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Everything posted by straycowboy

  1. Update on the branding Iron. Is in the oven for casting tomorrow. Approx. 1.5 in/ 35 mm in diameter.
  2. A buddy of mine wrote me yesterday and told me about this thread. I've made branding irons for scout troops, they use them on leather products. Several of the cowboys I ran around with when I was younger branded each other as a bonding experience. They aren't hard to make, I'll design one and post a pic.
  3. I've had that kind of week before a few times. Even compressed into one day a few times. It wears you out. Have fun. Know if I had the chance I'd fuck you. Lol
  4. I'd have to say yes, I have done that to an ex, but I would have stopped if asked. He just had me so turned on I just got a bit carried away. He had trouble sitting/walking for a couple of days, and wore long sleeves . I felt really bad about it, but he said he loved it.
  5. Can't say I remember the last time, it's literally been more than a decade since anyone actually asked me to wear one. Male or female. I actually wonder if I'd stay hard in one now if asked to wear it.
  6. Well, am relieved now to know it is still all in my head. A young guy I used to fuck and breed a lot came by to see me at work yesterday. It's been 5 years, almost 6 since we last had sex. I didn't cum in him, but was able to fuck him for 30 minutes without an problem. 14th guy to have sexual encounter with since becoming active again. Although the encounter has reminded me just how uninformed some guys are. He nearly panicked when he heard about the other 13 in such a short time span, and worried that I could have caught something, which although true, is unlikely in my case. He wasn't even aware there were people who have immunity to hiv. Says, I'm still one of only 2 guys he's ever let fuck him raw . The. other being an exBf. He's primarily a closeted bisexual, mostly has sex with girls only stil. But he did tell me how he's been getting more into pnp, and how incredible sex is on certain drugs, and how he craves something up his ass when he does certain drugs., and I should try it some time. Then kept offering me some of his Vodka, since it was only the two of us. He knows better. LOL No I didn't drink it, I know better.
  7. Nope, wouldn't be a problem. I knew one guy many years ago who had all his teeth pulled so he could give better blow jobs. Wish I knew where he was today. I thought that was a little extreme at the time, but he was good.
  8. Hmm, wonder what foes on at our local YMCA, almost joined it once, may have to if ever get to where can afford to again.
  9. This time around, have 3 who say they want it to be regular, but don't know if it will happen or not. Last time I was a slut, being 6 years to 7 years ago, most were repeat fuckbuds.
  10. Okay, so I've cheated here, been getting guys I know, or have had sex with, or want to have sex with, both llocally, and not to join. Does that count? If so, then up to 8 now locally. LOL.
  11. Ok, I'm up for trying bacon grease sometime. Sounds interesting.
  12. Bbosouno, that is the closest I can come to understanding bugchasing myself, as a desire to belong to the group, when someone mentioned in another thread about a sense of freedom, that confuses me. I dont see that converting can really set them free. I mean, everything they did to achieve their goal, is what they want to be able to do after achieving it, so what I can understand a sense of wanting to belong, hell, I've wanted that my whole life. I can relate to that. And yes I've done thingbefore just to try and belong. I just lost my train of thouhht. LOL Anyway, I think I understand this angle, and it's not something to be pityed, or put down. I for one respect the fact that it somehow becomes a need that has to be filled for them to feel complete, just never really understood why...
  13. Cool, Happy birthday to the site then.
  14. Damn, out of 12 guys now, still at 0 Maybe it will change this weekend.
  15. Bigdick4you, sounds like you seriously need a couple of buddies to beat this out of you. Been there too, and I understand. But don't let the prick play head games with your emotions like that, or he will suck you back in, then suck the life out of you. Emotional abuse is just as bad as physical abuse. I had one like this, even threatened suicide.if I didn't come back. My family and some friends threatened to beat me if I returned the call. If you can go away for a week, turn your phone off, ignore facebook, and have some fun with realfriends, who care about you. Getting off the high horse now.
  16. Hmmmm, sling, sounds like a good item for the old pantry room. Always wondered why did a 98 year old woman need a pantry as large as the dinning room anyway?
  17. I never understood why guys and gals don't wake up when they are being fucked whime asleep. I really believe I would, I always did when my ex would give me a blowjob. But it was just barely, then full awake as I would cum though. But touching me in my sleep generally brings me to a semi awake state anyway. And I can cary on complete conversations with people while sleeping that make sense. LOLOL Surpirises some people.
  18. Ok, here is a rough idea of it, differences are, I used chain, it was a tribal pattern, a bit more fluid, and of course my claws aren't the best, but roughed it out on CPU, so would have taken much longer for me to make right...... And of course his had the word wolf spelled in the tip of each claw, so small you miss the letters. The beginnig of the circle actually was a full circle, but don't exactly remeber how it went, through the round pads, or through what is chanin on my version here.
  19. Probably not without explaining why. And I'm not quite sure about broaching the topic with him yet. But can draw it for you and send email.
  20. Yep, several, both married, and not.
  21. Ok here's a hot one that the guy I was playing with last night had. Not sure he knows what he got since he says he's neg. It's abear claw with the biohazard stylized into the pads of the claw. He said he liked it because of the word written in claw part itself. He seemed completely oblivious when we discussed it. I didn't point the feature out. Why ruin it for him if he really doesn't know. Its prominently on his chest though.
  22. After reading your profile, and reading this, and how handsome you are, I don't know why you are having to look. I certainly date you if we lived closer, and my own life in better standing. And you'd be more than enough motivation to stay in a gym. I work out some at home, but have to be motivated for gyms, never understood it, just way it is.
  23. Agree with fillmyholeftl, spit is best, but sometimes it does take a little more to open the hole up weith, and that vaseline tube sounds good. Wonder if it's possible to make a chapstick lube holder, will have to see what Ican figure out.
  24. I have a profile on BBRT, so far haven't met a single one of the guys off there in person. Most have been too far away. I say neg in my profile, and looking, it seems to be just as many neg, as pos that want to meet. As far as attractiveness of poz guys versus neg guys I don't see a difference. I've had the best luck meeting guys through grinder, and scruff, and thru craigslist(despite the flakes). What gets me is the number of pic collectors, or the ones who just want someone to talk to , and online only. Like they are afraid to meet in person for fear of rejection, I suppose. In the past couple of weeks there have been 12 show now. Out of 30 who said they were going to.
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