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Everything posted by hardnow

  1. As always hot story writing!
  2. Hot and filthy as hell
  3. Every chapter a new surprise for shooting a load! Will there be a return of the boy from part 1?
  4. It's getting better and better. And the best as usual is this casual and random fucking. I squirted twice while reading this part.
  5. Eager waiting for the next chapter
  6. I love your stories!
  7. Can't wait for more! As always, the casual part is the hottest part!
  8. it was worth waiting so long.
  9. I've just reread the story! What a hot filthy dirty blast!
  10. Best sequel start ever!
  11. We want more!
  12. A new chapter would be nice
  13. Hot conclusion or will we get more?
  14. nice happyend
  15. Hot Story and excellent jerk-off material! Hope there will be more soon!
  16. Will there be a sequel?
  17. Perfect new chapter. Again well written and so filthy. Wonder if he had now seen the man who popped his cherry.
  18. What a well written new chapter. I like every detail of the filthy encounters. It seems that we will meet his first daddy again. I hope that there will be a lot of new chapters. Thank you
  19. I'm glad to hear that it will be continued.
  20. Please more! One of the best written stories need a sequel!!
  21. What a hot and filthy story and very well written! Love it! Please more!
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