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Everything posted by DNG999

  1. This is a good one, cock twitching in anticipation of the next chapter.
  2. New top breeder last night. Instead of my usual chat as an introduction I was more direct. Found a guy online, 5 mins away. Messaged him ‘I want you to fuck me’. Sufficed to say, it worked, 5 mins later I was round his flat sucking his cock, 30 mins later I had an arse full of cum!
  3. Not a fetish as such but I only go for same age or older. A nice pig bear.
  4. I’m not very verbal, become self conscious, so it’s not for me. Noise is good though, but I’m more of a grunter. 🐷
  5. Hot! Story! Thank you for sharing
  6. At an estimate, about 50. I was a late starter who always had to arrange meets in advance due to my circumstances at home. 50 is a real achievement. Do I get a t-shirt?!
  7. Yes, but it was acquired. The first time I nearly kept out of my skin as I didn’t know he still had a mouthful. I didn’t like it, but over time I started to enjoy it.
  8. I had a pretty average scores throughout . Guess I’m not too extreme either way. 😞
  9. I would love to retire to a small fishing village in Cornwall. Somewhere quiet and secluded.
  10. Love your approach with his story. A nice change. X
  11. Either the head fully in my mouth or the shaft down my throat. It’s pretty sexy consuming all that cum without having to swallow.
  12. @boo19701970 Always open to connect
  13. Really liking this story, you build on it well, keeping my interest firm.
  14. Not done it before. I like a connection, plenty of kissing, body contact, areas and cock play. That’s a big part of my enjoyment. Blindfolded is too disconnected.…. unless some dom top wants to prove me wrong 😉
  15. I just finished reading this story, and I have to say, I’m thoroughly impressed. The writing was beautifully crafted, with vivid descriptions that made every scene come alive in my mind. Each detail was so well placed that I could clearly picture the setting, the characters, and the emotions they were experiencing.
  16. When I started out I would get fucked for the fucking. In most cases guys would use protection that that’s what it was pure and simple, safe sex. I did have a regular who fucked me bare for years but never came in me, something to do with leaking out when I returned home. Again fucking for the fucking. Roll on a few years and I eventually talked my regular into cumming in me. He loved it and I loved it even more. It was then I became addicted to fucking for the cum. Bareback is king, once tasted, forever part of me.
  17. Read this one earlier whilst travelling. A horny, well written companion for my travels 🙂
  18. So hot! Was reading on the train. Glad I had a table in from of my otherwise the guy opposite would have definitely got the wrong idea!
  19. I’ve played with both. No preference.
  20. On my Bucket / Fucket List. Would so love a sexy massage with a happy ending. Any Berkshire guys want to work me over?!
  21. DNG999

    On Safe Spaces

    I once attended a course where I gave a presentation. At the end, the course lead told me that judging by my performance she was surprised that people were still awake! Not very nice but on listening back I was inclined to agree, I was talking at speed and very, very monotone. A lesson was learned, slow down and add tone. Bingo! No one sleeps in my presentations now!
  22. My first top had just separated from his husband. I think he was just missing the normality of a steady relationship so all he really wanted was someone to emulate that. I was in a straight relationship so could never fulfil this role.The sex was great, he taught and trained me well, so I always came back for more but he also became possessive and controlling. That’s what ended it after 15 odd years. I think at the end of the day all he wanted from me, other than sex, was affection and companionship.
  23. Great story. Think you made the right choice.
  24. Follow your heart and sexual urges. Don’t follow perceived convention. I knew I was Bi with a stronger leaning to guys. But I went the other way. Wish I had the nerve and conviction to do what was right for me. Instead I’m in a shitty complicated situation.
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