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Everything posted by pigpozdad

  1. Neg+Prep is turning out to be Neg + Rubber
  2. havocdmn.tumblr.com
  3. i came close to banging the nurse-tech at my first HIV exam in 1997. It was in a basement clinic. He wanted it, but i didnt have any time left; had to get home for the boi, who was waiting at home
  4. Usually i keep it in check with Lysine, other measures. I have to stay away from chocolate, because L-Arginine seems to increase its duration
  5. Ive had herp since I was 22, so I guess it's too late. Have both HSV-1 and HSV-2. My new doctor told me after a routine physical and I just smiled and said "I knew that" So my next question is: can some guy with a herp outbreak carry it to my ass while he rims me?
  6. Tell him that you're a cum collector and gonna get pozzed. Ask him to join you on this journey. Get him on your side and get pozzed together
  7. great hearing that you got syph for the 5th time. i remember 4 years ago when you started using the name AIDSWHORE. you just need it and cant go low enough. good piggy, we always need aids recepticles and i'm glad you never wanna stop till u r reinfected over n over

  8. Yeahhh, Im glad to hear that Crew Club steamroom is back as a breeding space. I dropped a few loads into several asses there several years back; i had heard that they had banned open fucking; hope its hot again
  9. Get two profiles on BBRT: i neg/Dont Know and the other poz, then compare; just use diff name and diff browsers
  10. Contamination and contact
  11. I hate: "be fresh and washed". Who wants to smell soap or body wash? And if you're a true pg and get used, you shd smell like several guys' cum already
  12. You just need more practice. Hey, my friend who was a bartender told me long ago: if it's not working, then just roll over and get dressed and get out of there. Someday, you may refine your skillset to include S&M Start to cruise recon.com for ideas
  13. Your hard-on is mental, so just think of your mommy giving you an enema in your ass -- concentrate just on the anal sensation --- and you dont wanna get hard for your mother, do you?
  14. yes, and the documentation is a used condom???? ha --- always fuck raw, always be verbal about what you've got
  15. Glad you decided to get pozzed, but why would you want to wear a condom? Guys will lie and say that you pozzed them raw
  16. you are addicted to cock n cum already; you need a top pig like me

  17. cool piggy. how often do you chem up. Im also les_evil on nastykinkpigs

  18. Tell your son that he can have his friend sleep over at your house. Maybe sit both of them down for a few drinks. Somehow tell your son that you'll be happy if he gets bred and pregnant
  19. I watch for bttms who are getting fkd. Then i ask if the guy came raw. If not i wait till later.
  20. sounds hot, but youre so far away

  21. i think rimming is totally neutral: neither top, nor bttm. It's just a fetish
  22. It's HSV = Herpes Simplex Virus, and can be HSV-1 or HSV-2
  23. Wow. U really are hot now. Summer is over so i wont go to AP for a while

  24. @Breedmedeep: I went to the WED Hard Drive at Paddles, had fun, but then Hunteur told me not to return --- i guess he got jealous that I didnt dick him in the back. He had invited me online (BBRT) several times, so when i had a free WED, then i went. I had fun fucking. One guy (I think he was Russian) was intent on getting my dick, so he sat me down and rode it hard and he came really fast -- it was late and time to go home. Id say the guys were great but the promoter is feh. I asked F------ who goes to Hunteurs and to JOC why Hunteur acted like that. he said he wants the dicks for himself
  25. try growler . com for hookups I like big boys who make their own ass juice
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