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Everything posted by TigerMilner

  1. You are so right! Nothing like a dirty bottom to kill the atmosphere. That happens alot after the bars close. Guys who haven't cleaned out get drunk and decide to go get fucked. So damn gross. Worst part is if is some beautiful 22 year old hunk, men will still line up to fuck him. Men suck.
  2. I've always had a policy, in my head at least, that you don't stand me up twice. One time and you are done. Even if its just a hook up. If I spend an hour or two getting my hole cleaned out enough that I can suck your cock after you fuck me, and you don't show up, well that pisses me off. And I've stood by that. Except for the buff married cop who was fucking me for nearly three years. It took three times before I cut him off. I figured he probably had some sort of heroic police shit going down, so he got a pass a few times. But the third strike was it. I haven't seen him in nearly three years. Damn he was fine. And most recently, my young latino fuck bud stood me up. This is the guy who fractured three of my ribs one night a few months ago when he was wasted. Any way, we hadn't had any communication since he called me to apologize. I took his apology but it didn't fix how I felt about the situation. He said he did not want me to feel like he had just stood me up....I said well I appreciate the call but it kinda already felt like that for the past 12 hours. Anyway, he knew to lay low and not hit me up again til recently. He's been texting me for the past two weeks like nothing ever happened. But I haven't caved. Yes, I love his 9" uncut brown cock, and he is fucking beautiful, but after 5 years of being his whore, i have realized I don't like how he makes me feel. Plus his drinking and drug use have gotten progressively worse and it's a huge turn off. Giving a guy a second chance to stand you up is like telling him you are a door mat, come on in. Just wipe your feet first. God i wish I could take my own advice.
  3. I second the vote for Steamworks. I was there a few months ago and had an AMAZING time! Cock, cum, anon loads, raw loads, black dudes, latin dudes, white dudes, asian dudes. Fuck yeah! It was hot. Nice too. Very clean. Oh, don't take your remote for your TV out the plastic wrapper. That is how clean it is. They even have built in Douche stations in the toilets! You have to buy the disposable fitting but what a great idea! Have fun!
  4. You need to get over yourself. Put a blindfold on and let your self be who and what you really are. You will be amazed at how liberating it is. I did the blindfold thing for the first time with a guy who I actually knew, but we pretended not to know each other. That was enough to make me take the next step. Then, I decided to videotape the next time. Knowing I could see who had cum and gone afterward was reassuring. My biggest fear is that someone I knew professionally would show up and fuck me and I'd never know. Hasn't happed as far as I know.
  5. Glad to hear this update. I guessed that would be the case. That room was SO hot before and what they did to it was LAME. The new space in the back was LAME as well. I've stayed away. Plus I dropped a bottle of poppers in the locker room so I kinda needed to stay away for a while! lol. Hope the locker room attendent is new next time I go. That stuff broke into a million pieces and wow, did it reek.
  6. Hell yeah! Lately I've been into the regular Amsterdam in the pink label bottle. It's reliable, not too harsh, and they seem to last a little longer than most. Cheap too. I really like the English ones, but they are just to intense for regular use. I barely have a septum left after years of sucking various chemicals up my nostrils, so i'm a little sensitive to the really harsh ones. The English one's have actually given me nose bleeds, and my ENT specialist said my Nostrils were full of "angry" tissue. lol Seriously.
  7. I never turn down a condom fuck because many times they will take it off anyway. They see you as safe. And when they can't get off, they are gonna take it off, maybe ask you if they can, or you can say in the heat of the moment, "take it off and cum in my hole". They think you are saying that becuase you are so into them that you are throwing caution to the wind....lol. Most guys ego's can't resist that one. Let it be their idea. Never turn down a good fuck. And a little forward thinking might get you a second and third fuck, and even if they go all the way with the condom the first time, they will eventually give in. Plus, you can always keep the used and filled condom. Don't be stupid.
  8. I have to respectfully disagree with the above advice. Forget the guy who infected you. We take risks when we choose to have raw sex and that is the breaks. It sucks, but there is nothing you can do to change it. And stopping him or obsessing about him will only make you sicker. You are as responsible for your situation as he is. You have to reach a point of acceptance, and I know it is hard. But dwelling on him or who or what he is up is none of your business and it is the worst thing you can do for your own serenity. You are not in control of him or whoever he infects next. Just take care of your self. Focus on that.
  9. Click here to see Tiger Milner's original blog post... THE NAUGHTY PUNDIT: PORN REVIEW More...
  10. I'd guess if one place is better than another it would be africa. Deep in the jungle where they don't know what condoms are. Good luck with that. Better yet, go out in any city bath house, put your ass up and take loads. I don't think condom use is based on a map.
  11. I've done it, but it was hot because I didn't give him control over who fucked me. He took it. That is why it was hot. So many bottoms on this site ruin the fantasys by them selves in charge, and trying to find tops who.... or tops to..... Who the fuck do you think you are. Alpha bottoms. ALpha bottoms ultimately get submissive tops. If you can get him to do what you want, you deserve what you get. And it won't be much. I need a real man.
  12. Wow, none of the potential "victims" have any responsibility for their own actions? Unless he raped them on video, all he really should be prosecuted for is filming someone without their knowledge. And i'm not even sure that is a crime if you don't show it. It said they were "found". Not released. Sure, he is an ass hole for lying about it, if he even knew. They didn't say he actually knew himself. I hate these kinds of stories. Criminalizing HIV only makes people not want to get tested. Afterall, spreading it unknowingly is not a crime. Once you know, it all changes. This is wrong. Also, there are no mentions of whether or not he was on meds because most people don't know to ask that or that it even matters. I didn't know these things until I was positive and it was my reality. Some straight reporter who is looking for a sensational story probably doesn't know that being on meds makes you unable to infect, or what undetectable means. But, hey, he is HOT as fuck. I'll bet a lot of those 30 have some amazingly hot memories of that night. If they are like me, they will probably say it was worth it. Mine came from a very similar situation and from a guy who was hot, black and didn't know he had just gotten it. I can't possibly blame him. I went for the raw cock, took his load, and am living with it. And I'd do it all over again. In fact, I have done it again. So sue me.
  13. I think you have this backward Mancunt. Bottoms don't find tops to whore them out. Tops who are into that find a bottom and THEY whore them out. If you are lucky, one will find you. Second, don't be too good for Craigslist. If you want a gangbang, post on CL and you will get more guys than on either of the sites you mentioned. Especially if you advertise it as a morning or lunchtime event. That's when the married and partnered guys like to fuck. When they are supposed to be at work. It a lot more anonymous as no one as to post a profile.
  14. They had wi-fi but it didn't work. I used my personal hotspot on my iphone, but not for long.
  15. No because there is a vaccine for Hep A and B. Go get them both if you don't already have it. Hep C is the one we have to worry about. I had a potential hook up who was poz who told me was Hep C positive as well and allowed me to decide. When he told me his meds weren't working and that is viral load had shot up without explanation, I had to tell him I appreciate his honesty, but I will have to pass. That was a classy guy in my book. He didn't have to tell me.
  16. You know, the Windamar is the host of CumUnion, but those smallish gay resorts can be run down as they are all old resorts that are renovated. They are typically secure as they have gates. But if you like a little (or a lot) of luxury in your vacation, I would suggest skipping the gay resorts and stay at the Ritz Carlton. It is fabulous, luxurious, AND it is sitting right on the gay beach at Sebastion Street. You can meet men on the beach then go up to your sweet room and fuck. The gay resorts are all a few blocks off the beach and the guys around the pool are much fewer in number than the hotties on the beach. Then go to Slammers at night if you want to get fucked anonymously. I do have to say that because it is an Oceanfront high end resort, it is VERY expensive. But, it is worth it. And you can escape the insanity.
  17. I remember that overwhelming feeling. And was like RT's friend, I could not stand the thought of this being inside me, working against, and of infecting others. I wanted meds immediately. Just like with any other potentially fatal and highly infectious disease. I was fortunate to have insurance during all of this. And I had the "donut hole" provision in my coverage that some have mentioned. Once I pass $4500 in meds it pays nothing for the next $4500, then it pays 96%. But don't worry about that too much. I use the AHF pharmacy and they handle all of that. And they never ask me for money. They always tell me how much it would be, but they write it off and my Doctor told me not to worry about it because they are still making a fortune just collecting what the insurance pays. You will not go without meds or without seeing your doctor.
  18. Guys over 40 are the best. I still get hit on by young guys, and I usually go for it, for my ego probably, but I really prefer men my own age. Really glad to read this thread as sometimes I just feel like I'm getting old. Insecurities I guess. We all have them. The important thing is that men take care of themselves. A fit guy is a hot guy and his age is not really an issue. I saw one at the gym yesterday. He must have been mid sixties but he was the hottest guy there. I would have taken him in a heartbeat. I also knew a 70 year old who had 4 Olympic Gold medals. He was beautiful, even at 70. Biggest hands I've ever shaken. No wonder he was so good with a discus. Straight as an arrow though. Plus I'm friends with his much younger wife. Age really is just a number.
  19. I remember the week waiting for the Western Blot test to confirm my diagnosis. It sucked. You don't say where you live, but there are tons of agencies that help guys in our situation. The advice to sit down with a case worker who will get you qualified for aid that will at least cover your meds and doctor visits. That has not been a problem for me. I was fortunate that I found an incredible job with amazing benefits so I don't have those worries anymore. After living the life of a freelance artist for the past 10 years, I felt I needed the benefits of a good job. Especially the long and short term disability coverage that I cannot buy as an HIV positive man. Not to mention life insurance. And the meds do work so I don't worry too much about my health anymore either now that it has been nearly two years. Ask about AHF, Aids Healthcare Foundation. They are amazing as far as helping with meds. They are not in all cities, but I'd google it. One piece of advice my Immunologist gave me is not too read any articles or research dated older than 2012 as things are changing rapidly and advances being made. He told me I was overwhelming myself. He was right. And don't feel like Typhoid Mary. As soon as you are undetectable you won't be able to infect anyone. I went back to raw sex with a neg buddy I've seen for years and he's still neg. We went to using condoms for a few months until we were sure I was undetectable. The best advice is not to go to this appointment alone. I did and it was a big mistake. Like you, I felt I knew it was going to confirm I was pozzed, but I held out the hope that it was a mistake. So I was devasted when it was confirmed. I went thru three specialists before I found the right one, so do your homework, but don't get overwhelmed. Ask positive friends who they see and don't just settle for the referral the clinic gives you. The one pill a day regiemes are not too difficult to adjust too. I got really sick with the bug and even sicker when I went on meds, but I was taking two regemes at first and it was just too much. You'll find what is right, maybe you will be lucky and it won't make you sick at all. I was told I was the rare 10% that do. But I've been fine for over a year. Anemia is the only real issue I still battle physically. Most of all, remember, you are going to be ok.
  20. I'll add a 5th, don't be a bossy bottom. Don't demand the guys load. You'll get it when you've earned it. Just shut up.
  21. I used to hook up with this beautiful young Columbian man who would cum from me rimming him. Shot a load all over the place, then would say so innocently "You made me cum, you made me cum". lol God he was a beautiful man. He loaded my ass up many times too.
  22. I might be interested. I have a new HD video camera I need to try out. 2 day event? WTF? Where are you?
  23. Click here to see Tiger Milner's original blog post... 5 ANAL SEX RULES FOR MEN More...
  24. Update on Atlanta scene. I went to Atlanta again over New Years. This time I stayed at the Hilton on John Portman Blvd downtown. First, it was much nicer than the Hilton Doubletree that I had a difficult time at a few weeks ago. It much larger. My room was on the 25th floor. Best thing about it was no key card required for elevator access. And the lobby was so big and so busy at all hours that men could come and go without being noticed. I loved it. Guys still had to pay a hefty parking fee, or walk from the train station. But hey, is my ass not worth paying a $15 parking fee? You'd spend more than that to get into a bath house or sex club. Following the advice I had been given on my previous trip, I also booked a room at the Cheshire Motor Inn on Cheshire Bridge Road just to play. It was such a dump that it was a turn off. A total shit hole. The only good thing about it was I could walk to both Inserection and to The Den. Which was good, because the room was so bad I did not want to hang out there and host. I just didn't want to be there. I didn't even want to use the shower. I hated it. I like Hiltons because I get Hilton Honors points and I stay there when I travel for business. May as well play there too!
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