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About DudeLiquor

  • Birthday 06/19/1957

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    69 miles east of Jackson WY in the Wind River Mtns
  • Interests
    Totally love a good throat milking my dick--finding how deep and how long that throat can keep that dick down. I've got a big thick dick that gets really hard and throbs in responce to all the attention--drools with lots of clear sweet precum. Of course a willing and capable ass is awesome too--an ass that loves to fuck back on a dick, an ass that is hungry for dick and wants to get that dick head as deep in that fuckchute as possible. Love laying back and watching my bottom boy pigging out on dads big fat dick...
  • HIV Status
    Neg, Recently Tested
  • Role
  • Background
    6', 180# 32w daddy with an always hard(very hard) 8.5" thick dick-nice and meaty cock with a big mushroom head. Love to dig deep and get up into that second hole. My bottom guys are always wanting it again. Problem is, I so enjoy new holes to plant in. Hard cummer-multiple shots/still shoot over my head. Love to watch the bottoms face as I blast loads up his ass.
  • Porn Experience
    VERY XXXperiencd at watching porn!!!
  • Looking For
    Hungry hole!!! Want guys that need to be fucked hard and deep with big thick dicks-open up and grind away. Guys that want to wrap their lips around cock and milk hard--and whether those lips are facial or anal really doesn't matter...as long as they are talented. Looking for guys that LOVE dick.

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  1. When I get really excited my dick will get hard as a rock. Sometimes I think it's so hard as not to be comfortable for the bottom. I've not had any complaints but was wondering if it would be better if I wasn't quite so hard. Can a dick be too hard?
  2. sounds a lot like the Sawmill campground
  3. This fucker has done me well over the years...
  4. but some of that 20% is hot as hell--you can tell when a bottom really loves to get fucked
  5. I'm a total top--haven't been fucked since I was young and first coming out. Now that I'm getting old and live in rural Wyoming it's much harder to find willing and capable bottoms. Of course the pandemic didn't help any. And the closing of the baths in Denver really hurt. And now with the high fuel prices traveling will become harder for many. I have run into bottoms who say they used to be tops but as they got older they began having ED issues. I have no prob getting it up and hard as a rock when by myself but sometimes the fucker just won't rise when I'm socially stressed (like meeting someone for the first time or walking around in the baths). In that case I have a rx for trimix which gets me up and hard for hours. I have also had a problem with losing my hard when using poppers so I stopped using them but wonder if maybe that might be why there aren't as many tops these days. And with so many men using meth and the associated limp dicks further limit the number of tops. Thank gawd for good porn!!!
  6. As a total top when I'm fucking alone with a guy my dick does all the talking...butt he will def know when I cum--I couldn't keep that quiet if I tried. I am very verbal when fucking around in a group--I'm always wanting to know how that dick feels way up that ass; or how that ass feels wrapped around that big thick dick,;or can you feel the head of that dick way up deep and give it a good squeeze; or is that hungry hole getting wet and sloppy; is that mancunt sucking on that dick; have you got that hole wide open for all of us???
  7. This is Wyoming Equality Pride Event that has been ongoing sine 1992. 300 to 400 gay men head to the woods and camp out for loads of fun. They have foood trucks, port-a-lets, stage/shows/entertament, campfires and sexcapades...best to come in an rv/ camper, bring a tent or a comfortable car. Anytime you get this many horned gay men out in the woods you know it's going to be a blast. Medicine Bow National Forest just off I-80 near Laramie is a beautiful spot to play. Google Wyoming Equality Rendezvous for details. if you like playing in the out doors this event is for you.
  8. Back in my younger days I used to fuck around with a really muscular dude and his lover. His lover had a big thick dick much like mine and the muscular dude would climb up on us and ride both our dicks at once--it was so tight and it was amazing. Once when I came it was so tight my cum could hardly squirt and it burnt as it worked its way out---a really intense feeling for sure
  9. a #8 here...butt it's not dick size I'm interested in---it's willing and capable hole that gets my dick hard as a rock
  10. Reminds me of a time in Atlanta when I had the outside of my house painted. One of the painters was a blond suntanned gorgeous young man. At the end of the first day he knocked on the door and asked if I would mind if he changed from his work clothes into his street clothes. Of course not and I let him in where he proceeded to undress right in front of me. This bronzed naked young hunk noticed the very big rise in my jeans and reached over and grabbed my hard cock. It wasn't long before I was naked too and was a good 8 inches up his ass. He was a hungry bottom boy and we had hardcore sex many times well after the house painting was completed.
  11. My Dick is sooo HARD for throat and ass---butt it's going to have to stay hard because I'm not willing to pass this virus on to those I love. I usually let my dick do my thinking but not when it's a matter of life and death. My hand and all that great porn out there will get me through this. And when this is over that guy that gets my dick first is soooo going to know that he has been FUCKED!!!
  12. I'd vote for anybody in order to dump Trump. I considered myself a Republican but have always voted for who I thought would be best for America. But after seeing how Republicans have reacted to protect Trump at all costs and the blatant hypocrisy they've shown in defending him it will be a long time before I vote for a Republican again. Trump is fundamentally unfit intellectually, morally, temperamentally, and psychologically to be the leader of our country.
  13. I have an inside/outside glory hole at my place to make it easy for dudes to cum over and suck dick==I love a good cocksucker and most guys that like to suck dick at glory holes are good at it--a good cocksucker can drive you up the wall...sometimes there will be more than one guy on the other side of the hole and what a treat that is... and sometimes the cocksucker will back his asshole onto your cock which is the ultimate sensation--I've had ass that sucks on your cock as good as throat and from my side of the wall I sometimes can't tell if my dick is fucking a throat or ass. I only look down on cocksuckers because they are generally on their knees--I respect them as men because it takes a real man to take a dick down his throat or up his ass and for him to know how to make a top feel so incredibly good. If a guy really loves cock, I want him on my dick.
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