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Everything posted by GreenChaser

  1. i agree with everything here. i was part of an open relationship that was based on honesty and trust. when i found out that i was not being told everything; jealously, regret, and fear started to damage what was. we had sat down early on & discussed what we expected of ourselves and the other, and i thought we had a clear agreement. He obviously felt differently when he decided to start talking to an xboyfriend of his that we had agreed YEARS beforehand was to be off limits for a variety of reasons. i knew something was up and offered many chances for him to tell me what was going on free and clear, & he denied it all. then one night weeks later it all came out, and i admit my jealousy was the end of the relationship- but had he been honest with me from the start things could have been different. open relationships are dangerous... but my personal view of sexuality as a bi male says that it is more or less our nature, but we have to be human enough to be responsiblen & not hurt those we love.
  2. i agree, hott start up. why no part 2?
  3. i want videos with poz talk...
  4. hott video dude wish we could have seen u unload in him
  5. there is a GIANT difference between a poz guy fucking a dude who doesn't ask about status and a poz guy going out of his way to infect someone who has made it clear that they wish to practice safe sex!
  6. Fucking Shocking!!!! Amazing, Discusting, HOtt!
  7. respect! When i read the that section of the original i thought retribution would be had. i eagerly await to read the next part- they can still be in highschool & be of legal age
  8. i agree with ur definition too!
  9. i quoted your controbution directly because i directly disagree that stealthy is about risk. as a neg top who bbs i have to deal with btms who insist on using condoms just as much as poz tops who are asked to use them. i am not saying that i go out of my way to make sure my raw dick gets in their hole (in fact i have never fucked a guy with a condom or fucked a guy who wanted to use a condom- period) but i do tend to lean towards evenings with guys i know i'd have a better chance of injecting my dna into. in the case of stealthing; though: if a guy (poz or neg) is a top and finds a way to get his raw dick inside of and shoot his cum inside a hole that wanted to be cum free, then that guys is a stealther- by MY definition.
  10. No, i was not pointing you out there bro, i was refering to the rhetorical situation the thread is based on in that he says he would do what he can to make sure the rhetorical btm in question is stealthed. and i agree the great thing about this site is that we can share our opinions on the matter. and your right we don't all need to agree and that is why i said i am no athority on the subject, just a guy who likes to fuck a raw hole.
  11. ok, i agree and disagree with parts of this thread. I dissagree with this, in that stealthing is stealthing, weather its putting someone at RISK or not. Stealthing is shooting cum inside a btm who thinks he is protected. if the cum is poz or not is irrelivant, 'cause us negs stealth btms just as much as poz guys do.now is stealthing right? i dont think my opinion can realy be an athority, but i agree with rawTOP that there is a big different between medicated and unmedicated poz cum in a btm. in the case of a condom natzi bogarting the fuck bench: someone should tell him to give someone else a chance, to share like good little boys and whores do, and it isn't your place as a bystander (not the btm and not even the top in the scenario) to make the decition for someone else... if the top decides on his own to do what he wants with his dick that is his business, and the btm is responsible for protecting his own hole...
  12. were it my bf, i'd be pissed as hell at him and the top since it isn't: hott
  13. I wrote a story and posted in the str8/bisexual fiction section because the story has sex with both men and women, but since the story is focused on breeding and bugchasing/gifting, i was wondering if i could get it moved to the bugchasing fiction section.
  14. what kind of rash? just irritated skin or blisters?
  15. I can't wait for part 3
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