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Everything posted by kpig

  1. honestly my attitude was if i was on all fours with my ass in the air it was fair game for anybody in the general vacinity
  2. shorts with a jockstrap on underneath,i always felt a bottom should never take a load with his pants on
  3. if you have a criteria then that means you will in fact refuse a load if the criteria is not met,hence you are not a no loads refused bottom
  4. my beef ( pun intended ) was with the word submissive if a top lets you take control its because thats what he wants you to do so in essence you the bottom are still being submissive
  5. wouldn't that just be a versatile bottom?
  6. you are both correct.and i would add that i think leather has gone the way of harley davidson, it used to be the leather scene was only the guys that lived the life full time they usually made their own gear or knew a leather smith to make gear for them so it wasn't as commercial as it is now they belonged to organized clubs that had rules and bylaws so it was a tight knit community.now much like harley davidson because of the great expense envolved leather has become sort of a status symbol and lots of very well off guys inhabit the scene that aren't really as hardcore
  7. from what i've seen its usually tops that have "mild to wild" in their profile and i always just assumed they're casting a large net to attract all types and expand their pool of prospective partners.I tend to avoid them because to me its the old jack of all trades master of none syndrome, and the bar for what i consider to be wild is pretty damn high. its a personalty thing and you can't be both if you ain't wild right out of the gate you ain't wild.but thats just my opinion
  8. it can be really fun in a way that many tops might not understand.once had a good friend that was bottom also and we used to take turns whoring each other out one week i'd whore him out and a couple weeks later he'd whore me out .this was back before the internet so it started out at bathouses which was the easiest. but before long it turned into a hot competition to see which one of us could one up the other by getting the bottom being whored out to say "oh no fucking way" so to make a long story short pure numbers alone wasn't enough to get either one of us to balk so it turned into some really crazy times that nearly got us both arrested several ocassions
  9. i didn't start barebacking to prove something to myself,its more of an attitude thing. mother nature pretty much nailed the sex thing perfectly when she designed it back in the day when we were unthinking primal creatures then we started thinking about it and screwed it all up, if you going to have multiple partners then sex isn't going to be safe and the thought of someone slipping on an ultra thin layer of latex and thinking he was protected is absurd to the point of being commical to me
  10. i think putting "others at risk" is a flimsy argument aimed at barebackers in an effort to isolate us from the norms of society.people put other people at risk during the course of their everyday activities without so much of a thought about it.distracted or just stupid driving would be the most common example
  11. jack hammer pile driver big gun
  12. guess i'm from the old school,bottoms don't hunt we coyly set ourselves up as unsuspecting prey for tops on the prowl
  13. what you say you want isn't really a master -slave relationship.honestly what you describe is something most people are not capable of doing normally, switching from loving and caring to abusive and violent at the drop of a hat. don't want to pee on your parade and hate to say it but that type of thing is the hallmark of an unstable person and is not a fun thing to live with
  14. AlwaysOpen...well i guess its true that when all the planets align just right for the crazy ones the sex is great
  15. AlwaysOpen... is he a leather top? because it sounds like he is starting you out on slave training
  16. some head shops sell israelie made gas masks.the army navy surplus stores use to sell gas mask i know the one here in hollywood still does
  17. kpig

    would love to service you

  18. he is acting like a woman acts when shes been jilted. i always thought one of the great things about being gay was you could have sex without having to suffer that buulshit
  19. rufftrade sells them i believe they ship but they're on the expensive side
  20. what are these standards of which you speak?
  21. when a rude bitch bottom blocks you before you can respond you could use my ass to take it out on ;-p
  22. its not like you can decide to take a fist for the one you love then go out an do it on the first try, at least 99% of people won't be able to. even if you have a well worn fuck hole it can take quite a while,it took me almost a year of consistant training until i was able to get comfortably and safely fist fucked
  23. men are hard wired by nature with the desire to pound their load as deep as possible into a hole
  24. its been a long time since a top has been able to give me some discomfort let alone pain while fucking me,if i meet a top who really enjoys giving a little pain to a bottom while fucking i suggest they should approch fucking my hole with the itent of driving my head through the wall
  25. never heard it called that kind of like that name better though. its alot different than regular fucking. once the tops balls are inside its not the piston stroke, i guess you can hurt your balls doing that its more like trying to bust a bucking bronco
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