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Everything posted by viking8x6

  1. I'll answer the second question first: So do I! In particular, searching for multiple word strings often produces unpredictable and less-than-useful results. Quotes are supposed to work, but they don't seem to do so (or don't consistently). I generally resort to thinking creatively about what words might necessarily show up in the posts I'm looking for. In a pinch, the total size of the database is small enough that, except for things that show up everywhere, it's usually possible to scroll through all of the results to find what I'm looking for. To find non-pozzing stealth, just look in the specific forum where it should be put. Things are organized around here (or at least we try to keep them that way). If you start a search when you're viewing a specific forum, the search normally defaults to searching only within that forum (to the right of the search box, it should say "This Forum", not "Everywhere". Try searching for "stealth" in General Discussion (for discussions), in General Bareback Sex Stories (for fiction), or in Your Last Load (for non-fiction experiences).
  2. Hot writing. Though Mr. Sanchez seems to have no morals whatsoever. Hmmm... that gives me an idea for a story of my own 😈
  3. Excellent. And your description of Matt had me leaking instantly... I have a weakness for heavy dark beards and blue eyes 🙂
  4. OK, let me make this clear: If someone reports a post just because it's "not their cup of tea" and the moderator reviews it and there's nothing wrong with it according to the rules, you will not get any penalty. If you are afraid you might be posting something in the wrong place, or something that isn't allowed anywhere, you can read the rules and find out. Start here: https://breeding.zone/topic/12285-read-this-before-you-post/ If you post something and then realize that you goofed up and there's a problem with it, you can report it yourself and you will not get any penalty. All that said, the thing you wanted to post here (that was just below the post I'm replying to) was against the rules, because it had drugs and poz fetish in it, so it belonged in the Backroom. There are topics there for that sort of thing. Look and you will find them. I moved your post there.
  5. Um. So very NOT hairy. I mean... they don't shave (except their faces), but that's because they don't HAVE to - nothing to shave (or see) there!
  6. It's broken right now. @rawTOP is working on it. Be patient.
  7. Had an unexpected quickie this afternoon. A hot twunk chatted me up this morning and said he'd be coming thru my town and seemed interested. Traded pics and all. I said I might be around but had a few things to do so I might be busy. Fast forward to 5pm when I got home from my errand to find a message from him just 10 minutes earlier that said he'd be coming through soon (a bit sooner than he originally expected). Half an hour later he was at my door. Very tasty little guy, shaven chest & belly (not my favorite) but dusting of hair on his ass. Gym body with nice flat muscle slabs and tan. He said he didn't kiss (too bad) but was enthusiastic about other things. We dropped trou and he went to town on my dick, which responded very nicely... and he got pretty happy once he saw the size of it. Size queen with daddy issues, uh-huh! So after he worked my shaft for a while, he hopped up on the bed and I blew him a bit, then worked my way down to his balls. And under them... And it wasn't long before he was lifting his legs so I could tongue his extremely pretty, tight, pink little hole. He was moaning in no time, so I lubed him up (no mention of condoms - yay!). And plowed him nice and deep. He was very into it, and it didn't take long before I was close. He wanted me to pull out and shoot on his chest. I said "you sure?" because I really wanted to fill him up, but he was the nervous nelly type. So I kept going until I was right on the edge, and then pulled my (already leaking a substantial amount of cum 😈) dick and shot all over his chest. Whereupon he shot all over it, too. 20 minutes, tops. Oink! He apologized sheepishly afterwards about not taking my load because he worries about disease, so I pointed out to him that his chances of getting tagged weren't that high but if he was going to get fucked he should be on PrEP. What do they teach kids these days?
  8. Belated follow up on this, as I had not been keeping up with the story (which is excellent IMO!): I think having a FTM character in this story is fun, and adds an interesting bit of spice. For the record, the character is technically male (unless my understanding of trans basics is way wrong, but I've played with a trans man in real life, so I doubt that). As you have drawn them, they are a trans male using they/them pronouns. Also for the record, it is explicitly OK to post FTM stuff in the main (and Backroom) forums here (with the exception that a lot of pictures of "lady parts" are discouraged). Trans feminine and CD people have their own forum. If you have concerns over people having negative reactions if they are surprised by it in a story, it is appropriate to add a warning at the top of the story or episode (if you don't mind creating a tiny bit of a spoiler). If you want to do that retroactively, report the post in question yourself and specify the changes in the text of the report, and a moderator will take care of it for you.
  9. David-SF in the gloves... one of my all-time favorites. 💓 Love his verbal! I so want to go to PS and do him.
  10. Just looked at your pics. You have NOTHING to be ashamed of. You are plenty sexy. Don't let all those porn actors, movie stars, content makers, and AIs distort your sense of self-worth.
  11. In what benighted corner of the globe is that?!? Testing for syphilis was certainly standard practice 25 years ago where I was. Very sorry to hear this awful story. In your shoes, I seriously would talk to a lawyer about a malpractice suit.
  12. Indeed, so would I! If we ever have the chance to do that together, you're on 😈
  13. But think of the advertising potential! Better than a storefront in Amsterdam!
  14. Thanks, @ErosWired, for such a thoughtful and insightful response. 💓
  15. I used to think that. I am no longer so sure. Part of this is informed by having moved to West Virginia about 6 years ago. I'm in a rather liberal small town (for WV), but I have literally been verbally heckled in derogatory gay slurs by teenagers here, and I'm not particularly gay acting or appearing. Mind you, these are people young enough to be my grandchildren. The vitriol that has been spread so thickly by the ultra-right (authoritarians, fundamentalist Christians, and aggressively intolerant homophobic types) in the last decade, and has been amplified by the media and by social media, has the potential to do real damage. Don't forget that we (and our predecessors, to whom fervent thanks) changed societal mores by spreading our message. They can do the same.
  16. I'd call those "artificial insemination vids"
  17. Thanks more for excellent and nuanced discussion! Upon some reflection, I have to concede that I agree with a good portion of what you say here. The devil (and the quibble) may be in the details. I would certainly not characterize myself as "aggressive" (though my very insistence on arguing the point may undermine me here LOL), but definitely "self-possessed" (to an extreme), "competitive", and "a leader" - it's not clear to me whether that constitutes "dominant". Yes, I'm choosing nuance and sensitivity, but importantly that is by inclination - I find "dominance" in the sense of "domineering" or "bossy" to be actively distasteful to me. Pity I don't find twinks more attractive, as I agree, they (and other naturally submissive people) probably do feel submissive to me (submissive bear cubs I could probably enjoy a bit). But in the bedroom, I find a "doormat" level of submission to be incredibly boring - I really don't want to do all the work. Plus, I really like getting fucked, and between the endowment and the, er, natural dominance, that can be hard to come by.
  18. The ideal is "zero" (which they typically report as "non-reactive") but not everyone can get back down to that. Depends on how much of an immune response their individual body has created. Hence the need for a baseline if you've ever been exposed before. The way the scale works is actually really simple: They test your blood serum against some stuff (an extract of ox heart, no lie) that causes a visible reaction if there's an immune response in it (that has been caused by damage to the body from syphilis or a number of other organisms). If so, that's "reactive". Then they dilute the serum and test it again and see if it still reacts. The maximum amount they can dilute it by and still see a reaction is the "titer" that they report on the test. Obviously, the more antibodies you body is making, the more they can dilute it and get a reaction, so the higher the number.
  19. I completely agree that the exchange of ideas is what makes it fun. Definitely am enjoying this discussion. I agree that humans are a tribal/social species, and that a key part of that is the power dynamic (not really true of other animals as far as I understand - some are, some aren't). It's the idea that the power dynamic and specifically a dominant/submissive or leader/follower interaction is necessarily central to this that rings false to me. I completely agree that the social structures of civilization are largely focused on those specific interactions. But individuals interact with those in a great many ways, and some of those are in direct contrast to that dom/sub paradigm. Consider all of the people (not coincidentally, many of whom are POC) who are trapped in the role of the subjugated, but whose individual nature is either dominant or merely independent. Or consider people like myself, who from society's viewpoint would fall into the "leader" role (intelligent, highly educated, middle class, does things like earning advanced degrees and starting businesses), but by natural inclination don't give a rat's ass about leading anyone, because that seems like a chore. Hence my statement that my personal experience doesn't match your assertion. When I engage in (recreational) sex, my goal is to make it a cooperative endeavor that pleasures both parties, and my actions reflect that. This requires being sensitive to the other people's responses and assessing (and addressing) their enjoyment (so they're clearly not "beta", unless they get off on that). On the other hand, it's entirely my choice and decision, so I'm clearly not "beta" either. Q.E.D.
  20. @Lucienblack88 wrote: You have a version on Satanic truth that works for you. I would say nature itself is contradictory to this as everything has hierarchy. I have very different life experiences to your beliefs even through the simple lens of some are alphas some are betas and beta fags submit to alphas. Some in the gay Satanic realm (and Christianity) do include race in this hierarchy was my point. This is a new topic continuing the above discussion of Alpha/Beta dynamics in another thread where it was tangential to the subject. You can find the full conversation here:
  21. I guess that's a downside of socialized medicine. Over here in the states, on the other hand, we just have to sell a kidney to pay for it...
  22. This is incorrect. I have got STIs as a top many times from people who were completely asymptomatic (or certainly who appeared to be - I have no way of knowing whether their ass was itching).
  23. Only time will do that. The RPR test measures antibodies to a specific type of proteins your body makes, which are released when the syphilis bacterium damages body cells and then the body mounts an immune response to its own protein. Like any type of immunity, the antibodies can remain in your blood for quite some time, and the immune system can even keep producing them (some people do, some people don't). The way medical testing handles repeat cases of syphilis is that the number after you've been treated is taken as a baseline, and an increase of fourfold from that baseline indicates reinfection. It's very much not ideal (I had to deal with this recently, and it's still not entirely clear whether I've contracted it again or it's a residual number - they changed the testing protocol on me and I literally cannot tell from the results).
  24. Three days is about the right amount of time for resistance testing. It seems quite possible to me that the clinic contacted the lab directly and requested that (though the lab could have done it on their own - some testing codes are specified as "reflex..." which requires further testing if the initial one is positive).
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