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Everything posted by bberik

  1. I went there today, but didn't find the tree before it got too dark. I didn't bring the directions, so I just walked with no clue where I was heading. I assume people bring some sort of flashlights? How do they find their way about in complete darkness, even if they've been there before? I might go there again in the daytime tomorrow to look for it. And bring the directions with me
  2. I prefer guys between 25-35, but can stretch it in both directions.
  3. I fantasize about that, but having been top for the last 25+ years, and just recently started looking for the right person to open me up again, I think it's gonna take a while before I'll be a total cum slut. I've never taken more than one at one time, but that was back when I was very young. The thought appeals to me though.
  4. I never have sex with friends. We might kiss and flirt for fun, but not sex. Having sex is generally not a good way of making friends either, even though I'm sort of friends with a couple of people I've had sex with.
  5. Is someone available to go to Hampstead Heath with me on November 5 or 6 in the daytime just to see the cruising area, and to take some photos? Would be cool to get an impression of the place. BB only (prefer neg or undet if top or vers), and would be nice to meet you if you're also a regular there.
  6. Is someone in London available to go to Hampstead Heath with me on November 5 or 6 in the daytime just to see the cruising area, and to take some photos? Would be cool to get an impression of the place. BB only (pref neg or undet if you're a top), and would be nice to meet you if you're also a regular there.

  7. I honestly don't know as I have fucked in Prague, Barcelona, Copenhagen etc, and I didn't talk to them. But there was no doubt what they wanted.
  8. It's pretty common. Just search for profiles with bareback or raw in their profile names on Gaydar and Gayromeo, and you'll realise that there are very many who say "always safe". Even more "for discussion". If your profile is open with lots of photos with you, or your friends know about your profile I can understand if you don't want to be open about your bb life, as barebacking is not generally accepted in most environments. What I don't understand is why anonymous profiles have bareback related profile names, but still have "always safe" in their status.
  9. Someone put a condom on my cock at gay sauna in Copenhagen sometimes in the mid-80's, but that was the only time I can remember. I have never liked condoms. They are total turn offs for me. If someone even suggests wearing a condom, there will be no sex. The only things they are good for are party toys (beer games, or put it on your head and blow them up) or poke a hole in them and use them as cock rings. I even fucked a girl once, and have a daughter to show for it. No condoms!
  10. BBRT of course, but also Gaydar and Gayromeo. It's easy to identify barebackers on Gaydar and Gayromeo. Gaydar sucks if you don't pay though. You can look at just a limited number of profiles, and send few messages. But I got a date from there going to Lithuania next week. Gayromeo has a very good search engine for other profiles, where you easily can search for people with never, sometimes or can be discussed in the safe sex column. You can also search for guys within a certain country, city, etc. And what I like best: You can search for guys looking for guys at your age. Makes things a hell of a lot easier. Have two dates from BBRT going to London in three weeks, btw, so hook up sites work
  11. If it's too cold in November, I might still go there during daytime to find it, just to make it easier till next time I go to London.
  12. Believe it or not, it was 25+ years ago at my parents' house. It was awesome getting that load from a local guy I connected with. A one-nighter. But I obviously must have had second thoughts afterwards, as it was in the early HIV/AIDS stage/hysteria. A couple of years later I lost a friend to AIDS, and it scared me. So I turned top, but still never used condoms. Now last summer I met a guy in Kiev, Ukraine, he didn't fuck me, but he was so damned hot that I want it to happen again. I hope I find the right guy to fuck me and dump his load inside me. My last load given was at Boyberry in Barcelona, not too long ago
  13. Would love to fuck that hole. I'll be in London 4-8 Nov. if interested.

  14. I never use condoms, been a top for more than 25 years now, and still neg. Never asked about the bottoms' status. But lately the thought of getting fucked and having deposits left in my ass, has been growing on me, and I know I will be taking greater risks. I will take deposits from negs and undets, but one day someone might be lying. I know the risks. But there are other risks in life too, that can be fatal.
  15. The lane, are you talking about the one called Heath Brow on the map? I'll be in London 4-8 November, but it'll probably be too cold for action???
  16. I'll be in London 4-8 November. Can meet if you like to.

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