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Everything posted by Cutbarebacker

  1. Late at 14 but could dry cum from age 12.
  2. barebackr
  3. I like a mixture of both, from slow, building up faster and faster to powerslammming me until i'm bred.
  4. Hi, Can you please delete my album too, as I no longer have any use for it. Thanks
  5. Yes, two I went to school with, one of which I used to sleep with.
  6. Bottoms do as they are told, period!
  7. Great looking profile lad!

  8. Totally agree, people need to take responsibility for their own actions. The kid knew what he was getting into.
  9. Hope it was with nice young fit lads!
  10. Currently ay 20,000, CD4 only 353
  11. Read your posts, your awesome!

  12. Think its gr8 your refusing to take meds, I wouldn't if asked too.

  13. thanks for add, hope to chat soon

  14. yeah, that sure is weird

  15. thanks, yours looks gr8 too

  16. It might simply be a fissure (tear) in your arse, quite common really. If your really worried go to your GP and get checked out.
  17. I drive it home.
  18. I was 12 with a friend from school, I was hooked and started to cruise for loads.
  19. Awesome story
  20. The right age, is the age a person wants to get fucked at.
  21. thanks, ur arse looks nice

  22. I'm with Poztony, I don't believe in limits myself.
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