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Everything posted by kpig

  1. yeah it really sounds like you're thinking and worrying way to much
  2. i'm a bottom and i've always despised bottoms who ask a top to pull out,its a chickenshit way of absolving themselves from responsibility and shifting it to the top.its an easy decision if you let the top put it in raw just take the load if you don't want the load then play "safe"
  3. i wouldn't use people ignoring you online as a measuring stick of attractiveness.you said lately so i assume you've had people attrcted to you online before i'd say you just hit a dryspell
  4. you should never use pain killers or other enhancements when first getting fisted,ever. if the pain gets so extreme you can't take it anymore you need to stop or you can seriously damage yourself and your fucking days may be over that pain is your stop sign you don't want to deaden it.now once you can be fisted without pain then then decide if you want to use the enhancements or not
  5. think it would be hotter if you lost the hung and hot clause for him and you.you would not be sure what he's sending your way and it would be much hotter for him seeing who you'll take and where you draw the line.i mean after all what bottom wouldn't let a string of hot and hung guys fuck him
  6. yeah 100% right about asking first kind of kills it
  7. its human nature to organize,improve upon, amend and tinker with the meaning of things until it no longer resembles what it was to begin with.no loads refused is one of the simplest and easy to understand sexual practices there is.when your doing it the word no or not interested isn't in your vocabulary.and i'll go even furthur and say if your tired and worn out covered in cum and piss and alls you want to do is go home shower and go to bed but there are still cocks waiting to be serviced you stay until the work is done.and as big of a slut as i've been in the day i can't say i was a no loads refused bottom because i didn't meet that criteria,simple.
  8. i'd say quit thinking about it so much, don't worry about the bottom that creates performance anxiety. don't get to involved with technics( create your own ) if its a good true bottom than it should be one of the very few things in life where you can feel its all about you and not feel guilty aqbout it.relax,and enjoy yourself
  9. nicehard1 has it right but with the veggies avoid crucifious types as they can give you lots of gas
  10. the 22 year old kpig
  11. lots of good advice,i would add that you will get caught eventually having sex with other people behind your boyfriends back and when that happens the pain, anger and sorrow it will cause will make you wish you had just talked to him about the problem to begin with
  12. kpig


    but i'd like to add a caveat to my previous statement the porn i did was right when the aids epedemic blew up and if anyone remembers the porn from those days it took a huge turn away from raunchy,lots of mutual jacking off and condoms
  13. yeah, enjoy it, i was the same way the only time i experienced any pain was the first time someone tried fisting me and compared to the discription of pain from other fisting bottoms i've talked to mine seemed minimal. some people can just unconciously relax the spchinter muscles to open up i've thought about it over the years and concocted a strange theory its probably some long dormant female gene that allows you to open up that it present in some males,hey it works for me.
  14. kpig


    I did one back in the 80's and it was the most hellishly boring and unsexual process for not much money i've ever been through
  15. as far as being ashamed goes when i was in my early 20's i was the biggest slut whore that ever got down on all four ( i like to think ) but in every other aspect of my life i would have been described as pretty damn manly ( was an apprentice iron worker ) even by hetro sexual men but instead of being ashamed i got ironic enjoyment secretly knowing that people would be shocked and disgusted if they really knew what this classic example of american manhood did in his free time.and with cruising thing its my opinion that when you start placing all sorts of rules and requirements on it that removes what makes it hot,there has to be some element of danger to that type of thing
  16. no disrespect intended but i don't get being fucked while unconcious...now gettig fucked unconcious is a whole different story
  17. as a bottom i always thought it was like the brass ring on the old merry go arounds as soon as the top gets it close enough to my hole i try grabbing it
  18. i get fisted but never have been double fucked but i like to assume at least two
  19. with a yard stick
  20. your cock is fine,and i like to say you can make 7 inches feel like 9 inches in the way you use it
  21. "why can't a top figure out what a bottom wants or needs?" you're missing the whole point of being a bottom. i don't want a top trying to figure out anything when fucking except what makes his cock feel good. when will people figure out what men knew eons ago? the hottest sex is when you put your brain in park and just let nature take the wheel.
  22. i look at her and listen to her and think she'll get whats due the day her husband gets caught giving blowjobs in the local park and her perfect little world comes crashing down on her
  23. i love guys who think you have to be some kind of idiot to bareback but think placing their full confidence in a micro-thin thin layer of latex produced by a over worked wage slave doing the quailty conntrol at a sweatshop in china is being smart and responsible
  24. once while getting gangbanged i accidently tore the tag off the mattress
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