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Posts posted by viking8x6

  1. 5 minutes ago, tallslenderguy said:

    Dish soap and water are very effective for lifting and removing pathogens away from a surface.

    Also, a good detergent ("grease cutting" dish soap, for example) can itself be a germicide, because it can destroy the integrity of bacterial cell membranes.

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  2. On 8/8/2022 at 10:21 AM, BellyAndBriefs said:

    I find it really strange that any kinks would not be allowed here

    If you actually read the rules, which are prominently posted in the general discussion section and pinned to the top, they explain quite clearly what things are not allowed on the site as well as why. In this case scat is legally obscene and therefore against the law - it is not protected by the First Amendment right to free speech.

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  3. 4 hours ago, NewBottom90 said:

    I want to meet him again, but I feel I need to make the choice to be gay and enjoy the things he does openly and freely, or leave the urges alone and be straight

    It seems to me that the labels "gay" and "straight" are contributing to your confusion. Why not let them go and think about what is real for you?

    You have enjoyed sex with men, and with this man in particular. You want to do it more. There's nothing wrong with that, and it is one of the blessings human beings can enjoy on this earth - go for it!

    Perhaps you are worried that you must behave a particular way or acknowledge to the world that you enjoy sex with men and indulge in it. That is a completely separate decision, and you can make it based on your own feelings and circumstances. You can keep it to yourself, or share it only with people whom you trust, or wear it on your sleeve - all of these options are valid, and each has different consequences. But you don't have to rush into it, either.  You can share it with one person you trust and see how that feels. You can share it semi-anonymously in a friendly group setting and see how that feels (indeed, you already have, right here!). My advice (worth its weight in gold!) is not to allow the potential judgments of others lessen your enjoyment of life. Whatever approach fits that best for you is the one to choose. Because life is too short already, and allowing others to make any part of it miserable is a great shame, and in my view of the world a sin.

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  4. On 8/4/2022 at 7:48 AM, BootmanLA said:

    I suspect that there have been 110 pages total here for some time because it takes so long to "fill" a page with new topics

    This. Though it's up to 112 now. You can sort the stories by start date, and that makes it easy to see that each page holds a month or two of stories at the usual rate of writing. To put it another way, people here read a lot faster (and more) than they write.

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  5. @Monorchid, I completely understand your point of view, and I personally agree with your assessment of the drawbacks of the existing system. I think part of the problem is that the underlying software is fairly old and the size and complexity of the site are pushing its flexibility pretty hard. Also, BZ is built and maintained by a very small number of people. Both of those factors limit the possibilities as to how a goal can be accomplished.

    All that said, the number of words that trigger the automatic editors and filters is actually very small (single digits, I believe), and they're specific to subjects that are actually illegal (here in the States), with the intention that it never go live on the site at all. This avoids the temporary violation of the law that would otherwise occur between the time something is posted and the time it's reported and moderated. So, if you have a few words that you feel you really need to use for a story other other post, it's fine to message a moderator and see if we think they'd be a problem. Alternatively, you can post the story with the words in it, and if the filters change it on you, come up with a different way to express it and edit accordingly (or if the time window has ended, have a moderator do that). I do understand the failing of the latter approach as far as time invested if the vocabulary in question is crucial to the effect that you, as the author, are creating.

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  6. The basic rules of the site are in this topic in the General forum:

    The specific answer to your question is that there isn't a list of them - they are programmed into the system, which automatically replaces them in new posts. If you post something and your text has been replaced with [banned word], then that was one of them. If you read your newly-created post and see this, you can edit it (for about the first 10 minutes) to remove the offending sentence or phrase. Please DO NOT try to spoof the filters. That's specifically an infraction, and a serious one. The words are banned for good reasons.

  7. So much this:

    2 hours ago, loadzgoinholes said:

    as soon as I see something going on that I like, the camera flits off in another direction....

    ... you know what a close up of a dick being shoved into an ass looks like? Every other dick going up any other ass (that close up, I mean). I watch porn for the guys that are in it...

    Yes, I want to see the hairy chest, the treasure trail, the expressions on the faces as something particularly pleasurable (or painful) is going on... Especially that last one.

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  8. On 7/11/2022 at 10:29 PM, TravelGuy1956 said:

    There are stories here on B/Z that seem to be abandoned, yet beg to be continued both figuratively and literally.  My question is,  would it be improper for another member of B/Z to take up and continue  a story in the absence of the original writer?  If so,  what is the proper amount of time to wait before continuing another members story?  Thanks in advance to all who respond. 

    Short answer: Yes, it would be improper, unless you have the explicit blessing of the original author. Here's a quote from one of our senior members and most-loved authors that demonstrates why:

    On 7/13/2022 at 12:21 AM, chi4loads said:

    He asked for permission to post his original, but posted it anyway after waiting only two hours for me to respond.  I don't live on BZ and don't consider that sufficient time to reply.   As I messaged to him privately, there are many ways to take the basic concept of my story and make it your own, but that version (and its replacement) were a thinly veiled rewrite of my story.  It gives me NO incentive to post any more fiction here, since the hours I spend writing/re-writing and editing just get taken and used by someone else as their own.

    I'm done with BZ for a while and uninterested in discussing this further.  If this stirs up another hornet's nest, then just add "Guest " to the beginning of my username.

    It's great to get inspired by a piece that seems to have been cut short. But your work needs to stand on its own, and certainly should not be posted in the same topic with the "original" story. @BootmanLA's  final paragraph is really the right way to go here:

    On 7/14/2022 at 8:04 PM, BootmanLA said:

    Alternatively, you could simply redevelop the story as you would have written it - not simply changing the names and some of the dialogue, but actually rewriting the story from scratch - and then continuing it. You could note "Inspired by the story [Name of story] written by member X" at the beginning of your own thread.


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  9. 9 minutes ago, hntnhole said:

    When in the context of anti-social behavior (stealing, damaging other peoples stuff, beating strangers up, etc), then maybe 999999 %.  

    It's still just as manipulative. It happens to have a more agreeable effect in cases like those. At least in our opinion.

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  10. Food for thought:

    "Gay" is a one-dimensional label for something that is far more complex. Human beings have all kinds of sex for all kinds of reasons, and the same person may (and frequently does) have a great variety of experience and responses. So if you're denying that the label applies to you, it might very well not, and even if it does, it's probably not very descriptive of you as a sexual being. So, no issue there.

    On the other hand, if you're in denial about your own nature (and "in denial about being gay" is shorthand for that), well, that's IMO very uncomfortable and probably unhealthy. You are what you are, whether you see it as God having made you that way, being born that way, being molded that way by events or other people, or choosing to be that way. Shame is an invention of society that allows it to manipulate our behavior. That is a double-edged sword - it's useful for keeping social friction under control, but it can make individuals anything from miserable to batshit crazy.

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  11. The full-on search tool (the one you get when you actually click the search icon) can do that for you. Set content type to "Image" or "Album" and put the gallery name (or a bit of it) in as the search string. You can search by author too, but it's problematic because the system insists on a search string.

    To find your own image content, it may be easier to create a filter for it - I started with the "Content I Started" from the Activity menu and narrowed the content type to "image + album" and my albums and photos popped right up.

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  12. Assuming you're talking about tags, I believe the system allows you to create new tags, so if people mis-type "bareback" (instead of typing it correctly or selecting it from the drop-down) it will create the erroneous tag. Therefore, there are a great many typos for "bareback" that have become tags over the years that the system has been in operation.

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