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Everything posted by GreenChaser

  1. That being said, I wonder what you would have to say to the men on here who boast about the number of guys they know to have converted from taking their loads.
  2. POINTBTTMKC Thank you so much for a sobering post on this fantasy site. I think many ppl here forget that the point of this was really to relate to the want of bb sex. I am sorry that you have experienced loss because of your decisions, but like all decisions it brings us to our paths through life. Like you said, those ppl who used to be your friends showed their true colors, and anyone who really cared for you should have been there for you. I am also sorry that the meds developed for hiv treatment often have negative side effects. I am glad that you are in good health, and am glad you were willing to stand up and try to give an idea that some chasers and barebackers don't know what they are doing.
  3. Um, I have never heard complaints that smoking pot gives one raunchy spooch. Smoking too much tobacco does change the tasted of a load, as does eating a lot of meat, drinking harsh liqours and similar activities may all affect the taste of cum. A person's body chemistry is a complex thing, and to blame the end of your "hott time" on a guy smoking pot is a little ignorant. Did you ever think maybe the guy had an infection of some sort or maybe just doesn't hydrate enough? Maybe the dude should eat some salad or raw veggies.
  4. nice vids dude- way to take a load.
  5. ... u threaten legal action then thank rawTop.... get some fucking help.
  6. go to the "how do i change my screen name?" thread and request your name to be changed.....
  7. I don't understand why there is a thread here. rawTop said that the PROFILES WILL NOT BE DELETED FOR REASONS INCLUDING THE TIME IT WOULD TAKE THE MODERATORS TO DEAL WITH THE CUMMERS AND THE GOERS AND IT COULD MAKE SOME OF THE THREADS HARD TO FOLLOW.... why are people still asking for their profiles to be deleted? If you don't want to be on here change your profile details so noone will know who you are- leave the profiles blank or fill it with bugchaser-hater opinions; whatever, then simply never log back onto the site.
  8. hott session dude! thank you for sharing. the btm is a dream. perfect btm with a great cock and awesome smile.
  9. i consider myself an active member- i would totally pimp a breedingzone shirt.
  10. I personally am loud either as a top or a btm, and like my partner to be the same. I like a btm who begs for cum like i do when i btm, and when i top i like to get into lots of breeding talk and most of the neg safe sex only btms i've bred have all ended up begging to get knocked up with my dirty load (neg here- read my stories lol).
  11. this btm can take a punch! - respect
  12. indeed- one fucking hott fuck
  13. video it and post it for us to watch.
  14. Great spinoff!!! looking foward to continuing.
  15. i agree, drilling another guy's cum in a raw hole before adding my own is a major turn on.
  16. i got a weird email from member jeffwalker in manhattan saying he was on skype if i was interested. i have never used or mentioned skype once in all the time i have been a member.... i don't know who this guy is but his profile is empty.
  17. i post on such sites as 'anything goes' when a guy who has 'safe sex only' hits on me i point oiut that i want to breed their hole, and only i would say 1/5 acutally stick to their want of a condom. i have not worn a condom in years.
  18. nice story. blew my load over it.
  19. can i ask a simple question?: why did you not post this in the bugchaser area? why did you post it in the FICTION area??
  20. Thanks guys, i always wanted this to happen to me in real life, but fiction is just as fun
  21. I would say it has happened maybe 3 of 4 times that i had a btm on his back and while i was giving hime a good fucking he shot his load all over himself without he or i touching his cock... always awesome to see the look on his face as he blows from the internal orgasm that grips his body that i gave him. I would say I have shot maybe twice from being fucked without touching myself.
  22. This is sick... disturbed... dark... and fiction. I love it.
  23. same here, i would rather not have my location viewable.
  24. i dont think i would have given so much, why didnt you?
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