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About caliboy236

  • Birthday 01/07/1994

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  1. It was a Friday night, and 18-year-old college freshman Alex had just finished his last class of the week. Excited to let loose after being cooped up in lectures all day, he decided to sneak into his favourite bar with some friends. The loud music, bright lights, and strong drinks were exactly what he needed to unwind before a long weekend ahead. As the night wore on, Alex found himself alone at the bar nursing his third beer when an older man approached him. He couldn't place the exact age but guessed mid-forties he had that certain charisma that only came with age and experience. "Hey there handsome," the man said with a smile, "What's your name?" Alex hesitated before answering; something about this stranger made him uneasy. But he couldn't shake off the allure of attention from someone seemingly older and wiser. So he told him his name and found out that his name was Mark. They hit it off instantly, talking, drinking and dancing. Before long, Alex decided to call it a night, he wanted to head back to his dorm place. On their way out of the bar, however, Mark offered him a ride and the offer to crash at his place. Since it was late Alex gratefully accepted his offer, they got into Mark's car and drove off. Alex quickly found himself inside a luxurious penthouse suite overlooking downtown Boston, things took an unexpected turn for Alex when he found himself face-to-face with a fully stocked bar and two lines of cocaine laid out on a glass table. Confused but curious at the same time, Alex watched as Mark casually snorted up one line before turning to him with devilish eyes gleaming in anticipation. "I think you should try this," said Mark, his voice now laced with authority and command as he held out the second line towards Alex who hesitated for a moment before taking it from him nervously. The coldness of the powder against his nostrils snapped him back to reality—this wasn't just about having fun anymore; this man wanted something more from him. As if reading his thoughts, Mark produced handcuffs from somewhere behind his back and snapped one onto each wrist before locking them securely together against a heavy-duty eye-hook in the headboard of his king-size bed. Panic set in for Alex as he realised what was about to happen, or rather, what Mark had planned for him all along. Mark climbed onto the bed and began unbuttoning his dress shirt, revealing a well-toned torso with a scorpion tattoo just above his briefs. Mark lowered his briefs releasing his angry 9" engorged cock. His gaze locked onto Alex's terrified eyes before he pounced on him like a predator stalking its prey. In one swift motion, Mark pulled down Alex's jeans and underwear exposing his ass cheeks to the cool air of the room. Mark grabbed onto Alex's hips roughly and flipped him over, pushing him face-first onto the bed, hard enough that the impact sent pain shooting through his body. Alex felt his ass cheeks spread wide open for Mark. He felt the hot breath of his attacker against his neck before Mark thrust his oozing raw cock into Alex, his enormous cock splitting open the tight ass of his victim. With each powerful stroke, Alex felt the head of Mark's cock slicking up his busted hole in thick pre-cum that oozed out like venom, seeping into every crevice within Alex's body as it relentlessly invaded him. Mark's voice grew more menacing with each thrust, his words dripping with toxic intent. "You think you can resist me? You're mine now, boy. I'm going to fill you up so full of my cum that there won't be any room left for anyone else in your pathetic little life." He laughed darkly as he saw the realisation dawn on Alex's face—this was no game anymore; he had been violated beyond repair. Tears streaming down Alex's cheeks, crying out in despair knowing that there was nothing he could do now but endure this painful torment inflicted upon him by an experienced predator who seemed to take sadistic pleasure in watching him squirm underneath him. Mark leaned over him, chuckling darkly at Alex's moans and whimpers, whispering dirty words of encouragement into his ear while pounding away relentlessly at his now ruined fuck hole, driving home the message that he was helpless under Mark's control now. The fucking continued for what seemed like an eternity until a humiliated Alex felt a warm stream of liquid seeping out of him and onto the sheets below, signalling his ultimate submission to this twisted game of power play between an experienced daddy figure and a vulnerable young man who had willingly walked into his den of sin. The feelings of humiliation and degradation were overwhelming as Mark's monstrous cock pounded away mercilessly at his prostrate form, leaving no doubt in Alex's mind that he had been utterly defeated. Alex sensed a change in Mark's breathing, feeling the familiar pulsing sensation against his prostate gland, Alex knew that it was too late now. Mark's toxic load was about to explode within him, filling up his hole with his potent cum until there was no room left for anything. "Please don't cum in me!" Alex begged. With a primal roar that echoed through the empty penthouse suite, Mark let loose his venomous load inside Alex's ass like an eruption of molten lava from a volcano's core. The hot sticky fluid flowed freely out of him in massive waves, each stroke sending another torrent surging into Alex's already overwhelmed system until finally...with one last powerful thrust...Mark released his hold on Alex and collapsed onto the bed beside him—panting heavily as he stared down at his ruined victim with an unholy gleam in his eyes. As Mark finally pulled out of him with a loud groan followed by a long slow stroke that sent shivers down Alex's spine, he looked into those cold dead eyes once more before collapsing into an exhausted heap beside him. "Enjoy my Poz babies slut., that was a toxic potent load you just took. No one's going to watch your worthless hole now. Imagine being used up and un-fuckable at 18?" Mark laughed in his face. Alex cried silently into the pillow as he felt the cold steel of a butt plug against his tight hole as Mark forced it home to keep his Poz babies in Alex. A sensation so foreign and unwelcome that Alex couldn't help but scream out in pain as it slowly began its descent into his body.
  2. I snuck out of my bedroom and out of the house arriving at Ahmed’s nondescript house just before 9pm. I knocked on the door and heard him call out ‘doors open slut, come on in’. As I pushed the door open and walked down the hallway I could hear two voices coming from the living room. As I rounded the corner an incredible sight greeted me. Ahmed massive muscular body was sprawled naked on the couch, a barely legal looking teen was between his legs wearing only a pair of bikini briefs. His tongue cautiously licking at Ahmed’s massive balls with a grimace on his face. ‘Come in Ben, this homeless fuck is just earning his dinner’ Ahmed called out. I looked at the 18 year old teen closer. He appeared to be a typical tatted skater boy who was down on his luck. The teen looked at me and tried to avoid my eyes. “If you’re busy, I can come back later” I stammered. “Don’t be stupid fag, we can talk whilst he services me” he replied. Ahmed turned to face the skater boy. “Make sure you get it covered in spit, you aren’t getting any lube when this goes up your arse”. “Please don’t make me do this in front of him” the skater pleaded. “Shut the fuck up and get on my cock”. I watched transfixed as the skater lowered his briefs, shyly trying to hide his growing cock. He went to straddle the muscular Arab on the couch. “FACE HIM!” Ahmed bellowed. The skater whimpered but did as he was told and turned to face me. “Lift your balls and give him a show” Ahmed ordered. I watched as the skater lifted his cock and balls to show me the thick brown Arab cobra line up with his tight teen hole. “Fuck yourself on it” Ahmed ordered. The teen took a deep breath and started to slide down the thick baseball bat sized cock. Tears started to stream down his face, from the pain or the humiliation I will never know. It took him about 3 mins to work his tight hole down to Ahmed’s balls. The teens stomach was distended showing the mammoth 11”cock deep inside him. After another minute of so he started to lift and lower himself on the baton, fucking himself on the thick Arab pole. Ahmed for all this display sat calmly on the couch, whilst the red faced teen did all the work trying to get Ahmed to climax so he could be done and get out of there. Ahmed turned back to me “I want to speak to you about your brother, I have seen him around school and want to get to know him better”. “My brother?” “Yes, I want to fuck him and you’re going to help me” he replied. I couldn’t believe Ahmed was interested in Jake. Jake was my younger brother, having only just turned 18. But Jake had been born deaf and mute. Despite these handicaps he had excelled at school and was on the swim team. This had given him an incredible body and a perky ass. “Please leave him out of this” I pleaded. “If you don’t help me, I’ll out you as the Poz slut you are too the whole school” I slumped, knowing that I didn’t have a way out of this. At this moment, Ahmed grabbed the hips of the teen riding his cock and slammed him all the way down to his balls. I watched as Ahmed’s balls tensed up and began to pump load of hot Arab cum into the obscenely stretched skater boys ass. “Noooo!!” The teen shouted when he realised that thick loads of cum were being pumped into his fertile body “You promised you wouldn’t cum in me!”. “I lied” Ahmed replied as he shoved the still shocked teen off his cock and on the floor. The shell shocked teen was still shaking on the floor when Ahmed got up, threw $20 at him and a bunch of tissues. “Get yourself something to eat slut, and wipe up your bleeding hole before you stain my carpet. Now get the fuck out of my house”. The sniffling teen tried to plug his ruined hole with the tissues and mop up the torrent of thick cum dripping down his leg. As he shuffled to the door Ahmed went to show him out. “I hope you are on PrEP bitch, otherwise my Poz babies are going to be with you for life” Ahmed gloated. I saw the teens eyes go wide, as the door slammed in his face. Ahmed turned to me. “This time next week, I’m going to be balls deep in your brother”.
  3. Ahmed clearly had a thing for newly legal teen boys. Our schools cleaner has caught me jerking off in the locker room sniffing a teammates swimmers. He had threatened to tell my parents unless I did exactly what he asked. To be honest I was more than happy to do whatever the early 40’s Middle Eastern cleaner wanted. I could tell he had a muscular hairy body under his uniform, and it turned out he had a massive 11” Arabic cock that could hit all the right places. That’s how I had ended up Poz at age 18. Ahmed has taken me into an empty toilet cubicle, stuffed dirty underwear into my mouth, bent me over the toilet and forced the thick blunt headed anaconda up my virginity hole. He took my virginity whilst I could hear my teammates going about their business in the locker room. Thank god for his sweaty underwear in my mouth or I’m sure the whole team would have seen me giving my virgin ass to the schools cleaner. He had enjoyed pounding my hole in such a risky setting, and after 10 minutes of ripping up my ring I felt him go stiff and collapse on my back as he filled me with his hot Arab jizz. He silently pulled out of me, wiped his dick on my track shirt and got dressed. As he went to open the door to leave the cubicle he whispered ‘Thanks for the hole slut, you’re now pregnant with my Poz babies.’ I waited until he had left, scooped some of his hot jizz that was running down my leg and jerked the last neg load of my life all over the floor. Sure enough, 4 weeks later I came down with the worst flu. I took myself to the clinic and they confirmed I had been knocked up by the thick Arab anaconda. Since then Ahmed had continued to use my holes whenever it suited him, but it soon became apparent he was getting bored with me. I received a short text from him ‘come to my house, tonight at 9pm’ followed by an address…
  4. You ok dude? feel free to PM me if you want to chat..
  5. The crowd of older guys surrounding me looked at me like I was a piece of meat for their pleasure. As I waited for the next onslaught to begin, I suddenly heard a voice cry out in the hallway. “Oh god, help me, please somebody help me!” The voice sounded young, I watched as the crowd slowly parted and a skinny young twink about the same age as me was dragged in. He was being held by a stocky older guy, who marched him towards me. With a single move the older guy ripped the shirt off the young guys back, leaving him just wearing a pair of skimpy shorts. He then shoved forcefully and the young guy sprawled on the ground in front of me. “Look what I found out after dark.” the stocky guy announced to the room. “A new play thing.” A pleased murmur went around the room. “Please guys, just let me go, jokes over now, I’ll just go and we can all forget about this.” the twink said. “Haha good luck with that, bitch.” one of the crowd yelled out. The twinky guy raised his eyes and for the first time seemed to notice me, he looked at me suspended from the ceiling. His eyes and mouth opened wide in shock. He turned back to the man who had dragged him into the room. “Please, please just let me go!” his voice went high with panic. “Maybe we will let you go, but first I think you should put on a little show for us.” the older guy responded. “Wha.. What do you mean? What kind of show…?” he stammered. “We want to watch you two boys put on a little fuck show for us.” “But, I’m not queer!” I watch in slow motion as the stocky guy hand slapped down hard on the twink's ass. “AHH! Fuck! What was that for?” the twink screamed in pain. “Shut the fuck up, you will do whatever the fuck we tell you to do.” the stocky guy demanded. “Now, get over there and make out with him!” I watch as he slowly stood up, looking me up and down. His mind no doubt wondering if he would meet the same fate as me. “Don’t just stand there gawking at him dumb fuck, kiss him, get this show started!” someone called out. The twinky guy slowly got closer to me, when he was right in front of me he whispered “What’s your name? How did this happen to you?” “My name’s Jordan, this guy Matt kidnapped me and they have been using me for sex.” I replied. “I’m Ryan, if I get out of here I’ll send help.” “Enough talk boys, get the show going or you’re going to regret it.” The stocky guy demanded. Ryan moved in closer to me, he looked scared and hesitant, but slowly moved in close and after deciding he had no choice, kissed me. His lips barely parted as we first kissed, but I was still able to enjoy it. Still suspended from my wrists, I had little control of the kiss but I felt him start to explore my mouth with his tongue. “Fuck yeah, thats it boys, lets see some fireworks.” One of the guys in the room yelled out. “Cut his wrists down.” Someone else yelled. I watch as the stocky guy moved forward and with a swift movement, released my hands from the harness. As I felt the blood start flowing in my arms again, I tentatively moved my hands onto Ryan’s hips and started to make out with him in earnest. For a ‘straight’ boy he seemed to be ok with kissing me, and for a few minutes, the reality of our situation melted away as we enjoyed the moment. He pulled away for a second and I looked at his gorgeous lips, wet with saliva. His eyes were glazed over with lust, as he tugged at my hands and indicated we both lay on the floor. I lay on my back with Ryan above me, he looked down at me unsure, before I grabbed the back of his head and pulled him into another kiss. For a moment, it was just Ryan and I making out, but after a moment I became aware of the noise of hard cocks being stroked all around us. The room full of men eagerly watching us put on a show. I felt Ryan’s hands run over my body, as I felt his stiff cock push through his shorts against my thigh. My own erect dick leaking against his abs. I was suddenly aware of the stocky guy moving in behind Ryan, I watch Ryan’s body stiffen as he realised what was happening. His eyes looked into mine with a silent pleading for help. I had long since given up hope of getting out of this situation, and so I stroked his face, trying to calm him. “Shhh, it’s ok.” I whispered to him. “If you just go with it, they will let us go at some point.” The stocky guy jerked Ryan’s shorts down to his knees, exposing his tight ass to the room. I saw the stocky guy dip his finger into a drop of pre-cum from his own leaky cock, and then swipe the pre-cum against Ryan’s hole. Ryan nuzzled into my neck and whimpered, clearly terrified of what was to come. “Please don’t let them do this, I have never been fucked before.” he pleaded to me. I just looked at him with sadness in my eyes. “I can’t stop them.” I heard the stocky guy spit, wipe it over his thick meaty cock to make it slick, and line the thick cock head up, poised to violate Ryan’s virgin hole. Ryan tensed as he felt the wet spongy cock head kiss against his hole. I couldn’t help but watch with fascination. I looked up at Ryan who had tears in his eyes, I kissed him, hoping to distract him. As we kissed, I felt him gasp as the massive cock head parted his virgin hole and slowly start to sink deep into his tight body. “Argh fuck!” he cried out. “Please don’t do this!” Ryan started to move, trying to free himself from the giant pole impaling him. “Hold him fucking still, or I'll break his fucking neck” the stocky guy ordered me. I wrapped my arms around Ryan’s torso, trying to calm him and get him to accept his fate. Ryan froze for a moment, which was just long enough for the stocky guy to slide the last few inches of his fat cock into Ryan's now distended boy hole. I watched as Ryan’s back arched up and his mouth opened wide in a silent scream. He had taken the whole cock inside him and was totally defeated. He slumped onto my chest, silent tears streaming down his face as the stocky guy started to slowly plow Ryan's no longer virgin hole. “The boys want to be able to see the action, hold his cheeks apart, they want to see me rip his hole wide open” The stocky guy demanded. I reached down and grabbed Ryan’s tight ass cheeks, I spread them wide and looked down in amazement as the fat cock plowed, and pulled at Ryan’s tight ring. From the noises in the room, the other guys were just as turned on by the sight as I was. I realised as I held Ryan’s ass that I was now a willing participant in Ryan’s rape. I wanted to see him used and degraded, I wanted to see him take his first poz load. The room was filled with the sounds of sex, two hairy guys had come closer to watch and were stroking their leaky cocks over the sight of Ryan being fucked on top of me. I watched as one of the guys exploded over Ryan’s hair and back, coating him in a thick ropey load. The sight of the cum load sprayed all over Ryan seemed to spark something in the stocky man. I watched as his hips began to thrust in earnest. I could hear his balls slapping hard against Ryan’s soft skin. A choked sob came from Ryan as he realised what was about to happen. “Please, please don’t.” he croaked out. “ARGHHHHHHH!” the stocky guy arched his back and went tense. Ryan’s eyes suddenly locked on mine, pure terror on his face. “TAKE MY FUCKING POZ LOAD YOU DUMB SLUT!” the stocky guy bellowed as his hips thrust his deadly venom deep into Ryan’s fuck hole. “Noooooo!” Ryan yelled as his panicked body tried in vain to get away from the stocky guys thick shaft. The stocky guy collapsed, spent, onto Ryan’s sweaty back. Pinning him on top of me, with no chance of escape. I held Ryan tight as his head slumped onto my shoulder, and he started to cry.
  6. Another 20 mins or so passed with me in the darkness, I could hear low conversations in the other room. Suddenly the door opened wide and I could see Matt in the doorway. He stalked over to the bed, grabbed both my feet and tied them together. I felt him cut the rope tying my hands to the bed but my hands remained tied. With a swift movement he grabbed me and through me over his shoulder. "Come on bitch, time for the real party to start" he said as he carried me out the bedroom. Still bound and helpless he carried me outside, I was naked and terrified as I saw him head towards the pickup. He opened the door and flung my skinny body onto the seat. I landed with a thud against the seat as I heard him shut the door and head to the drivers door. "We are gonna head to a friends and see how much more punishment your pussy hole can take." I groaned into the rag stuffed into my mouth, I didn't know how much more I could take, my body ached all over. The car started and I felt us pickup speed as we drove from the house. The journey lasted for about 30 minutes before I felt the car slow, turn off the road and head down a bumpy driveway. The car ground to a halt in the gravel and I felt Matt get out and head round to my door. As he opened the door I attempted to kick at him in a vain attempt to get away. All it did was piss him off. "You're going to regret that soon you stupid bitch." he barked at me. He grabbed my slender waist, hauled me over his shoulders and head for the house. As we approached I could see a run down house which appeared to be far from any main road. It looked abandoned from the outside, but as we got closer I could see other cars parked and hear voices inside. Matt kicked at the partially open door to open it, and as we entered yelled out "Hey boys, the main event has arrived!" A cheer went up as I looked around the room at a bunch of older guys drinking and smoking. Matt pushed open another door and we entered a dank room with a dirty mattress on the floor. He unceremoniously dumped me from his shoulder onto the mattress. It reeked of cum and piss, in the corner a complex looking harness was suspended from the roof. I was sitting stunned on the mattress for a moment, before Matt fisted my hair and painfully pulled me up. "MmmhMM" I tried to cry out through the rag. He dragged me over to the harness and attached a loop to each hand, once he was satisfied he undid the bindings on both hands and my feet. He then proceeded to attach a loop to each foot and around my groin. "There you go slut, you wont be going anywhere for a while." he laughed. He called out and the guys from the other room filed in. "Ok boys, he strung up and ready for the taking, put you $20 on the table and get your monies worth." The guys milled around slapping $20 bills down and started getting their clothes off. I watch as two older white guys, maybe mid 40's approached me at the same time. They both had beer guts and one had a rough beard. The bearded one reached out and fondled my soft cock, I was mortified as he worked it until my boner was jutting out from my skinny body. "Look, the sick little fucker is gagging for it" he laughed. I watched as they both shucked off their clothes, the one with the beard yanked at a cord and I felt myself be dragged towards the ceiling by my wrists. I cried out into my gag from the pain but it just seemed to excite the room more. I watched as the other guy lay down on the floor underneath my suspended body. I watched with confusion as he played with his huge engorged cock. I could see the angry red head poking out of his uncut cock, each pump of it seemed to make a stream of precum roll down the thick shaft. Suddenly he reached up and with a yank pulled out the butt plug that had been stuffed in me. I felt a trickle of toxic spooge run down my thigh. He reached up, swiped some of the cum from my thigh and rubbed it into his cock. "That's all the lube your getting cunt." he spat at me. I suddenly saw the bearded guy yank at a cord and felt my body jolt as I was lowered towards the engorged cock head below me. I cried out in terror as I felt the fat leaky cock head kiss my exposed hole. The guy below me grabbed my lithe hips and guided me down onto his awaiting shaft. "Ohhhhh fuck yeah." he groaned as my body had no choice but to open up and take his thick cock deep inside. As I was lowered onto the cock I could hear the woof whistles of the other watching guys as they stroked their leaking cocks. Tears welled in my eyes and ran down my cheeks as I was lifted and lowered by the bearded guy onto his friends thick meat. My arms were stretched and my legs flailed helplessly as each downward thrust grazed his bulbous leaky head against my prostate. I was in so much pain and yet I watched as my cock responded to the stimulation. I felt myself get harder and my slutty instincts kicked in as I tried to buck against his fat knob and hit my prostate again and again. The bearded guy ripped out my gag. "Look at you slut, you're turning into a real cock whore now. Tell him what you want of I'll stop fucking you on his shaft." I kept my mouth shut and he stopped lowering me. I bucked downwards trying to hit my prostate and so he raised me higher. "No, no my little slut. Tell us what you want or we wont let you go." he ordered. "I... I want... I want him to fuck me." I stuttered. "And....?" he asked. "And... cum in me.." I admitted, defeated. "So you want him to fill you with his poz cum?" he asked. "Yes, fill me with his poz cum, I need it Sir." I answered. "Good boy." Clearly pleased with my response the chant went up in the room "Lower the bitch!" as I felt myself lowered back down on the erect shaft, feeling it graze my sweet spot. I moaned out loud, unable to hide how good this felt being stuffed full of a big juicy cock. The bearded guy kept my ass pumping up and down on the thick meat, my distended hole now able to take it all. I felt my cock leaking a steady stream of precum now as my instinct took over and I felt myself approaching orgasm. The bearded guy must have sensed how close I was from my breathing, as he started to pump me up and down faster and faster. I felt the guy beneath me grab onto my hips tighter as he too came closer to cumming. Suddenly I felt myself reach the point of no return as the fat cock inside me hit me just right. I felt myself cumming hands free all over the floor. As my ass muscles constricted I felt the guy beneath me pull my hips down hard onto his cock as he lost control and squirted a massive poz load into my fuck hole. "Take it all you fucking slut, take my toxic swimmers, gonna breed you up." he cried out. I felt the thick shaft pulse as his balls emptied into my awaiting cunt. I went limp after my orgasm, I was left hanging for a moment before I felt myself jerked up and the huge cock pull from my wrecked hole. A spray of cum landed with a splat from my loose hole as my fucker got up and walked away. I heard him high five one of the watching guys. "Who's next?" he laughed as he walked out the room.
  7. I awoke a few hours later in complete darkness. For a second I wondered where I was, but it all came flooding back when I felt the dull ache in my ass, and realised I was tied to a bed. I tried to cry out but all that came out was a low moan, my mouth was stuffed with a dirty rag. I lay in the darkness for another 20 minutes or so before I heard footsteps approaching. The door opened for a moment and I heard two men enter. I recognised the first voice as my rapist, however had no idea who the second man was. I struggled on the bed and tried to turn onto my back. "Don't move bitch, or I'll slap your ass so fucking hard. I'm making business arrangements." I froze. Business arrangements? "He's all yours for $50, only rule is when you give him back he's still got to be usable for another client." I heard my rapist say. "Yeah no worries dude, he should still be in one piece." The unfamiliar voice laughed. With that, I heard the door open and close again. I sensed I was left in the dark with the stranger. As I lay in the darkness I felt the bed sag as he sat next to me, I could smell whiskey and cigarettes on his clothes. I jumped as I felt him cup the end of the butt plug holding my rapists cum in me. "You're one dirty bitch" he muttered, fondling my ass and cock. I tried to moan and pull away, but all that earn't me was a slap across the ass. "We are gonna have some fun tonight, I bought your cute little ass for $50 and I intend on getting my monies worth." I felt the bed lift as he got up, I heard him in the darkness taking off his clothes. Before I knew it I felt the weight of him on my back, he felt heavy and I could feel his beer gut pressing against my back. His smell was suffocating, a mix of cigarettes and BO. I felt him reach down and remove the butt plug, I felt the cool air for a moment against my distorted hole. That was quickly replaced by what felt like a huge leaky cock head pushing against my hole. "Give it up for me baby" he whispered in my ear. "I'm gonna work this into your hole one way or another so you might as well enjoy the ride." I thrashed on the bed, trying to move away from the huge invading pole resting against my no longer virgin hole. He slapped me in the side of the head, momentarily stunned I stopped moving, and as I did so I felt his huge snake enter my hole and slide down deep into me. "Mmmm fuck yeah, thats a good pussy." In the darkness I started to cry into the bed. I moaned in pain into the dirty rag as I felt his massive cock pump in and out of my hole. "You're going to love this cock baby, it's the one thats going to knock you up with my thick poz venom." I whimpered into the rag. "Shhh.." he whispered into my ear. "Remember I paid for this hole, so I'm not finishing until I've drained my balls into you tight little twat." With that he started to rough pound me into the mattress, I could feel his low hanging nuts slam into my limp cock with each thrust. I gave up and resigned myself to being his pussy hole. He must have sensed this in me as he leaned down, spat on me and said "I told you you were going to love this cock". He picked up the pace on my hole and I sensed that his breathing was changing, his balls were no longer slapping against me as they drew up, ready to inject their deadly load into my stretched and destroyed hole. "Uunnnkkm" he heaved as I felt his whole body go rigid. I felt the huge pole inside me go still for a moment, and then begin to pulse inside my hole. Jet after jet of hot poz cum flooded into my vulnerable hole. "TAKE MY FUCKING LOAD WHORE, I'M POZZING YOU RIGHT NOW." he screamed. He collapsed onto my back as I sobbed into the mattress. I felt him use his hips to push the toxic load deeper into me. After a few minutes I felt him lift off me, replace the butt plug and get dressed. "Good hole boy, I'm gonna recommend you to some friends." I heard the door open and close again. I was terrified and in the dark again, full of poz cum.
  8. How did I end up here? An hour ago I had been looking for a bit of light fun on Squirt when I came across his profile, now here I was blindfolded, in a blue jockstrap and on all fours with a bottle of amyl in my hand waiting for him to come and use me. I took one look at his cock on Squirt and knew I had to have him fuck me, I wasn’t sure at first if he would even be interested. Here I was a 23 years old and he was 48, more than twice my age, I doubted if I was his type. I decided it was worth a try and messaged him. “Hey, how’s it going?” A minute later I got a reply. “Good, what you looking for boy?” “I dunno exactly, but you have the most amazing cock, I’d do anything to get a closer look…” “Anything, Boy?” “Yes Sir, anything.” “Ok, send your address, I want you naked, blindfolded and on all fours on your bed” I quickly got hard at the thought of this and sent him my address. “I’ll be there in 30 minutes” he messaged back. So here I was blindfolded and waiting on my bed, I was starting to wonder if he had bailed when I heard my door which was on the latch click. I heard his footsteps as he came down the hall and walked into my room. “Nice…” he murmured as he came upon the site on me, ass up, blindfolded and waiting for his cock. I heard the noise of his iPhone taking pictures of me and my exposed hole as he ran his hands over my body and toyed with my cock and hole. I quickly tried to say “Hey buddy, I don’t want any pictures of me about…” when he leaned into my ear and said “A bit to late for that slut, you’re all mine for right now and you’re going to do whatever I want”. I shuddered and accepted that I would do anything to get that beautiful big cock inside me. I had laid out the condoms and lube next to me on the bed, I heard him uncap the lube and then felt his cold fingers playing with my hole. After a few minutes of his fingers I was moaning and begging for more. “Please, I need that cock inside me.” “Of course you do baby, you’re perfect little hole is ready for it too.” I heard a squirt of more lube and then felt his big warm cock head push against my twitching hole and start to open me up. “Hey, we should be using a condom” I protested. “You said you would do anything for my cock” he replied as he sunk two inches into me. I gasped as he pushed more of his fat raw cock inside me, I hit the amyl hard to help me take it, as I started to feel the effects I acknowledged to myself that I had told him I would do anything to have his cock inside me. A few minutes later I felt his big swollen balls brushing my ass, I had his entire cock inside of me. I was dripping precum all over the sheets as I focused on what it felt like with his massive swollen pole lodged deep in my cunt. Here I was taking the massive shaft of a man more than twice my age, waiting for him to use my hole as his cumdump. I took another hit of amyl to help with the pain of being so stretched. “FUCK ME SIR” He just laughed, “oh you’re going to be fucked alright” as he picked up the pace. I felt that big cock reaming out my hole, his huge nuts slapping against my thighs while he plowed me deep. I heard him reach for the iPhone again and start recording me, I pictured what it must look like with me on my knees with a fat cock demolishing my hole. He continued his pace, every now and then changing the angle at which I was taking his cock, eliciting more moans of pain and pleasure from me. He knew I was well past my safe sex concerns and only fixated on one thing, his fat cock in my hole. “You want my load you little slut?” he spat at me. “Yes sir, please make me your boy.” “Oh I’m gonna make you my boy, you’re gonna remember this fuck the rest of your life”. I just moaned in response. “The reason you’re gonna remember this fuck is because I’m about to knock you up you stupid bitch” he said into my ear. “The one thing you didn’t even think to ask was my status and so I have a present for you my dirty little bareback slut.” I felt him hilt his enormous cock deep inside my cunt, he leaned down and whispered in my ear “Right now, you’re taking my thick Poz load deep inside you.” I clutched at my stomach right as I felt his fat cock balloon deep in my guts as he impregnated me with his toxic seed. I couldn’t help it as I blew my own load all over the bed. I collapsed on the bed trying to catch my breath and work out what had just happened. As I lay there with my hole dripping with his toxic seed I heard him pull up his jeans and head down the hall. The door went just a second later. What had I done? A month later I received an email from a friend, the subject line was simply a “?” and the body had a link to Xtube. I clicked on the link, and there in full HD under the title of “Stupid slut gets Pozzed up” was me, blindfolded, on all fours, taking that beautiful cock that had converted me.
  9. Thanks guys for all the comments, I appreciate the different views and stats. Spoke to my mate today, his inital CD4 count is 250 and while they didn't give him an exact viral load count they said it was exceptionally high. Still just waiting game for me I guess, im going to go for a test next week which will be 25 days, probably to early but at this point I am looking for every small glimmer of hope. From my mates point of view he is furious that they have refused to start treatment for 1 month to give him a chance to consider if he wants to go on meds, he wants to start immediately and with his CD4 count they even told him they would normally start with that reading. He is going to a specialist next week so hopefully better news.
  10. Hi All, A good friend of mine, his bf and myself all went to the local clinic for routine screen last Tuesday. On Friday he called me to say he had tested poz, after a night of him sandwiched between myself and his bf crying his eyes out I realised that I am at risk myself. The week before, he fucked me bare and blew in me, as his infection is new I assume his viral load would be quite high? I was already past the PEP window and was told there is nothing to do but wait. What are the odds I am poz? I tested neg from the Tuesday test but that would have been 1 week from our fuck, which I am assuming is far to soon. When should I next get tested? Kinda freaking out...
  11. Home alone last week, got on the web and organised an anonymous breeding by an older top (he was 49 I am 27) he told me to be lubed and ready on the bed on all fours with a blindfold and to beg for his load. He buzzed up and walked in, ate my ass for 10 mins and then shoved a massively thick cock inside me, after pounding me for 20 mins I started to beg to be bred, he pulled out, jerked his cock two or three times and then as he came rammed it inside me. I felt his pulsing cock load me up. I rolled over and jerked off while fingering his load deeper in me while he watched. As soon as I came he left. Never saw his face.
  12. Hi due to local change, any chance I can be caliboy236? Thanks!
  13. Thanks for the comments guys I was 14 the last time I wrote a story like this so it's nice to get feedback
  14. I had never been in with the 'cool' kids. At 5' 8", and always on the skinny side, I was to small for the football team and, if I had to be honest, I didn't find much that I had in common with the other kids at school. It didn't help that as I hit puberty the transformation of my body was less dramatic than I had expected, and for an 18 year old guy, I was left looking somewhat effeminate. I don't know if this was the reason, or it was a combination of reasons, but tonight when I arrived at a party of a school friend, things went downhill fast. The jock kids noticed my arrival and immediately the sniggers and comments began. "Hey Jordan! Why don't you bring those pretty lips over here and learn how to please a real man" yelled Craig, one of the stars of the basketball team. I turned bright red and tried to walk away, but Craig wouldn't let-up, and yelled "Hey, where do you think you're going? I've got a three day load with your name on it pussy boy. Mouth or ass, I don't care. After all you’re just a fucking faggot hole for me to dump a load in." All his friends laughed as I ran from the room. When I got outside I paused to catch my breath. As I felt the hot tears running down my cheeks, I wiped them away, and also decided to go home - I didn't want to be in the same room with those fucks again. I started the long walk back to my place as I had been given a lift by my sister and she wasn't due back for hours, so it made sense to walk back and clear my head. I was about a mile down the road before I realised just how quiet it was. I checked my watch and it was a little after midnight. As I walked along the road absorbed in my thoughts, I heard a car approaching, and, as it neared, I sensed it was slowing down, and sure enough, a pickup pulled up along side me and the driver called-out "Hey kid, what you doing walking by yourself on the road at this time of night?" As I squinted into the cab I saw an older guy, probably mid 40's with steel blue eyes and dark brown crew cut. He looked built, and I could see from the light in the cab that he had massive arms and a thick muscled chest. "I'm heading home from a party that didn't end as well as I had hoped" I replied. "Get in kid. I'll give you a lift. It ain't safe to be walking around at this hour." I looked at him hard for a second, judging whether I should get into a car with a stranger before accepting his offer. "Thanks, Mr…." I started. "Matt" he cut in. "Oh, hey, thanks Matt, I'm Jordan" I replied. "Get in kid, I don't wanna be out all night" I walked round the cab and jumped in. As we headed off down the road I gave him my address, to which he grunted an acknowledgement. I stared out the window, as he didn't seem particularly talkative. As I looked out I saw his reflection in the glass, I found myself admiring his features. He looked so muscled and strong, I found myself imagining him without his shirt on, and within seconds I was starting to get hard. I had been looking at his reflection so long that by the time I glanced out the window I realised I had no idea where we were, all the houses had been replaced by tree flashing past the window. "Where are we? Did you miss my turn off?" I asked. "We aren't going to your house boy" he replied, "we're going to my place. I saw the way you were looking at me, you and me are gonna have some fun." Fear flashed through me and I started to protest, "Look mister I don't know what you're talking about but I need to go home, just let me out here and I will find my own way back." Just as I spoke we turned off the main road and into a driveway, as the pickup drove down the long drive I saw an old house come into view. It looked like an old farm cottage and from best I could tell we were miles from anything. "Listen here, boy. You're coming inside with me. I saw the way you were looking and I know you want a piece of my cock." With that Matt jumped out the cab, walked around to my door and opened it, roughly grabbed my arm, and yanked me from the pickup and towards the house. I tried to break away from him but he had a tight grip on my arm and I was tiny in comparison to his muscled body. Holding me in front of himself, he pushed me down the walk and through the front door. Once inside, he pinned me up against the wall, and finally I could appreciate how much bigger than I was Matt. He stood about 6' 4", and he looked like he was made of 230 pounds of solid muscle. As I looked up at him with frightened eyes, he dropped his hand onto my shoulder and pushed me onto my knees. "Please, let me go! I don't know what you're doing but I just want to go home" I pleaded. "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" he barked at me. "Tonight you're gonna find out what a sissy faggot like you is made for. Open up my jeans and get my cock out, bitch." I hesitated not knowing what I should do, but apparently I hesitated too long because *SLAP* - my face stung as he hit me. "I won't tell you again, boy. Open up my jeans and get your mouth on my cock!" he ordered. Terrified of being hit again, or worse, I started to undo the buttons on his jeans. As I undid each button a pair of white briefs came into view. When I had them all undone I was faced with a wall of muscled thighs and between them an enormous engorged cock, barely contained beneath the thin white material. I watched in fascination as a small wet patch appeared at his cock head, turning the white material clear with precum. "Don't just sit there drooling boy, get that fucker out and in your mouth" he demanded. This being my first time on my knees, I gingerly peeled his briefs down, and taking his thick cock in my hand, I started to slowly suck on the head of his cock. I couldn't believe that I was actually kneeling between the legs of such a hot daddy, and with his enormous tool in my mouth. "What the fuck are you doing boy? Don't pussy about with it, suck that cock!" he roared as he grabbed the back of my head and forced me down on his eight-inch meaty cock. I gasped for air as he forced it deeper down my throat. I could feel the massive head slide down my neck and triggering my gag reflex. He heard me start to gag and barked "Harden the fuck up faggot! You're going to be doing this plenty more, so you better learn how to take it. If you puke on my cock I'll crush your pathetic little balls." I swallowed hard as I tried to stop from puking and with a lot of effort I was able to settle into a rhythm of him plowing my throat all the way down till my nose was buried in his pubes. He fucked my face for about five minutes, then suddenly he stopped and pulled out. I was so thankful. Finally I could breath properly. As I gasped on the ground it occurred to me what I must look like: my face wet with spit and precum smeared all over it, my lips red and raw from the vicious face fucking I had taken - just like a dirty cocksucker. "Time for your next lesson on how to please a real man, faggot" he barked at me, grabbing me by the waist and throwing me over his massive shoulders. He carried me into a room which, from the large wooden-framed bed in the centre of the room, I judged to be the master bedroom. He threw me down on the mattress and as I tried to comprehend what had just happened, I felt him snap a handcuff onto each of my wrists, attaching the other end to the head board. "So faggot, you like to get fucked?" he asked. "Please! No! I have never been fucked; I have never been with anyone before! Just let me go, we can forget about all this" I pleaded. "A virgin pussyboy. Well I'll be damned. This IS gonna be fun" he replied, ignoring my pleas. "How old are you boy?" he asked. "I was 18 two weeks ago, sir" I replied, hoping my age might sway him to release me. "Damn, boy. Eighteen? I'm gonna wreck you so bad no one is ever gonna believe you are 18 ever again" he laughed at me. I watched as he grabbed a knife from his side table and quickly cut off my tshirt and shorts, leaving me naked and bound on the bed. Then he stood back and admired his work, watching me squirm uncomfortably on the bed. Approaching me, he roughly grabbed both my legs and yanked them up, exposing my tight boy ass, a sharp gasp signifying his approval as he admired my virgin hole, only, to my utter surprise, to lean over to explore my hole with his tongue. I squirmed with pleasure as his stubble rubbed against my ass, and his probing tongue made me buck and writhe on the bed. I let out a loud gasp, which, when he heard, lead him to snicker "You like that don't ya faggot? I tell you there is nothing as sweet in this world as 18 year old virgin boy pussy." I could only grunt in response. He ate my hole for about ten minutes, slowly opening me up wider and wider. Then, as quickly as he had started eating me out, he dropped my legs back to the bed. I remember gazing up at his muscled frame, still reeling from the feelings he had brought to my ass. "Ok boy, time for the main event." It suddenly dawned on me what was coming next. "Please sir, can't I just suck you?" I tried one last time to reason with him. He laughed in response, "Hell no boy. I've got a four day load in these balls that's gonna be the first load of man juice to get pumped into that perfect little cunt."\ I looked up at him terrified; he was fisting his cock through the front of his jeans. I watched him reach over and grab the lube, slick up his cock and position it at my virgin hole. "WAIT! Please if you're going to fuck me, at least wear a condom!" I pleaded. "You ain't good enough for a condom, fag. You're just a hole for me to plant my babies in" he replied. And with that, I watched him line-up his massive cock with my tiny pink hole and push his engorged head against it. He pushed hard and my puffy cunt lips finally surrendered and I had his fat cock head inside my ass. Terrified by this man barebacking me I tried to struggle against the handcuffs but it was no use. He had my thighs held tight and he used them to slowly pull me backwards onto his cock. As I looked down the length of my body, my eyes wide open with shock, I could see inch after inch disappear into my hole, and, in under thirty seconds his entire eight inch cock had been eaten by my hungry hole. "Damn, you're tight fag, but that hole just ate my whole dick. You sure this is your first time?" he sneered down at me. He flexed his dick and I cried out. "ANSWER ME BOY WHEN I ASK YOU A QUESTION!" he shouted. "Yes sir, it is my first time" I whimpered. "Then I guess this cunt was just made for my fat cock to plow then, wasn't it?" I didn't reply and so received another slap across the face. "WHAT DID I JUST SAY, BOY?" he roared. "Yes sir. My cunt was made for your fat cock to plow" I sobbed. And on hearing my reply, he started to slide his massive cock in and out of my no-longer-virgin hole. Each punch of his cock deep in my guts made me moan with a mix of pleasure and pain. His bulbous cock head felt like it was raking my insides over and over, stretching my ass lips every time he pulled all the way out, only to pile drive his cock back in a few seconds later. He looked down at his cock disappearing into my hole and smirked, "Well, I guess that answers that question" he said as I watch him slide down to my ass and touch it. "You're all torn up faggot, bleeding all over my cock." I didn't know what he meant and instead of slowing down or stopping this revelation only seemed to make him fuck me harder. He leaned down close to me, his face inches from mine and his massive muscled body completely covering my own lithe figure. I watched as sweat dripped off his face and onto me as he rutted wildly in my now destroyed boy pussy. I watched his eyes change and his face went red as his cock slammed harder into my hole. I'm gonna breed you boy, I'm gonna fill you up with a big toxic daddy load. You're gonna have my babies in you, my toxic babies, and then no one is gonna want you faggot ass pussy ever again." I stared at him blankly trying to work out what he meant. Seconds later he froze and I felt his engorged cock head expand in my ruined cunt, and I could feel the jets of thick white hot cum travel up his long shaft and pump into my guts. "TAKE MY FUCKING POZ LOAD, YOU FILTHY FUCKING WHORE!" he yelled. Suddenly it made sense, the terror overwhelmed me as I realised that right at this moment his fat cock was blasting a massive load of poz cum deep into my destroyed ass. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" I screamed, but it was too late. Even as I went to try and kick him away, he was already pulling his massive cock from my gaping hole. The deed was done. "Not a bad fuck, boy" he said as he re-snapped the buttons on his jeans. "Why did you do it?" I choked out as the tears came. "Someone was gonna poz your stupid cunt sooner or later boy, and I always get what I want" he replied. I tried to roll over and cry into the mattress, I was still sobbing when a minute later I felt him shove a large object in my gaping hole. "A butt plug boy, to make sure my boys don't leak out of that slutty hole" he said. I cried harder into the mattress. "At least until our other guests arrive tonight…" he trailed off.
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