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Everything posted by easyjim

  1. So true, i think that there will be a spike in BB Sex among us. Expeshally among ```The Safe Sex Crowd`` from being couped up from this virus. They will be so happy to see there friends & loved ones they will be over welmed with emotion. They will throw caution to the wind & BareBack where they would have used a condom. My mom was a Health nurse with the Health Dept. where I grew up. She would bring us home bags of condoms to use. Every time I had sex i would use a condom maybe 1 out of 10 times back then. Now people who r use to sociallizing more than ever can`t will be like that. Where they would have taken the time to put on a condom before sex will let passion rule & do it BareBack.
  2. As a guy who is now 60 yrs young I get where u r coming from. I have always been so atracted to dark rooms for that same reason. I have been to several of them & have yet to be attacked violemtly so far. The thought of being attacked in the way u describe is dangerious but yet so exciting. In any case u do take your chances in places like that. The excitemrnt of not knowing who u r having sex with is a huge turn on for me. I do mot always play it safe. That is what is so apealing to those places. I have been man handled by younger & older men in there a few times. Nothing so violent so far. Do i practice unsafe sex, YES. Have done so for over 40 plus yrs. I am POZ &when i am places like thatI do let them know. For me I receive so much more attention. For most men who go to dark rooms tgat is the excitement living on the edge of u might be attacked of in my sase HIV. U could also catch other std`s that I think r worse to deal with in life.
  3. With the way things being so uncertain out there, being social, issues about your job, school, weather u will have enuff money to weather the storm which is only going to get worse for a while before getting better. I think we will see a big spike in HIV cases. People will have been couped up for so long who r not use to it. We r a generation of on the go not made to be stagnant. People will be do happy to socialize they will let there guard down & take the chances they would not normally would have..
  4. I hope every one had a great holiday. I hope to be on here more now that the holidays r behind us.

  5. easyjim


    I have used sounding rods on my rod so many times I have lost count. It was painful in the beginning & after I used the rods it hurt to piss sometimes. But the more I used them the less the pain until now I have no pain when sounding. I have sounded so much I can get my little finger all the way in my urethra. I am working on being able to take my biggest fingers in my urethra. Clean up is easy. I also have the strongest cum sessions I have ever had.
  6. Wanted to say hi

    1. Pigforpoz


      Hey Jim,


  7. I do not get the message either that the site is not secure. Wow, I do hope it has not changed,. How was your weekend?
  8. I have been pissed on by 8 guys at once at a gang bang party I loved every time they did this I swallowed lots of piss to in that party
  9. U r so right If I have my ass up in the air being a bottom, then I would expect a top to mount me & drill my hole as hard as he wants. I am offering up my hole & I have sucked guys to get hard first but it is so much hotter not knowing the size of the tops cock u r about to take & stretch that man pussy hole of mine
  10. Just do it & u will be a lot happier U will not half to worry about if u r poz or not. I barebacked for yrs & finally got converted about 5 yrs ago roughly. I am a lot happier now. I have been taking poz loads & enjoying it.
  11. I am slowly castrating myself. I have been banding hard for the last several yrs. My right nut is finally dead. Now I am working on the left one. Becoming a eunuch is my ultimate goal. I have one nut banded in the pic.
  12. Sorry I have been away for so long.

    I am back now

    Looking for hooks now

  13. that would be hot to find a doctor that would help u get pregnant even more.
  14. Hey i live in pendelton county.I do travekl to lexington quite a good bit also.I am a guy who loves cum in my holes.i am open & honest.I have been searching for a poz top for a while also.it has been a while since I have hooked up with a guy.i am definately intrested in getting to no u.Would love to hook up with u...

  15. I see that in myself to.i to no that i will get hiv for sure & eventually it will go to aids.i no that with my love for sex 7 my sexual behavior that will happen. But like u I am not scared of it.Nervious maybe but not scared.But i work out more to & do try to eat right.i to have good insureance for now. so we will see....
  16. i can definately agree with u about that.i have lived a while longer but young or older i think that we all love life a little bit more.
  17. hi there robro. I no that i will eventually get there also.hoping to this week
  18. Definately , u half to no the risks & i have for sometime what those risks are.i think that i have put that fear behind me & just wait for the day when my blood work comes back poz.
  19. how have u been .am up for getting nailed & a seed planted in my tight willing ass. hoping this weekend..

  20. Hi Miko, Thanks for the inquery.There are times that I do worry about aids & dying a slow death. I am at an age now where that does dot sound so scary as it did 20 yrs ago.I no that every one will die sometime.Death is a part of life & I have done alot of soul searching these last 3 yrs. I worry about HIV as well.With medical advances coming not everyday but still breaking through to help ease or erase deseases there is always hope.But i am not going to change my habits now.i no that life is short but i entend to make the most of it & to have fun everyday till I can't anymore. Not having aids or hiv I can not fully understand what it is to live with it everyday but I no that I will adapt just like others have.Living the lifestyle that I do I no that eventually I will get one of them.I am not the type of guy to wait in suspense wondering not if but when.Now I am open & honest about it letting others no about me. I no that I am not even a newbie yet not having either Aids or HIV.I will cross that road when it finally happens.I will seek out other who have it & listen to there advice on how they deal with it day in & day out. Take care...Jim
  21. You are close to me also.Neg versatle bottom looking to get breed finally.I am looking for toxic loads to take.Hope that you can help...Jim

  22. Hi there,

    Just wanted to say hi.Been a while since we have chatted.Anything new & exciting happening with you?I am still looking to get pozed up.

  23. Just wanted to say hi & to see how you are getting along.Been a while since we chatted.

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