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Everything posted by subhole

  1. Didn’t Trump say: If you vote for me, it will be the last time you have to vote. There will be no midterms anymore.
  2. all above the place; piss whereever you want and need 🙂
  3. add me to the starter pack, please michahh.bsky.social
  4. i had so much fun there, too; they do have a yellow party which is amazing
  5. are there any other bareback servers on discord? or bb positive ones ?
  6. Two days later: the next day I was very tired and had a headache, but today everything is fine. 🙂
  7. Got my MPX shot today at around 10 a.m., here in Germany. Now it's 5 p.m. and I'm feeling fine so far. Let's see how it developes over the next days. 🙂
  8. [think before following links] http://mutschmanns.de Moved to Motzstrasse.
  9. love your new look

    1. Toxload


      Thanks glad you like my new look after my castration 

      it’s amazing not having any balls

    2. 1111bb2222


      Love the Castrated look! Congrats. Will also be Castrated myself soon

  10. Got second dose, so far without bigger side effects. hoping to suck cocks soon!!! need for cum and piss is so big!!
  11. Tried to buy the old "documentary" about TIM, made by Liam Cole. But couldn't find it anymore. They try to get rid of their former legend building way?
  12. sure. absolutely.
  13. are there any pics of guys in xmas clothing (like santa or something), but with visible scorpion or biohazard tattoo? would be a very special kind of bringer of gifts 😉 do you have such pics? please post them here or contact me.
  14. in summer 2019 at Steppenbrand, a fetish camp. lots of guys, we were fucking in the summer sun outside on the meadow. pissed on each other, too. so much fun.
  15. I love it and I'm really good 😉
  16. totally slave and servant for the dominant Top. love to please a guy. pisspig, fuckhole. love to be face slapped.
  17. got a lot of piss. naked or with clothes on. had to drink it, too. love to wear my blue shirt with "Urinal" printed on, in yellow letters.
  18. and when you are taking lockdown serious without fucking around, you can stop Prep (like me); the good point here is, Prep has - like nearly every medication - to pass the kidneys; the corona medication, that you might have to take (whatever they have to give you, depends on the complications) does that, too; so stoping Prep might release your kidneys from one "unnecessary" medication right now;
  19. 😉 and thats why I like Tommy Haine much more than all the active guys
  20. wish I could get them, too. don't know how to find a doc here in germany
  21. Update: Closed due to Corona until 01. August. [think before following links] http://www.lab-oratory.de/
  22. time to read a good book, write a hot story, doing some new pictures for forums or profiles, chatting and talking to people i haven't lately. a lot to do. 🙂
  23. when I'm down on the ground I'm looking for feet or sneakers to lick and clean. or an ass that needs a tongue.
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