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  • Gender
  • Location
    West London
  • Interests
    Bondage, slings, fisting, feet, piss
  • HIV Status
    Neg, Recently Tested
  • Role
  • Porn Experience
    Had a few amateur videos up on Xtube before it went offline.

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  1. This is a great series of experiments. I love methodical processes, especially when combined with sleaze. I hope you get to conduct them one day and share the results with us all.
  2. Me next!!
  3. Bottoms pissing themselves while being fucked. Gets me every time.
  4. Time, practice, poppers, patience and lube. Lots of lube. Enjoy the journey.
  5. Yes, it is. As bottoms we have plenty of tools and methods at our disposal to enable us to take big cocks. It's our own fault if we struggle to take them.
  6. How did you get on? I've been wanting to go there for a while!
  7. I always wear one when in my mates sling. As well as giving the obvious free entry and use of mouth to whatever he wants to put in it, it's also the perfect means for him to shotgun some clouds into me and force me to inhale poppers from the "poppers cup"* via nose AND mouth * A container with an easy open lid that poppers soaked cotton wool balls inside
  8. Yes, I love that aspect of eye contact and kissing in missionary too!
  9. Question for anyone that's stayed at St Giles or Zedwell Piccadilly. Are there safes in the room where valuables can be stored?
  10. I've bought a ticket for next Saturdays session. I've never done anything like this before so I'm hoping that by buying one now I'll be able to convince myself to see it through. I'll wear a white hood (one step at a time), but if anyone here is planning on going I'd love to link up!
  11. Anyone about in London this coming Friday?
  12. Fucking hell I came all over myself reading this.
  13. Beautiful.
  14. Oh wow. I would LOVE that.
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