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Everything posted by TigerMilner

  1. The official reason was that they were "eliminating" my position. They gave me separation agreement that pays me for a while if I don't sue. They actually said that. They specifically said it had nothing to with my performance. I haven't read it yet and wouldn't sign it. I need to see a lawyer but they said I have 21 days to accept their offer. I've known something was up. There were rumors suddenly. And it was really odd that people I knew at work but didn't work with suddenly started popping into my office just wanting to chat. It was a corporate visual display design manager position. I was worried when I had to make 4 presentations at the company's annual Sales meeting. I had to speak to a few hundred people who work all over the country. Otherwise, I tried to lay pretty low. I'll land on my feet. I made a living as an artist and doing freelance display work for 12 years before taking this job. I really took it for the money and especially the insurance coverage. I'll think about that tomorrow. I get alot of traffic on my blog. Maybe it's time to make it something more serious. I fucking hate the 8-5 life anyway.
  2. Click here to see Tiger Milner's original blog post... I guess I have to live life with an edge. I always knew their was a chance someone might find my blog or my videos at work. I took down most of the ones that showed my face 7 months ago. Today I got fired. Someone knows. I feel like I've been punched in the gut. But I'll be ok. I need to get back in my studio. I'm not meant for the corporate world. I've got project I need to finish. And my new video camera. Fuck them. You can't own me for $75K a year. I'm fucking Tiger Milner. More...
  3. I don't think my trust issue is with Grindr. I am intrigued by it, as i continually go back and make a new profile whenever I have a trip planned. It is a fun app. But like you said, you can figure out a guys location. And when I travel, I find it very hot. It's just protecting my private space that matters to me. My trust issue is not with apps, it's with men. Not to get too deep or overly negative. I love men. But there are some real freaks out there. And it's not the sexual stalkers that worry me, it's the religious nuts that tend to scare me. Nothing worse than a self-loathing self righteous christian denying his sexuality. The amount of resentment that men like that harbour is frightening. We all know I'm pretty damn bold when it comes to exposing myself sexually, and many have commented that miss my anon sex encounter videos, but I can't take those risks anymore. It's a drawback to "internet fame". I do get some haters, and they can be very intense. You must get them as well? I like your idea of making it an upgrade. THat is smart. Oh, and to Blktop's point, it is amazing what you can find out by googling a phone number, or an email address. Email addresses are easy to make up, but few guys have separate cell phones for their sex lives. My married bud got off on not telling me his last name. He still thinks I don't know it. Same with a married Dentist I used to fuck with. If their phone number is on a website, or an a professional certification such as a Realtor, everything you want to know pops up. He still has no idea I know who he is and where his offices are and what his wife and kids names are. lol. He's just lucky I'm a damn nice guy.
  4. When I travel I use Grindr, and I don't use my name on that site, so I like to see and show the distances. I have used it locally but I keep deleting my profile. Somehow it creeps me out. But, on the other hand it is really hot to find that another hot guy is in the same hotel. I might use BBBH the same way. My BBRT profile is a name that people can figure out if they know me, but it only lists what city I'm in. I just don't want and would never use an app that would let someone find my home. My home is my sanctuary. If I want you to come over, I'll give you the address. Otherwise, I am hiding out. It just seems it would be too easy to take stalking to a bizarre new level. I wouldn't want any part of that. But I am excited to see what you are putting together. I know it will be hot. And if you come down to south florida, I WILL give YOU my address....
  5. Click here to see Tiger Milner's original blog post... Home I want to go to FTL the weekend the Bears invade! This will be hot. Anyone else planning to go? I love the beach in May. Warm enough to swim but not yet sweltering. More...
  6. Actually, there is no way any man can say he Neg and that be a fact unless he hasn't had sex since his last two tests, and I doubt that guy is going to be cruising on this new site. I think it's all getting too techical. It's not sexy. Unless you are bug chaser and a guy has listed not meds and a viral load. I dont' know, not being negative (no pun intended) but it all seems a turn off to me.
  7. As long as you didn't test poz til after, you didn't lie to him and you are documented since you do have the test results. Plus, manslaughter? Dude would have to be dead. He's an asshole for one thing. Don't talk to him any more. And give yourself a break. The health department will handle notifications for you and will do it anonymously. I let them do that for me except for my married guy and my other regular fuck bud. I handled those myself. The rest got an anonymous call from the health dept. Let them handle it for you. You don't need this added stress. That is exactly what they said to me. He is most likely not infected, so you will have nothing to worry about from him. And chill out on telling people.
  8. Is HDK still in business? Haven't seen a new release from them in ages.
  9. I went on meds in July of 2012 just 4 months after being infected. I was undetectable within 30 days (<20) and have been since. I never miss a dose. I do know that if you are not 100% compliant on medications or if you are reinfected with a new strain, your viral load can return. Undetectable is a high maintenance status. It really just boils down to two statuses, poz or neg. Of course poz and on meds is much safer than not on meds and even safer than neg (who doesn't realize he got infected yet). Poz on meds is the new safer sex.
  10. Sounds like you have a good outlook on your situation. It' is generally accepted today that starting treatment as soon as diagnosed has long term benefits associated from keeping CD4 levels from dropping as well as preventing further spread of the virus. You will get your Viral Load and CD4 cell count along with numerous other markers at your first visit to the ID specialist. I would recommend you let your doctor determine what meds are best for your situation. Most likely it will be one of the one pill a day regime's which are actually 3-4 meds in one pill. On that note, don't settle for the first doctor you see if you are uncomfortable with him/her or don't get the answers you need. I went thru 3 before I found the one I have stuck with. He spent nearly two hours with me on my first visit. Not that that was necessary, but it made me feel better, and that is what doctors do, right?
  11. Click here to see Tiger Milner's original blog post... Late night cumdump breeding - XTube Porn Video - Muscle-Cumdump More...
  12. Good for you Billy. It's good to see that not all cum whore bottoms are dumb ass meth heads. You plan sounds great to me. Personally, I had a rental property years ago and I hated being a landlord, so it's not for me. But it is a solid plan. You'll have a huge market for seasonal rentals as well. That might be a new angle for you as you won't have to deal with people who can't pay their rent. Most snowbird types are financially sound. Now finding that top you dream of is a whole different story. lol Maybe he will be a snow bird as well.
  13. Damn, this thread makes me want to be in that room with you all.
  14. I was in the same situation only it was a married man, not a woman. At first I was like telling everyone. It was actually my Doctor to advised me to chill out on telling people. He told me I was in shock and not thinking clearly. He told me I might feel differently in 6 months to a year. You can't un-tell someone. Don't get hung up about breaking her heart based on a lie. You obviously have been lying to her all along, so get over that. Not being cold here, but you might regret telling her. She might feel angry and resentful and tell people you wouldn't want to tell. You do need to end it. Then I would reccommend you chill out, spend the next 6 months taking care of your self. Get your health in order. Then re-evaluate. Dont' rush into telling the world. The world, and your girl friend, can and will wait.
  15. Good information from BearBandit and Hollywood. I got my Complera refilled today and re-read the possible side effects. I don't want to switch as it has been working great and I know that a one pill a day regieme is a luxury. I want it to keep working. Most ID Specialists don't want to switch you around because in the event you pick up a new strain, and possibly a resistant one, you need to have options. Once you switch from one drug to another you often can't switch back. This virus is a bastard because it mutates if given a chance and the old regieme may not work again for you. It is an excellent reminder that even though today we are very fortunate to have so much less drug issues than the pioneers like Bear had to endure, this is still a very complicated medical issue that can have serious implications. I don't think I am having any serious issues, but I am reminded to always pay attention to my body and to be aware of changes. And to report them. Another reason regular bloodwork and doctor visits are vital. Bear mentioned one, liver or kidney damage. Like Rawtop pointed out, these are very powerful drugs. Liver or kidney damage can result and that can kill you.
  16. Thanks for posting this. Let us know how it turns out. I've been having some similar symptoms. I didn't think about it other than changing my routine since I started a regular job 7 months ago. I wrote the pain in my arm off to sitting at a computer most of the day. Ergonomics, you know. I'm not on Truvada, but I think Complera has some of the same meds in it. I'm gonna ask when I go for my blood work and ID spec appointment next month.
  17. Welcome Tex! You should do well here. Bottoms galore, and we all love a hot raw top. And who doesn't like getting eaten out afterward! OR before. Fuck Yeah!
  18. Great fantasy! I've thought about that too. First he gets you all relaxed then massages your guts with his dick. Then creams your hole. I'd like to get that contact info as well.
  19. Very Hot! I know that room. My experience there was with a hot asian too. TOp tho. I can't wait to go back in March.
  20. Click here to see Tiger Milner's original blog post... Adventures with BikeGuy13 - True Tales of a Sex Addict: Bathroom Stall Fuck Good blog by a fellow anonymous sex fiend. This reads like something I would do, oh wait, I have done! And will do again. Hot story. More...
  21. I know right, this is just plain hot fucking by two men are perfectly matched. Got me off hard. And no pulling out!
  22. Click here to see Tiger Milner's original blog post... Bodegero - XTube Porn Video - bluemale2013 Hot pounding, great internal cumshot. More...
  23. Good to hear you got a good referral and an appointment so quickly. As for your other questions, I felt that fatigue, weakness and such and it lasted nine months. I was on meds five months after initial infection and was undetectable within 30 days thanks to my doctor's "hit it early and hit it hard" approach. I was put on Complera and Issentriss. The Issentriss is an older drug that is known for knocking the viral load down quickly. I stayed on it even after I was undetectable out of fear, which was probably part of why I felt so sick for so long. I saw my ID specialist every 30 days for nearly a year. But that was because I was so sick and my Anemia kept getting worse and worse. To the point he sent me to see a Hematologist thinking I might have Leukemia or Bone Cancer. Fortunately I didn't. I dropped the Issentris and started feeling normal again within 30 days. Next month will be two years since I was infected. Even though I got sicker than most guys do and stayed sick longer, once I started feeling better I have felt fine since. Now I am on a regular every three months bloodwork and doctor visit routine and I take one Complera a day. I have remained undetectable on just the Complera. I hope my story doesn't scare you. My doctor said only 10 % of the newly infected get sick and only 10 % of them get as sick as I did. You'll be ok.
  24. Good man. You seem to have good character. His parents will appreciate it and you will feel better about yourself. Hope your tests come back negative too.
  25. You really should not fuck your friends son if you are really a friend. I have a 19 year old son and if one of my friends fucked him, raw or not, I'd be pissed. Boundaries dude. My son is not gay but the same would be true of a female friend of my age bracket. Same goes for my 18 year old daughter and my straight buds. Have some respect and put some value on your friendships. If you want to fuck a 19 year old twink, go the the bath house and find someone elses son.
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