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Everything posted by TigerMilner

  1. I felt the same way at first. I knew something was up. But I tested negative during the seroconversion process with a fever of 102.5. Didn't test positive until 30 days after that, so the ora quick is not going to buy much peace of mind. I'd go to the doctor. You can even start meds right away now. Ask them for the test for the virus, not the anti-bodies. It's the only way to know at this point.
  2. Same to you Dom, Thanks. I still want your load. Maybe next year....
  3. I love blogs from the point of view of the top. Mindtrip is hot.
  4. Click here to see Tiger Milner's original blog post... New York Sex Party Part 2 Tiger Milner I lost all track of time as I focused on sucking my new-found pimp’s hard cock and the fantastic feeling of giving in to the men in the room that he allowed to have my hole. Though I was loving being a total fuck whore to men I didn’t choose or see, I really wanted my Asian master to fuck me more than I anything. I had to earn his fuck. His load became my personal goal, though I dared not speak it and certainly not ask for it. I think I got six loads from 8 men. I had to come up for some air. My back was sore from being bent over at a ninety-degree angle for what had to be a half hour, maybe longer. “I need a drink” was all I said, expecting to be pushed back down. Instead, he took me by the wrist and said, “Come with me”. He led me out of the crowd and down the hall taking a left and heading to the bar. We didn’t talk. He ordered us both water. I drank mine in minutes. He sipped and stared at me. “I’m going to fuck you next”. He said as he took me by the wrist again. He led me back down the hall and turned down one of the dead-end paths that ended at the fuck bench. The fuck bench had a padded bench that was for my knees as I bent over the also padded part where my torso was bent forward, offering my ass up to my Bruce Lee look-alike. The angle of the fuck bench had my head lower than my ass making my face available for fucking as well as my ass. My Asian Master used his fingers in a aggressive manner, probing and pushing, opening me back up, playing with my cummy hole. Then he swiftly plunged his hard cock into me. I needed no lube. One fast stroke down to the balls and back out. It became a fast paced pounding that made me want to push back to take it all as eagerly as he gave it. Just then a big fat uncut dick appeared in my face. I sucked the semi hard cock as my hole was assaulted from behind. I was breathless from the frantic pace of the fucking and trying to give a good head job to who ever it was that stuck that fat cock in my mouth. As I tried my best to take it all, he pulled out as fast as he had started and was pushing the man in my face away and instructing me to “Suck”. His dick tasted like cum as it was covered in the mixed up loads that were shot into my hole in our round one. As I cleaned his cock and savored the tastes of cum the big cock I had been sucking took his place in my cum hole. At least I think it was the same cock. “Yeah man, fuck his hole”, exclaimed my pimp. “Fuck him hard!”. The man went right at it, plunging in all at once. He pulled out slowly, then plunged back in. He kept that plunge fast and deep then slow slide out pace for a few minutes. Another man was in front eager to get into my mouth. My Master pulled out and motioned him into my oral cum hole where he shot a load in less than a minute. I swallowed it as the man in my ass slammed into me grunting and shooting and spasming as the man cumming in my face triggered the one in my ass to unload at the same time. I took loads in both holes. My Ass Master jumped in behind him as soon as he pulled out and piston fucked me as the men standing around the bench jerked off. Cum from all the loads taken since we connected splattered out of me and his fucking made a noticeable squishy fuck sound that all the men watching noted. One of them shot streams of cum across my back with some of it landing exactly where it needed to go in order to slowly slide down my ass crack and became lube for the frantic fucking . The man I was sucking began to cum down my throat grabbing my head and fucking it like a melon. Seeing the two men cumming on me and in me was too much for him. My Master withdrew his cock with a snap and grabbed me by the arm and pulled me up. “Let’s go” is all he said. I rose off the bench quickly noticing that about six men stood around, us waiting to get off as we disappeared down the dim hallway. The frantic fucking had ended on his call. Following him as he led me by the arm, we made a ninety degree turn at the end of the hall and down another dark hall. Two more right angle turns in the opposite direction and we were at another dead-end. This one had a sling at the end of the all black hall. I grabbed two of the chains and pulled myself up into position. The way the sling was positioned, I was facing the dead-end wall and could not see if anyone was behind us or coming down the hall. My ass was as high as my head as my ankles were looped into the stirrups and my hands found their way into the ones above my head. “You really want this don’t you?’ he said standing between my spread legs. “Yes Sir, I do”. I said without hesitation. “You’ll get it when I think you have earned it.” He told me. Just then he shoved it forward, skewering me with his hard dick and pushing me backward into the sling. Gravity impaled me on his cock. The sling then pushed me forward as it responded. He stood in position as I landed right on his cock, bottoming out full force. Again, he took hold of the chains that held up each of my legs and pushed me back using is cock, driving it as deep into me as it could go. Each time he pushed me back as he fucked into my ass with his cock the sling would go back and then the force of my own body weight took over, impaling me again and again. I loved it. And again, men had gathered on each side as he grunted loudly as he fucked me hard and roughly. It was a noisy fuck between his loud grunts, my gasps and moans, and the sounds of the chains clanging as the sling was pushed to the limits of it’s physics. He grunted with long powerful stabs of his cock pushing me backward each time. The sling then impaled me back onto him and we did it again in a rythmn that built with each impact of ass on his pelvis. He threw his head back as he shouted and pushed into me, pushing me as far back as the chains would allow, causing them to buckle and me to go back into the men who watched with gusto. He was heaving and panting as he pumped his seed deep inside me. It took a lot to get him to give in to it. The nut had been building as he whored me out all night. His pelvis was covered in the splattered cum of the men he let breed me as it was pushed out by his own load. I had long before given up any sense of control over my hole. It was loose, it was open, it was his. But his load, and all the loads it now mixed were mine. I had it earned it. I had earned them all. He collapsed onto me, covering my stomach from between my legs with sweating muscled Asian man. I love how a brutish man is reduced to a sensitive orgasming breathless gasping animal. He went from being in total control to loosing all control. He held me in place, tightly, as his cock spasmed without pumping. After several prolonged throbs, it slipped out of me. A glob of cum splatted on the concrete floor as it was pulled out by his cock head. Two of the men on the sides let loose with cum spraying across my face and chest. He sprung up off me as if abruptly awakened. I figured he might be finished with me after he came, but he took my ankles out of the stirrups one at the time, then grabbed my wrist again saying, “Come on.” I had assumed the men waiting on the sides would be fucking me next. I was settled in for a long session. He was the one in control. It was not my place to know what was next. I think that is what he was telling me. Showing me. It was not for me to know. More...
  5. All the soccer moms and their straight husbands who read this forum are obviously into raw gay sex on drugs. Martha Stewart had a gang bang recently and she told me so. We actually don't give the community a name at all since this site is fairly underground. Except for the men of Duck Dynasty, who prefer raw fucking a gash. It's the bible that gives us a bad name asshole.
  6. That is great news. Congratulations. You'll have my support. Way to go.
  7. Always try to keep the condom after a protected fuck. If I am home or soon after, it is easiest if you use a small syringe meant for dosing medicine. Draw it up from the tip of the condom, withdraw, stick it up the ass, plunge. Right where it belongs. Get them at any pharmacy.
  8. As far as I'm concerned the best city to bottom in is the one I'm in at the time. I didn't think there was a geographical component here, but the post about areas such as the middle east where bottoming is more taboo and thus more tops, makes me want to go there. All the Jean Paul Cadinot films from the 80s have that element and even though I don't remember them from back then, I think they are hot now. Vacation in Turkey? Hmmmm.
  9. I love making videos but have never done it on cam. I am very interested in doing so as so many men who like my vids have requested that I do it. I do need a willing partner. Anyone in South Florida willing?
  10. Poptronic, I totally agree with you from the political standpoint. And I have to clarify that the two men who were in the front office and managing the place as well as the one who responded to my inquiry were friendly, warm, polite, and considerate. From the standpoint of the club, I was totally welcomed and considered one of "those who admire them". But that doesn't and didn't entitle me to "all you can eat". I still think of this evening as a profound experience since rarely does a sexual binge result in so many questions, issues and first time experiences. I do wish they would host a "White bottom" event and let the men who enjoy interracial sex and all the socio-political implications it entails.
  11. Good to hear he is better. I commend you for staying with him. Most guys would have bailed. This story again underscores the importance of testing regularly. If he had found out sooner, he would be in better health today and would not have suffered as much. I don't share your resolve to use condoms, though I do tough them out when a man uses one, but I am a major proponent of regular testing. If you bareback, you need to have a testing routine.
  12. Hey GF, Thanks for commenting. I always enjoy what you write. You seem like my kind of man. And you completely nailed what I was trying to communicate. the difference in society's stance on racial segregation and the sexual preference in terms of what a black man is to us is exactly where I was going with this. I actually was born and raised in a small town 45 miles outside Atlanta ( a very white community) so I felt like I was one of them. But Atlanta is a very African American city, both politically and sexually. I find that to be very hot. But I'm not one of those white bottoms who only goes for black men. I go for masculine men. And I find tall, dark and handsome to be a perfect combination. And to be totally self centered for a moment, I do think I look better with a black man. The contrast is hot. Also, to the posters who asked about how i got in with out a membership? After reading that I remembered something and looked in my wallet and there it was: they gave me a membership card. I'd love to go back, but I am taking the advice I've received here and going to arrange to either meet some guys who will be expecting me or go with one of the members. I can't believe I forgot the membership card. But I was kind of nervous as I was checked in.
  13. I guess I am more adventurous than most people when it comes to sex. I don't mind taking risks and putting myself out there. Life is too short to spend it wondering what it would be like. But if I was out of place or offended anyone at all, I do, and will apologize.
  14. Thanks for the comment. I was hoping to hear from some men of color as well. I knew you would know what I mean. Your point about " a typical white male attitude" was exactly what I was hoping to avoid. I guess I did. I get why they feel a need to exist, and judging by the crowd, so do a lot of other men. And driving unwanted traffic of middle aged white men is something I hope does not result from this post. Integrating this place would ruin it. I am really turned on by the idea that was suggested about going there with a member who would whore me out. That is hot. Next time I go, it will be like that. Or at least I'll go there to meet some guys I'll hook up with thru bbrt or a4a. They do advertise so they have to be used to this scenario. There was no criticism or judgement intended in my post. I truly want to know how other white bottoms handle this situation. Personally I like hot men. Period. I just find dark skin to be very hot. And being a fair skinned blue eyed white boy all my life, I guess I find the contrast to be exciting. I just think it looks good. I would recommend the The Den highly, but you better be secure in your role as a submissive bottom, and you better be self confident enough inside to withstand being treated like you don't exist by some. The man who answered my inquiry said that it was "all about your attitude". He was spot on correct. I did not go there looking for my black man fix. I went there to give those amazing men what they needed that night. A warm wet hole to breed. The fact that I am white, is beside the point. But I have to say they were a much finer lot than any I have ever found at a typical bath house full of "diversity". There was not one man there that I did not want. That is never the case at a typical club. I have to admit, from a writer's standpoint, experiencing being the minority for the first time was eye opening.
  15. Good question. I wondered about it before I discovered iBlastinside's blog. It is a common twitter hash tag. I think anyone who desires and participates in bareback sex can be a member. Oral only doesn't count. I don't think it has anything to do with HIV status, though I'd bet most of the membership are either poz or chasers. Or just not poz yet. No judgements. I agree with you about the stealthing. It might be raw, but it's not a brotherhood concept or activity as brotherhood means a common bond, not a victimization. I do like seeing bbbh on a guys profile.
  16. If a guy doesn't respond to me with a hard on I assume he's either A: not into me, or B: drunk or high. Either way, I lose interest.
  17. Click here to see Tiger Milner's original blog post... anon cumdump - XTube Porn Video - cumdump30 More...
  18. Just to clarify, I got more action than I could handle that night. I think I handled it very well, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't breaking some unwritten code. I will definitely go back. I love the idea of going with a man who is a regular and getting whored out. I can totally get into that. I saw a little of that in that after this one guy fucked me, three or four others would step in and go next. He fucked me three times and his fucks lasted for what seemed like an hour. Each time he handed me off and two or three men would fuck me after him. It was awesome. I have to say, the men there turned me on. At one point one of the managers tracked me down. It freaked me out. Then he told me I need to come to front desk. I had dropped my wallet in the locker room when undressing and someone turned it in. With everything inside. My ass is still sore. And it's Thursday. lol.
  19. I had an experience like no other last weekend. And while it was incredible, it also had moments that were awkward. I went to a sex club called "The Den" in Atlanta. I arrived about 12:30 and the place had a hot crowd. The man at the door recognized me as I had written to them before hand asking if it was only for men of color. They reserve the right to turn you away. They did not. In fact, the two men were very nice and welcoming to me. It was "Butt Naked" night, so I was really excited. Shoes was the only thing you were allowed to wear. Everything else went in your locker. I do love men of color, any color. I noticed immediately that I was the minority. In fact, I was the only white man there. I was very sensitive to the fact that I could be perceived as using them for my "Black dude" fantasy. So I stayed very humble and submissive. In fact, I noticed at one point that I was keeping my eyes lowered, as if not worthy of eye contact. I was there to worship black cock and be used as the white whore by as many as wanted it. I checked out the club and the men. About half treated me as if I was invisible, as if I had no business there. (Bottoms I'm sure, though all the men there were masculine and hot). It was an amazing collection of dark skin bulls. A few were latino, but dark. I offered myself up by positioning myself on all fours on a bed. Only one man fucked me. It was hot, but when he was done, that was it. I tried the fuck bench, a large ottoman, a small bed in a semi-private room, and then I discovered the "Dark Room". It was so dark no one could tell who was doing what to whom. I figured this was my best bet since most of the men didn't want to be seen fucking the white man. I got nailed a few times in the dark right away. But even in the dark room, some of the men turned away from me as soon as they felt my hair. I stayed til 6 am and got my ass torn up completely, especially after 3:00 am. It was amazing. But I still wonder, was I out of place or out of line in going there since it is billed as a club for Men of Color? Does anyone have an opinion or insight into this? I'm not the least bit racist, but I do understand that it is out there and that there are politics involved as well. Would you do it?
  20. I do hate to loose it. That's the only thing I don't like about having someone felch me. I want to keep the cum. It becomes part of me. Though if it's a good night, it can feel alot like having diahrea. lol. Seriously. Makes me a little insecure sometimes if I am afraid I'm not (or no longer) clean enough.
  21. Yeah it burns like a bitch. I learned a great solution a long time ago. Always try to swallow it or take it up the ass. If it gets in your eye, you are wasting cum. lol
  22. This is a great question actually. I tried this weekend to set up a gangbang, using a high end downtown hotel in Atlanta. I thought the contrast of being a slut in a classy hotel was hot. One guy showed up. Two actually but the second one called me from his car pissed off that it cost $15 to park. I didn't know. I came here in a cab so it never occurred to me to ask about parking. Also, it required a key card to get up my floor, so the anonymity factor was lost and that is why most of the guys bailed. I was actually glad most of them backed out since I couldn't figure out how I would get a bunch of guys up to my room one at the time. Did the same thing in NYC in October, and only got two to show up. But at least the concierge let them up after calling me. What I learned is the sleazier the hotel, the better. No elevators, free parking lot in the center, no doorman, and preferably just off an interstate exit. In Atlanta I'm now told the Red Roof Inn on Druid Hills Road and the Chesire Motor Inn on Cheshire Bridge Road are popular with the Craigslist crowd. In Ft Lauderdale, any of the Gay Resorts, except the ones with locked gates that you have to be buzzed into. Hot ass pic btw.
  23. I agree about Steamworks in Chicago. HOT place. Very nice and well run also. I find the go out and get some approach for exciting than laying in a room. I've done it, but at Steamworks I had amazing times in the public areas. I one top fucking me, one fucking my face, and two or three jerking off on the sides, another steps up when one finishes. It was HOT. A lot of bareback, but I took some latex poundings too. Worse bath house in recent visit: Flex in Atlanta. I've been before and never had luck, but the place just doesn't click. It's run down, bad layout, no fitted sheets, no pillows, and the worse music I've endured for that long, Though I did get off in a hot whore working a gloryhole. I fucked him hard. It does have a beautiful outdoor sundeck overlooking downtown, but when it's 42 degrees outside, who cares.
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