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Everything posted by boycunt

  1. i can think of no good reason for using a condom. But then, on the other hand, it is a sin to let perfectly good cum go to waste. So, while i don't go looking for them, of course, whenever i see a used condom i just have to suck the cum out of it.
  2. Don't we all luv chocolate
  3. Yesterday, a FB invited me to His place. He was giving a party for a bunch of His buds to watch the Jets/Lions football game on His big screen TV (a whole bunch of New Yorkers). i don't get to see much of the game, as it quickly became clear that i was invited to shuttle between the kitchen and the TV room bringing the guys beers and snacks. Also, to make sure one of the guys needed to leave the TV room when they had to piss, which was fairly frequently. While i've never really followed NFL football too closely, i never realized how erotic and sexually stimulating a football game apparently can be. (Maybe its the tight pants football players wear.) The guys watching the game developed a pretty constant need to fuck while the game was going on, and i was lucky enough to be there when that need arose. Eight guys gave me 11 loads (plus two i ate) in the course of the game. i think the Jets won (although i never really got much of a chance to actually watch the game). Never really been a football fan, but i'm beginning to regret all the games i didn't see. i could get into this game (as long as the guys who are into the game are into me.)
  4. i certainly can agree that a 13 year old KNOWS exactly what sex is and what his role is.
  5. i agree with NCPOZTOP -- there's no need to wait. Think of all the cum that gets wasted by waiting.
  6. Dude, you got to get past this! Taking loads, eating ass, having the guys at a party line up to seed your cunt -- Man! That's paradise on Earth. You got an awesome, joyous life in store for you once you get past this inhibition. i had the advantage of starting really young, and so by the time i was smart enough to have inhibitions, i was long past that. G'luck dude.
  7. priapus, dude, i just don't understand how a boy could EVER lose interest. From my point of view, not only "the more guys the better" but also, "the more loads the better." i've been to parties where sometimes the same dudes come back for three-beats, and when they invite me to the party the nest weekend, i'm more than grateful for their repeat loads.
  8. Even though i'm not Jewish, i still think that's an appropriate age to be able to consent
  9. Jewish boys become "men" at age 13. i think that's an appropriate age
  10. Everyone else in my family thinks sex is for procreation only.
  11. Variety is the spice of life. The key is that there be a lot of them.
  12. Ah, ChubBreeder, some boys have ALL the luck. Why can't i ever hook up with a Man like You? With me, it seems its more like a parade of guys, dropping their loads and moving on. (Not that i'm complaining). my last load (well, my last five loads) were at a party last night. One in the living room, two in the bedroom, one on the pool deck, and one in the pool.
  13. Man, i wish i was a David Archuletta look-alike.
  14. Thanks for the encouraging message bro. i DO have morals. i also have an itch that cannot be scratched; a need that cannot be satisfied; a lust that never will be satiated. What i DON'T have is inhibitions. Cum rules my life; the pursuit of cock is my driving force.

  15. When i started taking cock in high school, i just didn't know any better. By the time i became aware of the risks, getting fucked raw was so ingrained and so natural that sex with a condom was just unsatisfying. And yes, RawTop, bareback bloggers certainly reinforce my desire for raw sex.
  16. my family's "religion" was bigotry.
  17. That's because European men see sex as a natural and beautiful act. Here in the US, we carry a whole lot of societal baggage around and we've somehow managed to make sex an unnatural, dirty thing. Maybe that's the thing about darkrooms. We leave our societal inhibitions at the door.
  18. A MONTH ago!! Phxoral, how do you do that??!!?? i can't go a day without a load. A month!!! i'd just about die.
  19. Last night, under the Venice Beach Pier.
  20. For me, every day is commando day. Maybe that's why i'm horny as hell every day.
  21. It's a turn off because it's artificial sex. i probably was fucked hundreds of times before i ever saw a condom. That was my freshman year in college, and i was totally put off by the idea. First, i couldn't even imagine why a Top would want to use one. Then, i got angry; like he was trying to get his rocks off while denying me the load. Seemed kind of one-sided to me. One-sided in an emotionally unhealthy way.
  22. me too. Wish i was in NYC; takin' that A Train.
  23. txz: "grocery stores"!!!???!! You are totally a hot shit!
  24. Hog Bear, Sir: i agree Berlin is totally hot, but i have to say, on my one trip to the European hot spots, Madrid had to be the best for raw and sleazy sex.
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