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Everything posted by GreenChaser

  1. Smallest: When i was 17 i drove like 4 or 5 hours out into the boonies of colorado to meet up with a guy who i had been talking to online for a couple of months. We had exchanged pictures and i remember thinking his cock looked average sized like mine. When i got there i was wearing my dad's army jacket from 'nam, a wife beater, jeans that were a too baggy and a dirty Rockies hat pulled backward. ok, sorry, long story short the guy was a lot older than his pics led to believe. he got me drunk on tequila and we eventually got naked. when i put his dick in my mouth i realized it couldn't be longer 3inches- and that is being generous... i couldn't stop myself in the teenage drunken state from laughing at it. i put my dick next to his and it was drawfed. i said something like: "we know who the real man is now" and proceded to fuck his ass full of teenage cum for the next 20 hours. he kept me fed, boozed, and full of weed. i kept him full of cock to the best of my ability. i often called his hole a cunt and pussy and even did call his cock a clit @ one point which got him off, while my dick was in my(first time for me there). Largest: flash foward 2 years. I'm 19 and have been a total slut for the past two years. I was walking into a bathhouse in denver after a night of dancing with Molly at one of the local clubs. As I was paying my locker fee two guys came in behind me- one maybe 25-30 the other MUCH older. they both stank of booze and the younger could hardly stand and the older was kinda holding him up. they were making out while i was grabbing my towel and the older winked at me as i stepped through the security door. Maybe an hour later i'm in the room built so there are 3 platforms with holes in the walls so those on the lower levels could suck the cock of those above while they watched the porn playing. i was on the middle level enjoying a decent bj from a FAT FAT guy in his early 20s when i noticed that pair enter the top level. the younger guy was obviously trashed and the older guy moved him to the wall and told him to watch the movie as he pulled his towel from him and pushed his drunken cock through the gh. it was a monster and wasn't even hard. the older guy winked at me again and motioned his head for me to come over. i began feeling impressive cock and i would see the older guys hand through gh as it began to finger the younger guy. the huge cock instantly sprand to life in my hand and before i knew it, it had grown to be @least 11inches long and so thick i couldn't touch my thumb to middle finger. i tried to suck it but knew i wasn't doing that great at taking it into my mouth. before i knew it the older guy was fucking the young while i sucked to the best of my ability. The older said stuff like "you're mine now" "spray your new load m'boy, its ok" soon the btm sprayed into the back of my throat. In retrospect, i think that the older guy was a poz daddy and the younger was a recent convert... hind sight 20/20 maybe...
  2. The reason behind this is: when realizing that telling us that we needed to use condoms wasn't working, the focus was put on the load itself instead of the fuck, so now teens are told that they should use condoms to avoid getting pregnant and diseases, but if you should find yourself having raw sex then you should make sure the load is not shot in the body for the best chances of avoidance.... Every time i have gone to get the hiv test the counselor always sits me down for a chat while awaiting the quick test result. they ask the usual questions and i tell them upfront that i am a bi bb vers top and that will not change, and they usually resolve the issue that by telling me that by pulling out and having my partners do the same i will better increase chances of safety- and i then look 'em in the eye and say: "to be frank; if my cock goes in- it will finish inside, and if i have a cock in my body i would be robbed if it didn't unload in me." once i was being tested by a cute guy i could tell was new to the job and as gay as a handbasket. the buzzer went off almost right after i said this like it was had been planned- neg. he dropped his pants and i fucked him right there on the desk.
  3. would have rathered a new chapter than a repost.
  4. Indeed thank you for posting the link. Seeing the interviews with him & his mom, and hearing that the school had no grounds to suspend him makes my blood boil. why did the school not take action against the kids who were hazing the boi for his adult decisions? Why is the school not protecting his rights as an indavidual student of public education to the right of a safe learning environment? This young man of the age of 18 made decisions with the intent of "helping his family" just like a kid who takes up a job bagging groceries or delivering pappers. he did a job to help the family. When some of the students began exchanging info about him at school that is when the school schould have stepped in to protect this young man's rights. not punish him for being a victim. I would like to hear from the sources that say he threatened to bring weapons to the school, as this is a serious claim. he denies it and we have no reason to mistrust since he has been open so far. Though, to be fair hearing from those sorces & investigating the claim is important. If the reason he was suspended was because of the threat of weapons than there is an understandable concern. If the reason was simply because that his choice in line of work didn't agree with 100% of the student population's or faculty's beliefs, then he deserves restitution.
  5. Help: for some reason i suddenly don't have the option to email people- my friends and non friends alike. Suddenly one day i clicked onto someone's profile with the intent on emailing them, and the option was not there. I clicked onto a friend's profile and wanted to email them, but there is no option for it. why?
  6. well said. if he knew beforehand which to my recollection he did, then he deserves whatever the law is going to deal him. if he didn't know, then there is a margin for debate. if he btms just simply never asked, then they should be responsible for their owne decisions.
  7. we are an adnormality in the community. str8s think we are gay and gays think we are str8.... all we can do is keep on fucking.
  8. My story is similar- I knew from an EARLY age that I am bisexual and have never been shy to say so. Throughout my teens and 20s i have had several "straight" friends who just wanted the experience. They fall under the catagory of those confused and wanting to experiment. There was one guy in high school who was my best friend's boy friend who very often would smoke a bowl & let me suck him off. we did this several times. my friend ( his girlfriend ) knew but she took the opininon that we were our own people and couldn't stop us from doing what we wanted. one night a couple of years ago while hyped up on some speedy drugs she and another dude went to take a shower and her boyfriend climbed on my cock and rode it raw till i busted in his guts. he is straight in that he has never done anything with another guy but me, and that was the only time we fucked.
  9. the rest of his vids are hott too: http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=9oPFu-G851-
  10. i want to point out that on his profile the one who started this thread has requested to be removed and deleted frm the site... after over 300 posts he decided that he wanted to remove himself.....what a fucking puts! slut! Flake!
  11. Thank you for posting this
  12. be a bb slut, take all the cum u want, but ur gf deserves to know what u r doing & make her own desition! If you infected her with something you would be directly responsible. you have so many options and your gf deserves the same!
  13. fucking hott 2 part set up story dude.
  14. all well said, thanks for your honesty and truthfulness.
  15. so, some ppl can not disclose? i'm way confused.
  16. Completely wrong dude. more than once i ended a night because the guy was not prepared to btm. gross- a little dirtiness is one thing, and understandable thing, but there is a limit. I have never gone so far as to request a guy give himself an enima, but like i said if it was bad enough i am not shy to say so. i'm awhere that there are guys into that kind of dirty play but i am not among them.
  17. i like ending B- it leaves it open for more convertions.
  18. This is this first baitbus that i have ever seen with bb fucking. i have been watcing this guy for years with his public fucking series and his bait bus viddeos but they have ALL had a condom show up when the time came to get down to some cock throwdown- this is the first time that i have ever seen the top in ove of this guy's videos not have a condom- so excited that i had to share http://www.manhub.com/watch/22388/intense-gay-fucking-in-a-bus/
  19. fieldpussy: its great that you were able to connect to ur son both early on and over this weekend in personal, open and honest ways-something i was never able to do with my father before he died. I'm sure as a father ur proud that ur seed is enjoying himself and is being enjoyed by other hott people. Being in his 20's he obviously knows about the risks of bb sex and has trust in his bf- or if he indeed took anom loads this weekend he doesn't care about the risk- either way: he knows about the rsks. Knowing that ur son is taking cum into his body is hott. the next visit you should again have a night of drinks & u should share your interests and see where that takes the night- since he has always been open with you he deserves the same.
  20. In the rare time that i btm i usually keep the load in me as long as possible- otherwise i push it out and use it as lube to return the favor to my buddy.
  21. Yeah, in many states there are laws that treat a poz top fucking a neg btm without talking about status as attempted murder with a deadly weapon, some states even treat sex between poz tops and knowledgable neg partners as the same. it all depends on what you're area has on the books, and the state is obligated to give you detailed explanations of those laws. despite most of this site's fictions and such, most states take transmition as serious business.
  22. This is a hott video- didn't watch the entire thing, maybe fifteen minutes. the older top has a nice wedding ring.
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