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  1. Took so long to rescue him he’s probably already knocked up with quadruplets
  2. I wish this situation would happen to me itd be so hot to meet one of my dads friends and they immediately ask if I’m joining their party because he’d love to shove his cock in my ass moments after meeting me
  3. They insult you by insinuating you’d waste your loads in some rubbers
  4. I love all cocks but I certainly prefer when black men use me as a piece of fuckmeat to ram their loads into
  5. God that was fuckin hot wish I could wake up with magoos fist in my boipussy after he stuffed each of the filthy toys in me
  6. I would never choose to leave the village I hope after a long enough time taking all of their enchanted seed the king or shaman breeds me deep and mpregs my boipussy
  7. Wish I could be one of robs little whores put to work to earn more for his stash
  8. Bet he’s gonna run to the hills and try to disappear before he starts to crave the feeling of being full of cum again and takes AJs offer to be his whore
  9. Damn Me too fr
  10. God I wish this would happen to me hope more chapters get written
  11. Damn you were lucky having a job with the bonus of a boss that’s hung and likes to breed some hole sounds like a dream
  12. All skin looks hot in leather but especially dark skin I know it’d be an absolutely dream for me to find a dark skin leather daddy who looks straight out of a Tom of Finland drawing
  13. There’s always enough bars everywhere to find somewhere accepting just as there’s always more exclusive clubs like I don’t think my little pasty white ass would be welcome in a black centric bar in Detroit
  14. Sad this author is gone now we’ll never get his follow up of him being adopted by the sexy grandpa
  15. I know I certainly feel more connected to the tops that have managed to breed straight into my boi womb
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