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Everything posted by bbpigbtm

  1. My husband has lost intrest in sex after yrs together, live north of Boston , looking for black guys on dl, make 2025 great
  2. Hope this helps, but alot of sex is mental. How you think 🤔 of sex, and letting go. I think men loose interest in sex after they cum, because we felt( or was told ) jo& sex bad dirty, wrong, ect. I think men can have many hats in life, a our sex life can be different to whst we show the world. I have great husband who a life partner, but i can be a btm cumdump for a alpha . I know when i need to be just a fuck hole.
  3. Masc dicreet fit bluecollar cheating fag
  4. Natural here, but also wear no deodrant! I have shaved balls in summer
  5. I did up till i was 30,was so hot, love smelling my big sweaty balls over my face, i shoot big loads doing it& drink all down
  6. When i first met my husband it hurt being fuck( he 9.5x 6) i was a new btm and was worried i never like it. He kept hitting inside & hurt . I always puch hime back, but after month my hole was craving fucks. I got poppers& that night he popp threw something & went way deep, ( guess i was never twking him all the way. After that my hole opens and he deep fucks me, and i never feel his loads coming out. My ass is gone from tight boi ass too mancunt. Btm after being regular fucks threw ass ring you start having anal orgasms
  7. Happen to me at a rest stop, guy had wife& kids in car, but he was taking long time so i went in mens room& he was jo at urinal. I try get near him but he said no. I beg for load , but hand 🤚 went up, he jo a big load, but didn’t do it in urinal, he shot on top it, then said for u, he look back smiling on way out doir as i slup it up and mouthed thank You.👅
  8. Guess this topic fell flat, not worried my partner cheating ( i was wondering if it in are dna to want have sex with many) i made commet about husband in bathroom- as i been hit on alot in mens room- and i played some, our we just men doing what men do. I think for bi/ gay men, we had sneak around when young to be with a guy, that , when we are with our life partner, we miss the rush of sneaking around, the thrill, so we seek it out? Maybe 🤔
  9. Sorry typing errors , can’t fing glasses, but think 🤔 goog thought! My guy was long time in restaurant bathroom & he look bashful come out! He pack 9 inches
  10. Men, do we think all men cheat???? Gay/ Bi …men! We love out guy & hwppy home, but given a chace do we play, do we thinknthey don’t? Even on vaca, and your husband use a restroom and hot guy hitting on himat urinal, don’t we think we all get fast head in stall& be back at work n minutes? Do men stey loyal😎
  11. Amazing, i find if I do ko, my holes always hungry!
  12. Found a book store ın nh, how ı started cheatıng on husband( ıs ıt cheatıng) ıf you don’t know eho
  13. Btms, when working the gh’s( been off them w/ monkey pox) my husband has no clue- i was picky few times, smell/ size? But are we expected to take all? I love when i see after its a old/ real gross/ ugly guy- makes me proud- i’m a faggott going threw with it
  14. I sleep better loaded, i never shit it out,in shower in am, so trickklees out
  15. Us btm can be talk into anything😜
  16. I found glory holes in nh🐷gross bookstore, with alot old guys stoping in, just look, but finally drop and just suck cock after cock, left when was out of cash! Felt so dirty but horned and not guilty
  17. I think its better not to tell, it will huft him, i nerver tell mine, he go crazy, thinking about it. I hope he gets some too
  18. Same boat, but think my hung husband been getting ass on side, works later, foubd profile on bbrt, but he never want me playing
  19. I really see it asca big Thank You for fuck& load!
  20. It all makes sence, we are the way we are ment too be!
  21. 🙌😈🐷💦
  22. Thanks for great feedback, its awesome. I chatted with both of hese dads, one married& on divorce. Told them about each other( both middle 60’s) they agree to tage me & they both talk . I understand i should not cheat,and i want stay married. When you find your person , you want share LIFE, i want to grow old with someone
  23. I love my husband we have great life, yrs together. Sex doesn’t happen alot, he jo every night when i sleep. ( porn addicted) . I have these older daddies that want me, they said they live to tag me& fuck me like i need too be. Think 🤔 i should, it just be sex, ( wild nasty sex) my husband i never tell, but think i need this, to be treated like a sex thing
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