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pozsewerpig last won the day on April 16 2023

pozsewerpig had the most liked content!

About pozsewerpig

  • Birthday 10/01/1968

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests
    Bareback, sharing cum, piss, and blood.
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom
  • Background
    I am now an AIDS pig. My mind is a cesspool that is now matched by my physical condition. The older I get, the more I unhinged I get.
  • Porn Experience
    Record whatever you want and share/post it anywhere you want.
  • Looking For
    Risky, wet, and messy sessions.

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  • Adam4Adam Profile Name

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  • Website URL
    [think before following links] [think before following links] [think before following links] [think before following links] [think before following links] https://twitter.com/barebmale
  • Telegram User Name

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  1. I'm in a tattoo phase. Getting more and more vulgar with them.
  2. Welcome. What a hot hole you have!🐷👿☣️
  3. I'm adding more ink this week!
  4. We need to do that!!!
  5. I agree with others that stated if you have to ask others, the answer is no.
  6. This was amazing!
  7. WOW! That ink is absolutely astounding!
  8. I don't see how it would be possible to keep being poz from a spouse/partner unless you are basically already leading separate lives. In addition to hiding meds and insurance, there's the doctor appointments and regular testing. And hopefully you never have an emergency health issue where she may find your status while you are incapacitated. That would be an incredible amount of stress to bear wondering when your secret could be revealed.
  9. Everyone will react differently, but 1-2 months off of meds probably will result in having a VL high enough to be toxic.
  10. I'd be up for a forced tattoo as well. Or a brand.
  11. In a jail cell with a guard. I was working as a clerk and had been flirting with a guard for a while. We went down to an unused cell block so I could get a "tour" and had some fun.
  12. I know I'm in love. That is so fucking hot.
  13. [think before following links] https://www.zerohedge.com/political/first-cases-hiv-transmitted-through-cosmetic-needles-identified-cdc?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR1E5mG8BVf2tx2DVUFnQVkd2sHa7S0eFSZbtywG-gKV1IlwvBu3uX-noz8_aem_ATyjHS1TDrcb43EgIhhZ4_wzmv1vhHED4uTRGe3imge36dpOedg2aJdS4VE39vxmiAPpgDWJlI6APdNfGN-OhWzH I'd be interested to see what the inside of this place looked like.
  14. Has anyone been able to use this site in the last two years? I have the same issue the original poster had with it: signing up with no confirmation link sent. I've also tried emailing their contact address for help but have gotten no response back. There is a copyright 2024 notice at the bottom of its home page. Anyone?
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