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Posts posted by viking8x6

  1. On 6/11/2022 at 4:31 PM, PozUpMN said:

    does indeed seem to be coming out of his cock

    "seem to be" is the operative phrase here. It is clearly faked. How isn't clear, because it's a well-done fake.

    One possibility is that he has a PA piercing (without a ring in) and has a small tube run through the hole from below, except in the last little bit where I suspect the tube is behind his dick (a couple of the spurts in that position look like they are coming from behind it).

  2. 27 minutes ago, gayplace said:

    OK, I'll try my best. I want to be active here as it seems limits are few

    I suggest you read through some of the discussion topics in the General Discussion forum and see if you have an interesting personal response to them. That's a pretty easy thing to do, and revealing some of your personal character and experiences is often a good way to get other people to respond to what you say.

  3. On 6/10/2022 at 5:24 PM, BootmanLA said:

    one section for Bugchasing (discussion forum, fiction/story forum) and one section for Druggies (discussion forum, fiction/story forum) - so that members can opt to block one or the other without blocking both.

    I believe this is the way the subforums within the Backroom already work. You can ask @rawTOP to block your access to Bugchasing content, or Chems content, or both. I would have to ask him to be sure, as I have not requested the blocks myself.

    In the longer term, the new site (hopefully) will allow us to sort these things automatically by tags, which would make the organization of content and the blocking of specific subjects far easier and more elegant.

  4. Versatile AF. Tend to be more interested in guys who are willing to top (flipping counts), because the majority of guys who hit me up on the apps or at the baths want me to top. Not sure whether that's because of the statistics (there are simply more strict bottoms than anything else) or because I'm hung. Most likely some of each.

    • Upvote 1
  5. 5 hours ago, gayplace said:

    Hi, I believe I've been a "new member" for quite a while but still not allowed more than 0 messages .....

    To repeat what has already been said numerous times in this topic...

    It's not a matter of time, it's a matter of content. To advance your membership (from New -> Junior -> Member...) you have to post in the Forums. You advance faster if you post things that people respond to favorably.

    You have made a total of 9 posts, and only 2 of them have had any original content (the rest were all comments on other people's posts). It takes considerably more than that to advance to Junior member. @rawTOP does not disclose the details of how the algorithm works, for reasons discussed earlier in this topic.


  6. On 6/17/2022 at 2:35 PM, PozTales said:

    The second one though, was regarding harming people but we had no intention to harm, it was the opposite suggestion a character gave to another:

    "if you go through [damage] you'll do it on your own, I don't follow you at all in this path!"

    The character was discouraging the other about wrong choices.

    I believe this might have been OK if the story had made clear that the specially engineered virus was not in fact harmful.  It is possible that your English skills (which are just fine, by the way) were not up to the challenge. If you'd like help with checking over your work for things like that before you post it, I'd be willing to lend a hand - just PM me.

  7. If you're accessing the site on a mobile device, the soft keyboard used to input text on them very likely has autocomplete and autocorrect built in for text fields (which would include the ones on the BZ web site). You just need to make sure they are enabled (or not, as your preference dictates). They do work with other languages (at least my Samsung phone will handle English, French, and Spanish all at once - which makes it more error-prone as it can match anything in any of those languages).


    It's not likely to be implemented. I get the concept that it might be useful, but if you think about it, only a handful of web sites (as opposed to apps) have anything like auto-complete or auto-correct.

    I'm not completely sure of this, but I believe that with newly-built web sites it is possible to outsource the task to Google's autocomplete/autocorrect engine. For a price. Then it just comes down to whether the developer/owner can make enough money on the site to be willing to pay for the service.

  8. The moderation staff has recently been receiving a few reports of people's personal information posted here on BZ being used to blackmail them.

    Just a reminder: It's not against the rules for you to post personal information. However, please remember BZ is a public forum, and anything you post here is freely viewable to anyone on the Internet. So it may be inadvisable to post personal or other identifying information here unless you're comfortable with the world knowing about it in the context of our delightfully tawdry content.

    We are happy to remove personal information that you've posted. Just report the post in question. If you are not a member, please include in the report text a way for us to confirm that you were the person who posted it.

    Also, remember that even if we remove information, any past viewings of it, by other people or by "spider" or archiving engines (such as Google), are done and cannot be reversed.

    • Like 3
  9. 2 minutes ago, evilalex said:

    I think it's a good idea to promote this site to piggy bb porn stars. 

    Piggy bb porn stars (and more importantly piggy bb porn producers) who pay any attention to their markets probably don't need it promoted to them. Just remember, "money talks, bullshit walks". They're not making that stuff for fun.

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  10. 1 hour ago, NWUSHorny said:

    Just curious, but what is the criteria for getting ED drugs prescribed?

    I had no trouble getting them prescribed. I'm in my 50s and can usually get hard easily enough (unless something is wrong), but it often refuses to stay that way without assistance, and that's all I needed to tell the doc. In particular, it can be finicky about leg position, level of hydration, and tightness of orifice. It's hard enough to find opportunities out here in the sticks without having to have a perfect alignment of conditions to get it to work.

    However, getting them *paid for* is a different matter entirely. My insurance (which is decent) will not cover them if prescribed for ED, only for other conditions and then only in the smaller dose (i.e. not effective for ED). There are a bunch of ways to deal with that. The best I've found is to have the Rx sent to a pharmacy that takes GoodRx coupons (suggested by someone on here, thanks again!). Doing it that way I wound up paying about $1.50 a pill (as opposed to - not kidding - $70-80/pill).

  11. 28 minutes ago, nastysubbbbottom said:

    In fact even the site is somewhat mythical... talking about certain things even under the correct forum topic result in varieties of suspensions.  ...it is more a fantasy story or discussion zone than an actual breeding zone.

    1. There are topics that are outright banned on the site. There are topics that have to be posted in specific areas on the site. The details are all spelled out very clearly. The topic is titled (appropriately) "Read Before You Post".

    2. Breeding Zone is a discussion forum. It is not intended nor designed as a place to hook up for in-person sex. @rawTOP is working on that sort of thing, and has even posted a topic soliciting ideas for how to make it better than the other ones out there.

    • Like 1
  12. 14 hours ago, evilcoyote said:

    Another improvement would be splitting the Chemsex into its own forum so it can be hidden if you aren't interested. 

    It is in its own forum, "Sex With Enhancements" and the corresponding fiction forum, "Chem Sex Fiction". If you find chems posts outside those areas, please report them!

    Again, I'm not sure whether this can be done with the Gallery, but I agree that would be preferable. The long-awaited new site is (I believe) being built from the ground up to handle these things better.

    • Like 1
  13. 3 hours ago, Leatherman667 said:

    Where can I find list of banned words please?

    As far as I know, you can't. The purpose of banning certain words is to reduce spam and illegal posts, and listing them would defeat (at least part of) the purpose. If you accidentally use one (and see "[banned word]" in your post), you can edit the post for about 10 minutes after you put it up and remove the offending text. Be aware that if you try to use the banned word in some altered form to evade the ban, you will be subject to a penalty and your post may be edited or deleted.

    • Thanks 1
  14. 1 hour ago, DarkroomTaker said:

    Just to add, I dont favor the posts of some posters obsessed with purposely infecting others with STDs and HIV and writing about it on a public site. It is difficult blocking or not reading these posts because they can pop up anywhere in any post, even galleries.

    I would also like to ask that galleries can be added to the block user button so I dont have to see them users there either that I have blocked.

    Posts about purposely infecting others with STDs other than HIV are banned on the site. Ones about infecting others with HIV are restricted to the Backroom. If you see regular posts that violate these rules, please report them, and if it's not obvious add a note in the report about why you're flagging it.

    I'm not sure what can be done about the problem of gallery posts by users on your block list; it depends on the underlying forum software that @rawTOP used to create the site. If you want to have him look at it, post the suggestion in the Tips, Tricks, Rules and Help forum.

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  15. I have the odd situation that if you put my actual address into Google maps, it puts the pin a block away from my house. So I have to give people the address of where the parking lot next to my house is, and then guide them when they arrive. It works, and in this small town there really isn't much of a good meeting place for that sort of meeting.

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