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Everything posted by kpig

  1. cocks are lube launchers
  2. i've been fisted for hours at times,generally a top starts out slowly and works my hole opens ( which doesn't take long ) once open the intensity goes way up and ends in punch fucking
  3. for me baggering a top to set up a gangbang for you and then having a creiteria completely ruins what makes it hot to begin with.it should be the tops idea to have one and as a bottom you take any cock he gets to walk through the door regardless of looks or anything else.
  4. what do you have against ferrets?
  5. its one of the hotest things.my ass was used as the urinal at a gangbang once
  6. i think it has to do with your number of comments,threads started and overall activety on this website
  7. Caution open manhole
  8. having lived in las vegas for more years than i care to admit, it is anything but a good town for sleazy raw sex and honestly when i left it wasn't even a good town to be a gay man in
  9. excuse me homosexuals and porn stars are sexual deviants? maybe if it was 1950
  10. I'd also ad that the taste of a mans cum has alot to do with different things such as diet,somker or non smoker alcohol etc
  11. I agree with the posters here who say if you don't want to do something than don't do it, but it sounds like you do want to so here is my advice.Your taste buds are all on your tongue so if you don't like the taste when the top is about to cum swallow his cock all the way and the majority of the cum gets shot down your throat where there are no taste buds
  12. just a word of caution though wearing a red one might end up with a top trying to put his fist up your ass but that wasn't a problem for me :-)
  13. i agree with the others here about a jockstrap is the best way,taking it a little furthur i would always wear a red one to let tops know i wasn't just there to pose and was available to anyone who wanted it
  14. get out and get on with your life as soon as he finds out you're fucking other bottoms he just might start singing a different tune.the std comment was designed to hurt and was probably bs
  15. i guess it depends on what geographic area you were from.i came of age in the silverlake and hollywood area of los angeles when the punk rock scene first exploded and i can tell you first hand it was sodom and gamorrah with better drugs.with acceptence of the gay community also comes a higher standard behavior. i have no doubt that a vast majority of the modern gay community would read this fine super hot blog and be appalled.
  16. yeah i think before the gay community started becoming more mainstream the sex was more no holds barred
  17. yeah but i've found that a lot of men don't find that extra socket worth the expense or trouble they have to go through to get it,18 years of child support payments have never popped out of my sockets
  18. let the top drink the beer get drunk then fill your ass full of beer piss is the hottest way though
  19. it ain't a waste of beer it gets you drunk as fuck.but yeah any cheap domestic beer will do the trick,using a fine brew like Sierra Nevada seems extreme
  20. it depends if its a cumdump or large gangbang its cocks anything else its men
  21. for me interracial in porn was never a racial thing i just loved the visual contrast of black and white so it never mattered who was topping and who was the bottom.but i think originally when interracial porn first started to appear there was a reluctence to show black guys getting fucked by white guys because of this countries past
  22. the camera guy is the answer and really the biggest problem i've seen in home made porn is lighting anybody in film porn or mainstream will tell you proper lighting is everything
  23. yeah you can't release the video for sale without a models release,and although i never been to a cumunion party i've seen the videos and i imagine they don't just film randomly the guys are selected from the party for certain attributes and then filmed
  24. 70's gay porn was raunchy because it was seen only in bookstores and adult theartes then in the 80's they shifted and tried to make it more "artistic" in order to bring it more inline with the gay communties effort to become mainstream and the adnvent of home video i myself who did some porn in that age believe that gay porn should always be bareback and raunchy
  25. when i was 17 i went into an adult bookstore ( they really didn't care much for checking id's back then) got my tokens went into a booth that had gay porn on and saw a guy get fucked and that was all it took i knew i had to be that guy on all fours
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