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Everything posted by viking8x6

  1. LMGTFY: https://www.imrl.com/ It's not exactly a "party"...
  2. This information would seem more relevant with some information about what doses were used in the studies, or better yet links to the actual studies. That said, side effects can be expected to vary quite a lot across the population; some people (such as yourself) may experience substantial side effects where others experience few or none. That's true for any substance we put into our bodies, of course. So, as with most things in life, "YMMV"
  3. Steamworks is a bathhouse. All about the sex. https://www.swbaths.ca/
  4. Here's a nice one https://barebackbastards.com/72324/barebacking/
  5. You have a huge dick, which, as you say, "makes [you] a top by default". Men are pigs... stupid pigs. Practical advice? Work on your versatility. Move to a big city.
  6. Not trolling, merely confusion. The contents of (most of) the Forums on Breeding Zone are visible to the public on the internet. It's intentionally built that way, so that people in general can see (and benefit from) the discussions. That is the definition of a public forum. The OP was under the (incorrect) impression that it was not the case. All of one's personal login data (email address, IP address, password...) are of course not available to the public (nor to other members).
  7. If it were visible only to other registered users, it wouldn't be a public forum, it would be a private forum. Reddit is an excellent and well-established example of a public forum. This is not a new concept on the WWW; it has been around since shortly after the public release of WWW technology in the mid 1990's, if not earlier. As @rawTOP pointed out, the fact that you could see (almost) all the content of the site upon your initial visit to it, before you had created a login, really ought to have made its nature evident. We are well aware of this fact. That is why there are several private subforums, the content of which can NOT be seen on the WWW unless you are a logged-in member. The great bulk of the job of the Moderators is to keep the more alarming topics on the site in those subforums.
  8. Agree that if no one has been in there since your possible infection, you are quite unlikely to have passed it on. The secondary syphilis rash is fairly subtle and can vary. In my experience it was a rather modest sprinkling of pink dots, not raised or itchy, on my chest. That said, syphilis is well known for having highly variable symptomatology. My BF at the time (we never knew who caught it first) had it and was misdiagnosed with scurvy, of all things! Consider the possibility that what you have on you arm is simply pimples, brought on by the stress! In any case, hope you get successfully tested (and treated if necessary) with all dispatch.
  9. Presuming the time lag since your encounter is relatively short (less than 3 months), it's rather unlikely. I'd say possible, but a rather remote possibility. From the Mayo Clinic web site: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/syphilis/symptoms-causes/syc-20351756
  10. I suspect I've probably fucked some guy who was talking on the phone at least once. Not surprisingly, it wasn't memorable. The height of rudeness!
  11. Per @rawTOP in another topic in this subforum, as regards freedom of speech:
  12. You are correct. Even if they are using the doxycycline as PrEP (taking it before the sex event), the drug in their system will not kill the bacteria from the infected top's load, just prevent it from establishing a foothold.* So if the bacteria escapes their system into some other top's urethra, it could find a suitable environment to take hold. * In technical terms, doxycycline (like many other commonly used antibiotics) is bacteriostatic - it prevents bacteria from growing - as opposed to bacteriocidal, which would actually kill bacteria.
  13. Fuck yes! Love outdoor/nature action. Safe? Well, generally anywhere reasonably isolated is somewhat safe from discovery. Drones and cameras can go anywhere these days, of course, but if one picks a place where "why would they?" is a valid question, it's probably OK. Never had any trouble with that personally. It is prudent to be mindful of safety from the normal hazards of the outdoors - mosquitoes have been mentioned, and I would add ticks, snakes, poison ivy/oak/sumac, thorns, and sunburn to that list.
  14. "We used a lot of lube..." https://thisvid.com/videos/stealth/
  15. https://thisvid.com/videos/hot-vocal-breeding-compilation/
  16. https://barebackbastards.com/51014/dick-and-dick-again/
  17. Would you translate a bit for those of us who aren't familiar with "FFO" and "joho"? I searched on the internet and I'm still mystified.
  18. I had missed this, but it's relevant to the subject. Apparently a 2022 epidemiology study showed that modification of behavior in at-risk groups was probably the main force interrupting the outbreak of Mpox, and that vaccination only had a small effect. From an article published in Cell: [emphasis mine]
  19. HPV provides long term protection (probably for life). From the CDC web site: Because the Mpox vaccines were originally intended for protection against smallpox and were later found also to be effective against Mpox (and were used for it), there are not enough long term data on those vaccines to know whether the protection is long term. However, similar vaccines against smallpox, which were used when it was still around as an endemic disease, did provide long term protection against that disease.
  20. OMG how on Earth did I overlook this for over 10 years?!? Or maybe I just forgot about it...
  21. @BootmanLA @WillingRawVerse that's enough.
  22. From what you can tell? You provide no information about that, and it certainly didn't happen to your posts. If you're going to throw around accusations, don't be vague. That's tantamount to libel. If you're merely basing that on what someone else said, quote them rather than asserting that you can tell, which implies that you've got observations of your own. As for Moderators reacting differently than the membership at large, sometimes they do, and sometimes they don't. No different from the reactions of various member differing, which they also do. And Moderators have a perspective that gives us additional parameters for evaluating posts. Just as an example, the single downvote I could find for any of your posts was from me. I didn't do it because of the content, I did it because that content was totally inappropriate in the Health forum. A lot of regular members don't necessarily notice which forum something is in, but Moderators do, because it's part of our job.
  23. In reverse order: If they are testing urine samples, they are testing for STDs other than HIV (in the US, gonorrhea and chlamydia are routinely tested by urine samples). Ignoring the fact that they are (apparently) testing for STD's, their explanation for why they are not makes no sense at all, unless we assume that the person with the STD is continuing (during and after the treatment) to have sex with the same person who gave them the STD (who still has it). Then it does make sense, because the person undergoing treatment would be continually exposed to the bacteria that cause the STD while the antibiotic was present in concentrations too low to kill it completely. But. They didn't ask you whether that was likely to be the case. And it completely overlooks the fact that the person who got tested and has the STD, if it isn't treated, could then be spreading it to others! Incompetent.
  24. I would want to see this because why?
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