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Everything posted by TigerMilner

  1. Hey Thanks! So glad I asked this question on the top side. The responses are HOT.
  2. Have you ever been rimming a guy and taste or smell cum? Or been fucking and notice the white froth of a previous load on your dick? Did you ask the guy if he'd been recently fucked? Or was someone cheating on you and you busted him that way? It's hot, right?
  3. I don't feel this way anymore, but I remember the first few times a man would be fucking me or rimming me and ask if I had recently been fucked. I didn't realize then that it was so obvious. I used to be embarrassed in that situation. Today, I'll usually just say, "fuck yeah, you like that don't you?". Most tops do. Anyone else ever feel that way? Or been cheating on someone and have them feel cum in your hole or see it frothing up on their dick? Busted.
  4. I like the one where the hard cock goes into the hungry hole. A fuck horse puts you into a pretty damn good position for mounting, breeding, and taking the next one.
  5. For me hooking up with a guy and dating a guy are two different things. Even with fuck buddies who have been fucking me regularly for 5 years, I do not consider them dates. Unless they ask me out. Just meeting to fuck is not a date in my mind. And I rarely sleep with anyone whether I am dating or fucking them.
  6. I just say I'm over 40 and leave it at that. what is the difference in 41, 42, 46 , etc. Until you are 50 it doesn't matter. And even then, I'll still be over 40 so it won't be a lie. Numbers are hard on bottoms. Age, weight, waist size, it's like we have to be boys all our lives. I don't really care about age when it comes to hook ups, but if I go out with a 49 year old man and he turns out to be 62, I'm pissed and probably leaving. Definitely not doing a second date. And it's not the age, it's the lie.
  7. You know i understand the issue of the constant reminders. I went through that and only in reading your posts in the last few days have I realized that I have moved passed that point. Taking my pill everyday is not a big deal, I don't really even think about why I am taking it. I take a ton of vitamins and supplements to stay healthy and I just think of it as one more vitamin. I also have a very good rapport with the pharmacy staff who make sure I don't run out of meds and even ship them to me free of charge so I don't have to go to the special pharmacy. Those people are awesome. Several people have mentioned support groups and talking to others, but I have to admit that I hated that part in the beginning. I don't live in a large metro area and the only support groups in my area are either condom nazi's or are long-term survivors. The long term survivors are men I admire a lot, but to the newly infected person in 2014 hearing about surviving the 80-90s just terrifies. Our experience as newly infected individuals is so much different than even 5 years ago, that unless you can find a group of newbies, I'd stay away from that. Reaching out on this site was trememdously helpful for me. And now that i am not so freaked out hearing words of wisdom from guys like Bearbandit are awe inspiring. There is a new site for newbies called HIVster.com You can tell from the title it's geared to a young crowd, but it is very hip and current.
  8. You are right, it's just another pill. There are three now that are one pill a day regiemes and all have excellent reviews. Complera is the one I take and I have had no side effects other than fatigue, but compared to how I felt before the meds, it is minor. The advantage of the other two options is that Complera has to be taken with food. It's not a big deal, you just have to remember. And it's not that it upsets your stomach or anything like that. The meds are metabolized with food so if you take it without your body doesn't get the medication. When I first went on meds my doctor put me on Issentriss also. It is an older medication that is known for knocking the viral load down to zero very quickly. I was undetectable from 77k in 30 days. I decided to stay on it for five more months and it was too much. I was sick all the time. I've remained undetectable for 15 months on just the one Complera a day. It works. And it feels good to know that I am actually a safer fuck than the negative bottom who "thinks" he's clean. If you are at 6-8 months you should move quickly. Read the article Wood posted. The fact that you are highly infectious right now is another reason to get on meds immediately. Regardless of the gift giving fantasy crap, you really don't want to pass this to anyone else do you?
  9. Waiting is old school thinking. I'd be very concerned about an ID specialist who thinks this way. The new research shows that meds can wipe the virus out of the body if started before it gets into the latent CD4 cells where it hides. That process takes 6-12 months. Why would you want to wait? My first two "Specialists" said that I had to wait until my CD4 cells dropped to below 500. That is why I saw a third doctor. What other disease do you know of where protocol is to wait until it damages you enough before beginning treatment? Back in the old days when the meds were almost has harmful as the virus, waiting made sense. Now, the dosages are lower and meds less toxic. There is NO advantage to waiting. Unless you know it has been over six months since you were infected, why would you give up the possibility of eradicating the virus before it completely invades your body? This point is another reason why testing regularly is so important. That way you can narrow down the window of the infection. I really think you need to see another doctor. Also, the six week wait for test results from blood work is inaccurate. Your doctor will have the results within a week of you going to the lab. You might not be able to get another appointment until six weeks later, but none of the tests take that long. Your doctor scares me.
  10. You know I was turned off by some of what I read here in the beginning as well. But like RT pointed out, just opt out of what you find upsetting. I did that and I don't see much of it. And the disturbing stuff about stealthing and bug chasing doesn't appear for me. I also felt it best for me not to read the section on Sex and Chems. And I have to point out that once you filter the extremes, this forum is highly educational and entertaining. I talk about thing on this site that I don't even bring up on my own blog. And I sure don't talk to real people about. That is the value of the internet. Bringing people with similar interests together who never would meet otherwise. Nice to meet you. Now chill out and try to remember what made you seek this out in the first place.
  11. He's on Rentboy.com if you really want him. Money talks.
  12. Click here to see Tiger Milner's original blog post... 21 cm dans un trou de balle - XTube Porn Video - enfoutreurdemale More...
  13. I agree with RT. I love how apps and online dating let us cut to the chase. I also enjoy the fact that in the cyber-sexual world we can be who we want to be. We can act out fantasies. It might seem shallow, but there are a lot of men I'd sleep with but would not go out with. In fact, that is most often the case. And in sync with RT again, I have to admit I met my first partner the first time I ever went to a bath house. This was before the internet. Also, I have numerous friends today who at one point were anonymous hook ups. Some of them I still fuck with, some have moved past that. It usually doesn't happen, but it can. I usually discourage it, but some men are more interesting than others. Some I like more than others. And that part has nothing to do with sex.
  14. Make sure there is no key card access required to get up to the floor. Great for security, but kills an anon scene. Roadside dumps are better than high end business or resort hotels. End of the hall away from the elevator or stairs is best. You do not want people walking by if the door is going to be ajar. Low light. No TV unless sound is muted.
  15. What a turn off! Keep posting these kind of statements and you won't have to worry about getting pozzed. No one will want to fuck you.
  16. I'll tell you what my doctor told me when I used the "rest of my life" phrase. He said, "No, you only have to take it til there is a cure". Then he assured me that will happen sooner than later. Don't get into the "rest of my life" mindset. Stay in today. And today be grateful we have one pill a day meds that keep us from getting sick and dying. Today.
  17. It is actually a grieving process. It takes time. I think for me it happened in phases. It is probably still going on. I no longer think about it all the time. One of the most important moments that lead to acceptance for me, was when I actually asked myself "would I do it over again?" I could not be a victim when I knew the honest answer was "yes". I can't say it was worth it, but I do know I would do again. Just keep an attitude that everything happens for a reason. Maybe you can't or won't have certain experiences now that you are poz, but you will also be opened up to new people and experiences that you would not have if you were not positive.
  18. I find that guys like sluts. I used to pretend I was better than that (while secretly being a slut). Now that I embrace it, I find men love it. The only men who like "tight" holes are teenage boys who think it sounds good. A loose sloppy hole feels much better. As long as you have the muscle control to tighten it when it counts, you have what men want. And your picture is smoking hot proof.
  19. I saw my ID specialist today for my every 90 day bloodwork. Still undetectable (<20 parts per ml) and my T cells are at 768 (42%). Except for the anemia I have been struggling with, I am very healthy. I also had two pap smears. I mention that because it is not a typical test and it makes me all the more happy that I have a (HOT) gay doctor who I can say with a straight face that I need a pap smear and he knows why and also how important it is. In fact, I didn't even bring it up. I had one a year ago so he said it was time for another. Women have their gynecologists, and we bb bottoms need to take care of our holes too. Now tonight, I watched the movie Philadelphia with Tom Hanks. It really made me feel deep gratitude for how much better we have it today than in the 90s. I remember being young, stupid, and horny. I remember how it felt to want something so bad that was so BAD. I knew many guys who weren't as lucky as I. I have tremendous admiration for all the survivors who made it through the early years and are still with us. That movie really made me feel grateful on a whole different level.
  20. I get chia seeds in juice drinks called Kolumbucha. I drink those instead of soda or energy drinks. You can find them at Whole Foods, Fresh Market, Natural Food stores and organic places. Not all of them have chia seeds but some flavors do. The consistency is weird, seeds all suspended in juice, but it's good once you get used to the slimy coating. I don't know about them lubing your hole for you but they are great fiber and are packed with antioxidants and nutrients as well. Good stuff.
  21. it is the latest and greatest, just like Complera was for me in 2012 and Atripla before that. It is a compound of 4 drugs I understand and the other two are compounds of three. I'd take your doctor's advice. Two of the three drugs in all three are the same, if I am not mistaken. But what you are talking about in terms of drug resistance is an issue if you get re-infected, and with a drug resistant strain. That is how that would occur, at least as far I understand it. But you will have that issue as a remote possibility no matter which drug you ultimately go with. I find good basic, easy to understand info on POZ.com if i need to read up on things. But like my ID Specialist told me, if it was written before july of 2012, is out of date information.
  22. Using poppers has absolutely nothing to do with transmission of HIV. Nothing.
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