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Everything posted by TigerMilner

  1. Click here to see Tiger Milner's original blog post... This scene shows three anonymous tops breeding one hungry bottom. Should warm up a cold February day. More...
  2. Just lucky. I dodged the bullet for 20 years. I was a slut most of those years. Like you, when I got sick in March '12, I went and got tested again. With a fever of 103 as hiv invaded my body, I still tested negative. The typical test is for antibodies, which my body had not yet produced enough of to test positive. A month later, positive. I actually started to think I was immune as well. Don't fool yourself.
  3. Just to put a little context around this post, I am looking to tap into the amazing talent pool that is often a part of any gay community. One of best things about being gay is that we are often very very good at something, since we don't usually get bogged down with wife, home, kids, job, dog, etc. We often have talents that we immerse ourselves in. By the time we are 40 or so, we are often successful, experienced and have mastered something. In that spirit, I am reaching out to this specific niche of the gay community. We have more in common than bareback sex. At least that is what I am thinking.
  4. The question that bugs me more is "What are you into?" Boring. And if you read the profile/ad/whatever, you would know what I'm into. When a guy starts out with that line, I immediately know he will be a boring fuck.
  5. As most of you know, I am an artist. Since I have had an abrupt change in my professional life recently, I have returned to my studio. Having done art full-time for 12 years, I do know what it takes. Something I need is a professional peer that I can bounce ideas, projects and proposals off of. Specifically grant proposals. I do have a network already, but this time I am planning to go forward with my video work. I can't use the same network to review what most would consider pornographic. I plan to push some limits. I need an educated fine arts professional to help me edit proposals. And if you are a hard top, all the better. I plan to exhibit my video work as an intimate self portrait and social commentary. I will reference Andy Warhol's film "Blow Job" to place my work in a historical context. I am looking for working artists or art historians who are aware of grant writing procedures and the contemporary art community.
  6. It sounds like you have still got your goals and priorities in order when you say school is keeping you there a bit longer. Good for you. That is part of taking care of yourself. I hope my suggestion of moving didn't sound reckless. I meant it in the spirit of making your life your own, which it seems you are doing despite being HIV positive. Keep doing that. You do get to the point where you don't think about it everyday. Other than remembering to take my pill with food, I don't think about it much at all anymore. That has been a relief. And yeah I consider myself lucky that I know where I got it, especially given my behaviors. I'm really lucky that I never infected anyone. I have been disappointed that it isn't something he and I have bonded over. In fact, it's actually been like this awkward thing we don't want to talk about. It's weird. I guess he feels more responsible than he should. He's a good guy, so I can see him feeling guilty about it. I've tried to reassure him that I don't blame him at all. But we just don't talk about it unless I bring it up. Damn I want him to fuck me again really soon. I emailed him today. lol. The really weird thing is that it happened to me after I got "internet famous". So I had thousands of "friends" on xtube who thought of me as a negative bb bottom. I was really afraid to be open about it. I didn't want to be the "I told you so" whore. But keeping it a secret would kill me. That is where Breeding Zone became more than a raunchy chat room. It's where I first started talking about it. It's where I learned that there are guys who actually think it is hot. The most weird thing for me is that I have it on video. lol. I know. And I can't show it. I won't show it. Believe it or not, some things are just too personal. (So please don't ask guys!) And I would never disclose his status by revealing who he is. If he chose too, that would be different. It sometimes kills me not to be able to post it for what it is, but it would take on a life that I'm not really ready for if I did. I've had to learn a few hard lessons by the "success" of my internet activities. It definitely comes with a price.
  7. I read about this on Facebook and Biaggi's blog. Mike is SO hot. Hard to imagine him with a 14 year old. If he is guilty of anything it's being stupid. But even so, a $million dollar bail is ridiculous. And where are all the sugar daddys that a porn star should have? Someone needs to bail him out of there on principal.
  8. I was going to make a new thread for this post but the timing is appropriate. Today is 2 years to the day since I got bugged up, knocked up, pozzed, infected, or what ever you wanna call it. It is kind of weird that I know when and where but it was all about timing. I had sex with two men that day. One is still negative. One got fuck flu right after we fucked. I got it 3 weeks later. He didn't know he had just been infected. It was never like he did it to me. We've fucked since then, though I don't see him as often as I would like. It might make me seem shallow, but I am glad that the man who converted me is hot as fuck. I've been undetectable for a little over 18 months and have returned to bareback sex since that time. I have one fuck buddy who stuck with me through it all. We started using condoms, which after four years seemed like using sex toys. He would usually stuff the used cum filled condoms up my ass after he came. Lots of times he'd pull it off and shove his raw cock inside me to shoot. We still fuck and he's still testing negative. We used a condom again the other night because he wanted to know what Trojans new "Ecstacy" condoms felt like. Again it was hot as hell, because it was something new. And again I got his load anyway. Two years ago today I didn't realize my life was changing that day. I spent nearly nine months sick as a dog, but I'm ok now. Initially the thought of being infectious to all my fuck buddies and anyone I would meet in the future was overwhelming. Being on meds I know I'm not infecting others and it keeps me safe too. I have an appointment with my ID specialist on March 7th and except for anemia, I'm sure I will be fine still. I'll let you guys know if anything comes up. Otherwise, i'm taking my Complera everyday and getting fucked as often as I feel like making myself available (or when my fuck buddy says he needs it). You will be better. My only advice to you is to move somewhere that you can live as who you are. Nothing is more hurtful than not being able to live an authentic life. Find a gay neighborhood and a good HIV clinic and move. You have no idea what possibilities are out there for you. Go find them.
  9. You are thinking about Raunchyfucker.com. It's RawTops tube site. And yeah, it's hot.
  10. I had a married cop I saw once or twice a week for about three years. He said I could suck any cock I wanted to but my ass was for him. He always fucked me raw and still had a sex life with his wife. I found it too much responsibility and also needed more cock than that. Sucking cock is foreplay. Sometimes I love swallowing a load, but usually that is when I am not prepped for fucking. Implying any sort of exclusivity is unrealistic when he is cheating himself. It was hot to hear him say it though.
  11. Undetectable is the new safer sex. Go for it.
  12. Click here to see Tiger Milner's original blog post... STRAIGHT LOADS: Jerking off: Jerking off is part of my day-to-day lifestyle. Missing or intentionally skipping a day or denying the urge would feel like missing... More...
  13. That is SO hot. So is your profile pic. Woof.
  14. Click here to see Tiger Milner's original blog post... One of the best things about being me is getting comments from guys who like my videos and stories. The best is when they send me videos of themselves cumming while watching one of mine. This is from a hot 25 year old bi-curious guy with a girlfriend. He wants to make a video with me. I think YES. Lets see what happens. But really, I do appreciate all the comments, whether with a video or not. It means alot and really keeps me inspired. I love making men cum. More...
  15. Mine is hosted on Glowhost. They specifically do allow Adult sites.
  16. Hot post Bamfjocks! just the phrase "older bottoms" is so gross. A hot man is a hot man, and you are right, we get better with experience.
  17. Good for you man. Being the "guest bottom" for a group who get together regularly is a fantasy! Condoms can be really irritating. I have that problem too. Glad you have become a true cum whore.
  18. You say it so well Blueyed, and I had blocked from my mind your stories about your escapades with older Black men since I like to fantasize that all tops are always tops. lol. Kidding, Sort of. But i get what you are saying. I used to say I was into "older" men. I was 21 when I met my first partner who was 29. That was an older man. Then at a certain point, I had to stop saying it when it because that I was just into old men at that point. I've never been into twinks, yet my most frequent and longest lasting fuck buddy is a latin twink, who is now almost 27. It's been 5 years of hot 9" uncut cock and even though he is way too young to consider a relationship with, I can't seem to give him up. I don't write about him, (much) or do videos with him. He thinks my blog is hot but doesn't want to be videotaped. I can't wait to see what you come up with.
  19. Thanks for all the supportive comments and private emails. I really appreciate it. I heard from a former colleague today asking for my website address. Lol Seems she heard about it but not the name. I'm sure it's blocked at work anyway. I never signed on from there. I'm spending a few days on a ranch in West Texas just to chill and get some lovin from my man who is struggling with lung cancer. It is actually helping me keep perspective. And I really had been wanting to spend some time with him. I have to get home in few days before my house turns into a frat house. My son and daughter will notice I'm gone any day now.
  20. When I play in Tampa, I find that the Ybor Spa and Resort can be good. Especially on the third saturday of the month. Its in a cool part of town. It can suck too. I really like the Tampa Men's Club, but it never has any men there. Too bad too, since it is very nice, and extremely clean. The man who runs is hot too. I've heard that the Rainbow Cabaret that FMH mentioned was hot, but I didn't like and never went back. Maybe i"ll give it another shot. You can get lots of GH action at the bookstores in Tampa. Especially right about 5-6 pm or after bars close. That is when straight men heading home decide a GH is good enough.
  21. I have learned that if you want six men, you need to have 25-30 rsvps. Most men who respond to ads are full of shit and don't show up. The only way I have been able to get that many at one time is to rely on men I know. Anon types won't happen. I do the immodium thing too, but don't take it the night before. Let your system do it's job over night, then take it about two hours before. that is when you want to shut down the production line. Not the night before. Have fun, if you do get six, you will love it. You will need someone to go first. You need one reliable guy who can bust a nut quickly. After you take a load, it gets wild. Everyone loves fucking a loaded hole.
  22. Hey, thanks for compliment. i also follow your posts regularly. I've thought about reaching out to you but knowing you prefer the twinks, have not. Great to hear you are also into the full grown bottom. lol. RT is spot on. The fact that you can be shut down overnight is very true. That happened to me on xtube when I first started out. Just before I hit 2 million views in less than a year, bam. One day I didn't exist. All they would say is I violated the terms and conditions of the site. No discussion, no appeal. Worst thing about that is that that profile used my name. That is why my current xtube profile is called Banned4good. It is my personal "Fuck You" back to them. I'm surprised it has lasted. I got my own domain about a year ago. I figured since I do have alot of followers, not registering it might mean down the road someone else could. Hey, I might like to become a brand some day! lol I LOVE reading blogs by tops. There are a few great ones. They are so much better than the infinite amount of blogs by cumdump bottoms. I love a good blog either way, just really get into reading the point of views of a top. Funny thing is I get about 50/50 in terms of followers. I like that and I find it interesting. That is one thing good about Blogger. They give you analytics that track who your followers are, where they are from, what kind of computer they are on, etc. I find that kind of demographic info fascinating. I love knowing that 35K men a month jerk off to my stuff. THAT gets me off.
  23. Great idea! There are times when I would turn it on. Like when I'm in a hotel. Excellent suggestion.
  24. I love this idea. I've known a number of friends who have used Airbnb and were really happy about it. I'd do it. THough I like the idea of renting a place when no one is home, rather than when the hosts are home. I looked into renting my guest room, since I am in a popular tourist area and convenient to an international airport, but decided against it since my guest room is adjacent to my kids rooms and they would have to share a bathroom. My room is on so far from theirs that I wouldn't be able to know if there was a problem. RT, the trust concept is great. I'm just wondering though, if maybe "reliable" is more on point. Meaning, will this guy actually show up when he arranges a hookup. If a guy is just dicking around, mark him as "unreliable". I don't really get to know a hookup well enough to know if I trust him or not. But I can tell if he's reliable by whether or not he shows up on time, is who he says he is, and doesn't steal from me. I really like your thinking on this.
  25. Blogger is an excellent starting point but they don't allow you have ads, though a lot them do. I started out there. You can have your own domain name hosted their as well. I've been working on making mine a Wordpress site which is much more complicated but you can do whatever you want. I've never used Tumblr, mainly because my kids do. Alot cool stuff there. If you want to reach younger guys Tumblr is probably a good choice. It's more for posting pics and videos than for writing. That's why I suggested Blogger. It's free too.
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