and then sheer bliss as his cock entered balls deep and pressed against my prostate. I didn't know there was such a thing as prostate orgasms at the time but I did know something very enjoyable was happening. We fucked twice before I left to rejoin my GF. I was a little sore the next day, not real painful but just enough to remind me of what I had just done, more erotic than anything. The psychological pain was the worst, I had always considered myself 100% straight until that life changing afternoon. I came to terms with it and knew I wanted more. And it wasn't long before I got more. A trucker I knew sightly fucked me in his sleeper cab which turned into a regular thing. A couple of years later I topped a guy a few years younger than me and that was my path forwards. I do not think I would enjoy topping nearly as much as I do if I had not started as a bottom. In retrospect, my first time taking dick was perfect, a blend of pain and pleasure, with exactly the right guy. If it would have been overly painful, or if he had acted like I was just a disgusting faggot I would have probably turned my back on gay sex forever. What a waste that would have been considering how much I have enjoyed my gay side over the years.
  19. I don't seek out "raunch" but have engaged in activities that could be considered raunchy. Scat is where I draw the line. I reckon I'm more into old fashioned straight gay sex. LOL
  20. Yes sometimes. But not always. Cleanliness is a must. I enjoy hell out of it when I do it. I especially enjoy it if the dude's ass has a load or 10 in it. Then cleanliness and other hangups go out the window, I am going to get a taste of that cum soaked sluts ass. And that fag is definitely going to get another load in his hot ass. Nothing says gay quite like rimming. And I like gay!
  21. Just be open and aware. I'm a top but have also experienced dry spells. The trick is to be aware and ready when an opportunity presents. Sometimes it can be as simple as a phone number in a public bathroom stall. Or a waiter in a restaurant eyeing your bulge or ass for a second or two longer than usual. Dick is out there, as well as lots of gay ass, and they want to breed YOU or get bred by YOU. If you bottom BECOME a slut, mentally, physically, spiritually, tops will pick up on it and if given the chance will soon have their cock up your ass. Good luck.
  22. You are hot. I would love to breed that sexy ass.
  23. Around 11 or 12 years old I began to notice that girls were shaped different. And that wasn't the only difference. Something about them made my dick hard and what little brains I had at that age seemed to get all confused and not work properly when around them. And strangely enough I liked it. I started actually having sex with them at age 15 and became obsessed with them. I was mid twenties before I took my first cock up my ass and that was life changing. In a very good way. A couple of years later I discovered how much I liked topping. Sex without all the silly, giggly BS and no emotional drama to deal with, what's not to like? And most men are better fucks than most women.
  24. If a cock slides through a glory hole it is gonna get sucked. As a top I have fucked Whites, Blacks, Latinos, and have enjoyed them all. I have never had the chance to fuck or suck an Oriental or South Asian. Race does play a part in gay sexual encounters, but more as just another flavor (for lack of a better word) rather than preference.
  25. For me mostly briefs or commando. I like my bottom fuck boys in jocks or thongs but I often remove them so they don't get in the way while I fuck him. A sissy or xdresser in lingerie is guaranteed to get my full attention.
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