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Everything posted by viking8x6

  1. That is not the protocol that was tested in the French study. It is, however, a completely logical extension of that protocol, and there is no logical reason to believe that it would work any less well. It simply hasn't been proven to work (i.e. in a study subject to statistical verification).
  2. If you are planning on taking fists bare (as opposed to with gloves), then you should definitely consider PrEP. Hangnails are a fact of life, and without a barrier, would allow blood/blood contact between a fisting top with a hangnail and the fisting bottom. I actually know someone who (back in the 90s when viral loads were less well-controlled on average than they are now) acquired HIV through a hangnail on his own hand when it came in contact with HIV+ blood that he was helping to clean up after a nipple piercing bleed. Or so he claims.
  3. Just curious: how is one HIV positive "in [anyone's] opinion"? I think @chrisbb most likely meant, "I'm HIV positive and in my opinion it has no bearing on my sex life."
  4. Because it's the most recent information they have? It does, at least, provide some proxy for risk, in that the amount of time is presumably correlated with the number of encounters via which they might have changed status. Alternatively, when they posted it, it was recent... and then they forgot all about it. I do that one myself, often.
  5. True as far as depth is concerned, but not necessarily with regard to girth. The average anus is way tighter than the average vagina. After all, the vagina is actually evolved to pass a baby. Note that the anuses of BZ members are unlikely to be representative...
  6. Moderator's Note: The original poster has asked that this post be withdrawn. I am locking the topic so the existing replies can be preserved.
  7. Condoms in my ass feel terrible. "Female condoms" in my ass feel even worse.
  8. If he rimmed you and you had anal gonorrhea, you could have given him oral gonorrhea. Anal gonorrhea often has no symptoms. So you might have it and not know. But he only said "might have". If he's like you and me, he played with a bunch of guys between tests and only found out when he tested. Then he had to let *everyone* know they might have been the one. He was doing the polite and appropriate thing and letting you know that you might have been tagged, so be aware of that and test if appropriate.
  9. So I'm visiting my BF in the big city, where there are actually more than the same 10 faces on the cruising apps. This creates interesting opportunities... I was out walking Friday for exercise, and idly scoping Sniffies while playing an online game. A nice clean-cut looking guy hit me up, asking if I wanted a blowjob. Now, I didn't particularly, as I'm not big on those, much more of a flip fucking kind of guy. But I was in a frisky mood, and his profile said he was into fucking and getting fucked, bare, so I continued the conversation as I walked in his general direction. He was fairly persistent - said he worked at a school nearby and had a private office where we could play, and nobody was around. Which was basically likely to be true, because school has been closing early every afternoon all week here, due to excessive heat. So I'm gradually getting closer, and I am thinking to myself, "what the hell" - it was the naughtiness of the idea as much as anything that I found intriguing... Next thing I know I'm messaging him "I'm here" and he pops out the front door of the (large, blocky, old-style) school building and lets me in. With a nod to the janitor saying he'll lock up. And takes me upstairs to his. Private. Office. Which is... (wait for it)... The Principal's Office. Because he is, apparently, the Principal. WTAF. Complete with wedding ring. Yup. And I call him a "naughty boy". And he's swapping tongue with me and massaging my crotch, and has me sit down in a chair where he gives me a fairly serviceable blowjob. Of course I talk nasty to him about how much I want to breed his ass (he objects, saying he just took a dump and isn't clean). So I just go with the fantasy and feed him my load. And he escorts me back to the door and I'm on my way to finishing my walk and getting to (remote) work. So now I can say I've been taken to the Principal's Office for being naughty. Yup. We sure were!! You cannot make this stuff up. I have to wonder how long he's been at this and whether his wife knows. Or the rest of the staff...
  10. There are a very small number of documented cases (about half a dozen) where even with good compliance, PrEP failed to protect during sex. The chances of this happening are so small that it has never been possible to measure them accurately in any of the studies that have ever been done on PrEP. This possibility does not constitute any kind of a good reason not to use PrEP as prevention for HIV.
  11. It is very unlikely that this would happen. The same medication that is treating your own HIV effectively serves as PrEP against any possible superinfection. There isn't a lot of good data on this, because it's actually fairly hard to study (and there's not a lot of money in it for the drug companies, of course). I did find this quote from a 2005 article that's somewhat helpful: https://academic.oup.com/jid/article/192/3/438/834693?login=false
  12. This is not actually surprising. Before antiseptics and antibiotics, the hygiene instructions in Leviticus were pretty much the gold standard in public health. If you are not a biblical literalist, you might reasonably conclude that it was actually written for that purpose. Presumably, they hadn't tried this themselves. Or they would know that's a really silly idea. Been there, tried that (it was his idea). Yecch.
  13. That's the database error I was talking about. @rawTOP knows about it and will fix it when he can. Sorry I can't be more helpful.
  14. There are plenty of stories both here and in the Bugchasing Fiction forum https://breeding.zone/forum/7-bug-chasing-amp-gift-giving-fiction/ that meet that description. Try using the Search function (just within these forums) to spot the specific sort of thing you want. Here are a couple of links: https://breeding.zone/topic/80271-straight-dennis-turned-into-a-true-tina-pos-cumdump/?do=findComment&comment=854255 https://breeding.zone/topic/36489-unprepared-for-stealthing/#comments https://breeding.zone/topic/16830-my-first-poz-cock-seduced-with-chems-and-trained-to-surrender-my-neg-hole-part-1/#comments https://breeding.zone/topic/77882-finding-love/#comments
  15. For those of you who had problems with chat during the migration, it has now been migrated and is once again partially working. That means you will likely be able to connect, but some people may get database errors instead. You definitely will have to refresh the page to refresh the messages.
  16. The moderators of this site don't have the ability to delete any accounts. As explained many many times earlier in this topic, only the site Admin can do that. Given that we cannot help you directly, of course we will ask for your patience. What else can we do? The site admin makes a small amount of money from the advertising on the site. No one benefits from your presence or your content in any way other than that. This is explained in the right sidebar on the main page. Actually, we don't need or want your attention. Please do stop posting and responding if you don't want to be here. It's a colossal waste of our time and energy. <<<abusive comments redacted>>>
  17. This is because the chat site has not yet been moved to the new servers. It will not work until that is complete. Per @rawTOP's post earlier in this topic:
  18. I seem to be getting email notifications normally. Haven't noticed whether any were missing.
  19. I'm under no illusions whatsoever that either of the major parties is going to "work with [me]". They are, as parties, clearly firmly in the pockets of the capitalist machine. Unfortunately they are also thoroughly entrenched, and barring revolution that essentially disenfranchises all the other parties and viewpoints. I'm much less worried about which Democrats get into office than about which Republicans do. Though I'll make an exception in Joe Manchin's case (which is the one reason I'd consider switching back to Democratic registration). But my comment is less concerned with who gets into office in the long run, and more about influencing the public dialog.
  20. It's pretty well non-existent here (and in my target destination) as well - for reasons of density and closeting. Yep. The family issue is one of the main reasons I'm not looking (ironically) in your area LOL. Quality of life there is quite lovely in my book (apart from the sex thing).
  21. I'm not actually moving (nor selecting my destination) for political reasons, y'know. I imagine few people do that, though more LGBTQ+ people than others, I guess. The plan is to move to a rather red region in a blue state (rural PA, not too far from where I am now). The actual reasons have to do with relationship and taxes. Though truly, my current apartment has some serious drawbacks too.
  22. I didn't say I wasn't happy. Every location has its limitations. That said, I am planning to move. Not sure whether it will happen before 2024 - the real estate market in the target area sucks right now.
  23. Being stuck in a red state, my only significant power in the upcoming Presidential election is likely to be my primary vote. So I have some interest in what goes on with the Republican debates and candidates. Furthermore, what happens with those debates is going to influence the post-primary campaign, because it will telegraph to the Republicans how far right they can go and not alienate the silent centrist majority. That could be pretty important to how things go down in November '24. I really want to make sure that the marginally sane candidates (i.e. not Trump and Ramaswamy) have a significant voice in those debates. The RNC (bless their black flabby little hearts) apparently don't want that - viz their qualification rules (including a couple of oaths) for the debates. I urge all of you, especially those in red states, to donate a little (a dollar is fine) to Chris Christie and Will Hurd, and to answer any polls that cover Republican turf with one of those names.
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