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Everything posted by phillygwm

  1. I have a very close friend who is "off the boat" Cuban. He emigrated as a child shortly after Castro came to power, bounced around a couple other countries, then landed in the US. He's much more liberal than I am and likes to think that most Latinos share his view because they grew up in a totalitarian regime. Perhaps that was once the case but no longer. For the past ~25 years (generally post-Elian Gonzalez) those once reliable Dems have switched in ever increasing numbers. Maybe because most are now second or third generation, maybe because they were more anti-leftist than anti-totalitarian. Maybe other reasons (religion?) To someone else's point, there are huge differences between Latinos from different countries. I once dated an Argentine who rarely had kind things to say about Puerto Ricans and Dominicans (actually, he thought himself better than pretty much everyone, but I digress.) 🙂 It's really not much different than saying all white Americans vote en bloc. I have little in common with whites in the central part of my own state (Pennsyltucky) let alone Mississippi, Wyoming, etc.
  2. Depends on the circumstances. If the bottom is just a receptacle (i.e. anon,) then I usually like him standing, bent over or doggy style on whatever surface is handy. My objective is to unload and leave. If it's more passionate/one on one, I'll usually do missionary to get him off but I find it difficult to finish that way. Once he's done, assuming I'm trying to finish shortly thereafter, I like him on his stomach, ass slightly elevated. I can finish quickly that way and just collapse on his back in the afterglow, at least until he tells me he can't breathe 🤣
  3. I don't get laid as much as I'd like. Much of that is because I'm picky: I like younger, twink/twunk types, rarely guys my age. I'm a larger, older guy so those guys don't usually go for me. If they do, they want a sugar daddy. When I was younger, I did more anon in bookstores and theaters but I lack the patience for those cat and mouse games at this point of my life (funny, I have a friend who is 80 and he's the opposite: he likes the pursuit more than the conquest.) I need pics, know you're not a flake, etc. And I'm in a suburban area so, while there are guys not terribly far away on the apps, they're the same guys all the time; either they aren't into me or vice versa. I do sometimes have luck when out of town. I kind of wish I could fuck every ass out there but I just can't get hard if I'm not attracted to someone.
  4. Speaking as a top, my highest praise is if I ask you for your number after I've blown my load in you. It's one thing to fuck some hole in a bookstore or bath, but if you're hot, I'll want to meet you one on one. Maybe even learn your name. 🙂
  5. Where are you? I'm sure we'd like to see more of you 🙂
  6. This. I always fantasized about having sex with my brother. The only problem is I don't have a brother. And when I mention fantasy to someone who does, the response is almost always "ewww".
  7. I did this a couple times and it's hot as hell, especially if the bottom loses the mood quickly. It's as close to forced sex as I'll probably get.
  8. I love watching and being watched but only among consenting adults. I wouldn't want some little kid to happen upon me being pleasured in some men's room. When I was young and didn't have a place of my own, I frequently had sex in my car but was trying to avoid getting caught. The most public for me has been in a local porn theater in Philly. Usually, it's a lot of cat and mouse games but on a couple occasions, years ago, I've been sucked and fucked guys there. When you're the one playing, you become everyone's center of attention, which I found hot. I'm not super verbal in a one-on-one situation but remember once maybe 4-5 guys gathered around watching me fuck a guy, which was unusual since it was usually oral stuff going on. I wasn't pulling out but I wanted my audience to know what was happening so I slammed in balls deep and let out a loud grunt 🤣 I pulled out, stepped back, and was cleaning up/pulling up my pants when someone moved in and slid a couple fingers into the guy. I was basking in the afterglow at that point so didn't stick around but, in retrospect, kind of wish I had. I might have put a second load in there once my turn came back up.
  9. I suppose it depends on how you define "older." I'm late 50's. I was an eager top in my 20's, had some medical issues in my 40's, and low T in my 50's. If I'm going to fuck, I prefer to drop a little blue pill which means I have to know I'm going to get laid beforehand. So while I can still top, it doesn't lend itself to spur of the moment encounters. Oral is just easier and often more enjoyable.
  10. I'd like to try something "semi-consensual." In other words, the bottom consents ahead of time. Maybe he knows his drink will be spiked at some point but doesn't otherwise know specifics. He wouldn't know where he is during the act and won't remember it afterward. Of course, I suppose he'd need to have someone he trusted as a wingman in the room to ensure things don't get violent/dangerous....and to let him know what he missed after the fact.
  11. I could never understand this either but for the opposite reason. I'm a non-vers top; I don't get fucked. I can even be dominant if the situation calls for it. But I like playing with my bottom's cock, maybe even sucking/swallowing. I used to hook up with this tiny Latino guy, really small (like 5'4" and, shall we say, proportionate.) But I loved playing with it while I fucked him. He told me that anything that might give him pleasure was off limits so no touching. I was even willing to limit it to stuff that wouldn't get him hard/torture him, like twisting his excess foreskin, playing with his (sensitive) head or whatever. No dice. What he apparently failed to realize was that I wanted to play with him because I enjoyed it, not (primarily) that he would. Certainly, if the bottom wants to get off, I'm more than happy to help but some guys obviously don't, so I was fine making it all about me. I will say, the best submission for me is when the bottom cums before I ever slide it in, especially if he's "game over" at that point. Then his sole purpose is to be my toy and I won't inadvertently please him. I've only done it a couple times (I wrote about the first here) and I find it insanely hot.
  12. It’s funny. I’ve been into guys before I knew what sex was. I remember early grade school — 6 or 7 — and I was trying to see the other boys at the urinal yet I wasn’t particularly curious about seeing girls. As I approached puberty (now knowing the mechanics) I was particularly fixated on how early/late I was compared to others.
  13. I've had this discussion with friends: Would you rather fuck a (pre-bottom surgery) FTM or MTF. I'd strongly prefer FTM, especially if they're more twink than Chaz Bono 🙂 I've never fucked a vagina but, oddly, as I've gotten older I've gotten more heteroflexible. Still 95% gay, but there are times I'd absolutely consider fucking a woman. It would be especially hot to fuck a virgin but at this stage of my life that's unlikely.
  14. For me, it was a hotter fantasy than reality. From a practical standpoint, the inexperienced guys I've been with didn't do a great job of preparing, shall we say. If I had the opportunity today, I'd maybe play with his hole a little (just the tip!) but would be perfectly OK with oral.
  15. Berlin News Agency, on Route 73. I haven't been in many years (it's out of the way for me) but it used to be pretty hot.
  16. I have a lot of fantasies, some of which would be pretty vanilla for many of you. But have you actually fulfilled a fantasy only to realize it wasn't all that enjoyable? I've had a few of those: Fisting -- My first time, though the bottom had been around the block. I got 2/3 up to my elbow...and my arm literally fell asleep 🤣 Then when I pulled out, it was pretty messy. Guess I never thought that far ahead! Then he asked me to fuck him. Talk about a lack of friction! I'd do it again but maybe just to the wrist. DP -- Same bottom, it was me and this very sizable black guy. I kept popping out. Finally, I sat back and watched him breed, then went in for sloppy seconds (which was hot.) MMMF -- I watched the other guys eat her out and fuck her (with condoms.) That was hot, but she was a BIG girl and I just couldn't get aroused enough to get in. I wound up jerking off on her back. I blew when I saw one of the guys withdrawing with a huge load of cum on the end of his condom. But the guys weren't into each other (well I was!) they were just focused on her. They wouldn't even give me the used condoms 😞
  17. Not sure if it's the same thing but I've heard it referred to as a spermatocele. It isn't STI related, AFAIK. Unless it's particularly severe, they don't usually treat it.
  18. I'm not sure I entirely believe guys who say they're only gay for pay. Bi/mostly straight, sure. But someone who is 0% gay wouldn't be able to get hard at the sight of a manhole. Go download some porn of lesbians with giant fake everything and too much makeup and try to jerk off to them eating each other out, if you don't believe me. See how aroused you get. Your cousin has a thing for submissive guys and knows he can make money on it. What's next? You'd better add €200 to your weekly budget. He's going to unload in you until you come back with a positive pregnancy test. 🤣 He might also try to blackmail you but he has more to lose than you do.
  19. You often hear about people, usually survivors of assault, who get triggered by certain things. I had a (female) friend who could not be approached from behind or in her sleep. Anyone else here have similar issues? If so, what's your trigger? What happens if it occurs, whether accidentally or on purpose? Is it something that precludes you from doing certain acts or do you just submit and deal with the flashbacks?
  20. On behalf of all the older, not-so-hot tops out there, thank you 🙂 I frankly don't understand how you do it; if I'm not attracted to someone I simply can't make it work, but I'm thankful you can! I hope I'm not considered outright repugnant but I hope to bless some of you with my seed someday.
  21. Yep, that's what I did. I have a very good FICO score and plenty of credit cards. Occasionally, I'll cancel one I rarely use and pick up another that seems like it would suit me better. I'll unfreeze for a few days then freeze it back. It's a pain but a necessary concession to the world we live in.
  22. Sorry for resurrecting a dead thread but hey, I'm new here 🙂 Nothing wrong with incest between (or among) consenting adults. Many of us have experimented with siblings/cousins when we were younger and, as long as it wasn't forced, there probably isn't much harm. Where it becomes problematic -- and where people tend to get messed up -- is when it's forced or it's adult with child. When you're telling a kid to keep a secret, they'll assume what they're doing has to be wrong and it can be a bit of a mindf---. This is, of course, a generalization. I've read people's posts on here where they said they weren't messed up and that's great. But it doesn't always work out that way. All this being said, one of my biggest unfulfilled fantasies is to be with two biological brothers (or brother sister, maybe) or perhaps a father/legal son.
  23. Sorry, didn't see Iceland in any of the other areas so posting here. I'll be in Reykjavik for a couple days next Summer. Will be with friends doing touristy stuff but would be nice if there are guys interested in extracurriculars.
  24. Culturally, we've all read about ancient Rome and Greece where older men with younger boys were just the way things were done. Presumably, those boys weren't horribly scarred from the experience because it was deemed normal back in the day. Fast forward to today: Sex is dirty, gay sex is still largely considered immoral, and large age gaps between partners are seen as inherently exploitative. Whether that's "right" or "wrong", that's what we're taught as a society and there are ramifications for those who deviate from that. Maybe in another 100 or 1000 years it will be normal again but we're living in 2024. If an older person is having sex with a 12 year old, even if it were made legal, it would still be frowned on by our society. Thus, it would still likely need to be done secretively. If you can't tell people, especially your family, what you're doing, a kid will draw the conclusion that there must be something wrong or "dirty" about it. Knowing that if they were discovered, the kid would be "in trouble "with his parents, that's an awful lot to put on a 12 year old. IMHO, THAT'S what messes people up. It's a much heavier burden than experimenting with the neighbor kid in the basement, not that you'd want to be caught in either scenario. Another issue is one of power imbalance: If you're my coach or mentor, I might feel obligated to put out: I'm not with you because I'm attracted to you, I'm there because I'm afraid you'll cut me from the team, or you won't otherwise help me anymore. The issue is picking an age of consent number. It's going to be somewhat arbitrary, not much different than picking a legal driving, drinking or voting age. Maybe there are some 12 year olds that could handle it. There are likely some 18 year olds that can't. A kid doesn't just wake up with emotional maturity one day, nor does it happen to everyone at the same age. Look at the people on here, for example. Many don't have any regrets about what they did as a young kid. But there are a lot of people out there in similar scenarios who were really screwed up by the experience.
  25. Yep, it happened to me, and the email listed a password I once used that was on the Dark Web. It's all BS but the first time I received the email I did panic a bit. This is the world we live in, for better or worse. I'll probably have free credit monitoring for the rest of my life at the rate my data are being compromised. As paranoid as it sounds, we have to assume someone is watching/reading virtually everything we do. Certainly, that's going to be the case here. Even the FBI just warned people to use encrypted apps, since texts can't be considered secure. As for this board, specifically, I'm new. Are there things I'd change if I were in charge? Sure: I'm frustrated that I only get a few posts a day, for instance. But I broadly understand why the rule exists. And ultimately, he who pays the bills makes the rules. We can make recommendations and I'm sure those are at least read and considered, but knowing the rules, our choice is to stay here recognizing potential risks or to not come back. Since I know my stuff is going to be visible here, I try to take a few precautions (I.e. not using my primary email account.) If I ever did something seriously illegal -- and sorry, I'm just not that exciting -- I certainly wouldn't post about it here....or anywhere. Many years ago, I had a friend of a friend was arrested (and did time) for downloading pics he shouldn't have. I'm sure he didn't bother using a VPN, he may have even used his credit card on the site. He was older (this was 20+ years ago, I believe he's dead now) and not a techie, so I'm sure he didn't consider that stuff gets tracked.
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