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Everything posted by viking8x6

  1. Well, as a true versatile, I have to say neither one feels better for me - they are simply different. I wind up topping more often than not, because tops are more in demand and because my endowment assures that it will be asked of me (why I don't know, big is good, but small is perfectly fun if the guy has a modicum of skill). Do what you enjoy! But being versatile doubles your chances of having a trick on a given night 🙂
  2. I'm gonna agree... but I'd rate it "mildly confusing" as UI glitches go. You simply click on "General Discussion" in the dropdown list. Yes, it's a header, but it's also a forum in its own right. That said, it's no doubt a feature of the (off-the-shelf) forum software and not of BZ in particular. Sadly, @rawTOP doesn't have control over these things. Happily, he's working on a new and better site! Before clicking (note how "General" is grayed out but "General Discussion" is not) After clicking
  3. Woof! Very sexy pics.

  4. Wow, so hot! Just finished chapter 5 and it is quite delightful so far!
  5. Tell me if you find it. Definitely wanna read. I believe you're referring to "The Dark Room". It was removed when the new policy about harm to the community was added.
  6. Where is this club that has such large and luxurious towels?!? The ones I get always seem to be barely big enough to cover my genitals, if held up by suspenders!
  7. Years ago there was a fun sci-fi essay/story on exactly this topic: "Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex" (I think the author was Larry Niven)
  8. It seems to me you are a free thinker about sex and relationships in most respects, so why not as regards monogamy/exclusivity? I was in a platonic relationship with a woman for nearly 3 decades, while at the same time I had relationships of varying duration and emotional intensity with a variety of men. She found a straight husband part way through, and the three of us lived together (they married with my blessing and facilitation). I'd still be there if I hadn't come to the realization that she was emotionally abusive and was slowly destroying me. In my experience, this sort of thing can work just fine as long as people are forthright and honest about it.
  9. Thanks for the follow!

    1. CumAddict


      You’re welcome sexy

  10. I've never been a smoker. The smell of stale smoke (especially cigarettes) used to bother me, but I lost most of my sense of smell to a sinus infection about 10 years ago, and now it's no problem.
  11. If they were really sharing the same bloodstream that would be impossible, of course. But they don't.
  12. Firstly, there is no wrong way to be human! Secondly, pleasure is something that happens in the mind, not in the body. If you prefer and enjoy being used mercilessly, then by definition that is what gives you pleasure... even if the sensation of it is one we ordinarily would call pain. As anyone who enjoys S/M play will be happy to tell you (that's not me, but I have very close friends who do). Whether that means you are "damaged" is a different question - obviously the "pain" sensation evolved to help us learn what to avoid (hot stoves are the classic example), but human beings are proficient at learning alternate interpretations for sensations. Bitterness is a great example - it means what you're eating is likely to contain toxins. But some people seek out bitter foods, or enjoy it in combination with other flavors - and that is learned behavior (children rarely do this). So I would only say you're "damaged" if that association is maladaptive for you or causes you psychological problems. And IMO you are one of the sanest people on this site, so I'd say nope, you're not damaged!
  13. Yes, of course you can. There's nothing different about re-starting PrEP and starting it the first time, so taking it daily for seven days will work fine. I suspect your provider was trying to make sure you would be protected sooner if you were impatient about starting to have sex... Not that anyone on this site would ever be impatient about sex... No, never! 😉
  14. I'll ditto that; in fact, I just merged three poppers discussion topics in Sex with Enhancements, so they're near the top of the page for now.
  15. These statements are not true, or at least greatly overstated. Firstly, none of these are true at all for poz people whose infections are well-controlled (i.e. undetectable or nearly so). Secondly, even if one or both poz partner (on meds) does have a significant viral load: Both partners' meds will work just as effectively Having unprotected sex will not make the meds stop working If the other partner's strain is resistant to all of the meds they are on, it is possible for them to catch it (superinfection) but because the meds are combinations, this resistance is unlikely. Edited this to remove statement regarding likelihood of superinfection - the data are not consistent, but superinfection is a significant phenomenon, see this article: [think before following links] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3752600/ That said, the cautionary statements in the first paragraph are well-stated and worth listening to! Though @BootmanLA was talking about overall probabilities, and his statements about those are correct.
  16. One would have hoped that... but it didn't turn out that way. In fact, quite the contrary. Apparently because people avoided going to the doctor during the pandemic. See this article in the Washington Post: [think before following links] https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2022/04/12/std-cases-increase-pandemic/?utm_campaign=wp_evening_edition&utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter&wpisrc=nl_evening&carta-url=https%3A%2F%2Fs2.washingtonpost.com%2Fcar-ln-tr%2F369063b%2F6255e87d64253a7f342d0934%2F5a5bbbecae7e8a0f03325814%2F43%2F53%2F6255e87d64253a7f342d0934
  17. Very hot! Though I'm not sure I believe Danny would have lasted 20 minutes during that first blowjob. I doubt I would have in his shoes! Stu must be very skilled.
  18. Inasmuch as we already have a very nice gallery section for this very purpose... I'm locking this topic.
  19. Damn, very sexy pic!!

  20. Note: This is ONLY true if you are getting tested regularly and discover it and get it treated. It is very easy not to notice the symptoms, and if it is not treated it can progress to serious harm to various body systems (heart, brain, etc.) and eventually kill you.
  21. Yes, but my more recent post (just above) is a bit more accurate. It's not calendar time that matters, nor amount of time logged in, nor number of logins. It's actual participation in the forum discussions, and "higher-quality" (for lack of a better phrase) participation counts for more. At least that is my understanding. Yes, that seems contradictory when the number of posts you can make is limited. In practice, it's not as bad as it sounds; you earn the basic privileges pretty quickly.
  22. So many different kinds of sexual behavior, and billions of men... not to mention an infinity of possible contexts... and y'all want to put it in one of three boxes? Or one of five? Or one of seven? Or even on a one-dimensional axis? Dream on.
  23. I'm moving this to the PrEP forum; I think it makes more sense there. Short answer: Yes, PrEP will work regardless of how many loads you are taking. More loads don't somehow "use it up". It isn't perfect, but it's very, very good as long as you take it regularly. That said, if you go full-on bare cumdump, you are very likely to pick up some other STIs. Do get the appropriate vaccines and get tested and treated regularly.
  24. I'll dish out compliments to guys at any distance, but unless there's some reasonable probability of actual colocation in the foreseeable future, I won't add any sexual fantasy material. I figure it's always nice to be appreciated.
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