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Pig Bottom

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Everything posted by Pig Bottom

  1. a lot of the bad fuckers are in European porn like in cheap Czech films. But in those both the top and bottoms suck. The bottom will only suck the head of the dick, and never the shaft and the top will only fuck with the head of his dick.
  2. A lot of them have a chip on their shoulder and try to act tough. They think they have the grand prize and can treat others like shit. I don't want a fucker who is boring and doesn't let me try things too. A great top will let the bottom control some of the action too. I hate to tell them, because they don't want to know, but it's not all about the top. A lot of straight men are shitty fuckers and they don't know it. I remember one girl telling me that the guy she fucked fucked like a jackhammer, but not in a good way.
  3. Once they are about half full they start to suck and lose effectiveness. I usually open a new one when that happens.
  4. I just bought 5 Jungle Juice Max locally today. The big square bottles, the guy gave me a deal 5 for $60, I think they are like $14 plus tax or more. I think the guy kind of likes me because he asked if I live in the area.
  5. Also a lot of those places will charge you to go, but they call it a donation, I guess it's so they don't get in trouble for being a for profit business. I've only gone to two of those types of parties in Manhattan many years ago. One place was a decent low end two room suite in a hotel. A lot of attitude, but I still had a little fun. The other was in a hotel room with two beds. That one was better, I had fun and met a few nice guys. Each was $20.
  6. I find if I eat it before sex it pushes out food from the small intestine into the large one. I had a problem once, and I'd rather fuck before dinner, or not eat before sex. The large intestine has a lot of bends and is 5 feet long, I don't even thing you can go deep enough to clean it all at once with a shower enema session.
  7. I didn't know anyone hooked up from there. I used to post there. Met a friend from there, turns out he was originally from your area and he was a Masshole. Just kidding, he wasn't that bad, he just was not a considerate friend.
  8. Now you are making shit up. You won't flush out any undigested food that wouldn't normally come out in the shit, like corn, which has a lining that when not chewed well can pass in the shit. Even a colonic doesn't clean the small intestines. Your stomach starts the digestion process anyway. food will sit about 4 hours in the small intestines. There is a one way valve so shit doesn't go the other way and water can't even get in to the small intestines from your asshole. If you want to clean your small intestines out you have to do it from your mouth like a prep kit for a colonoscopy.
  9. and I didn't know that was your first name, but obviously you don't care because you posted your last name too. I don't care what your problems are, and your opinion means nothing to me. I see you are not a rational person. As they say on O&A, a funny radio show, .....Good day to you sir.
  10. I saw you mention Jeton here before, that's why I posted it. You might hate me, but I don't hate you, I don't understand all the animosity I just disagree with your view point on certain things. I just think our personalities are very different and don't mesh well together.
  11. When you eat and stat digesting it, it pushes food out of the small intestine , 22 feet long, and shit out of the large intestine, which is 5 feet long. If a 45 minute cleanout works for you and your bottoms that's great.
  12. Oh I didn't say Jeton? and yeah it was to say I know who you are, you've used that avatar picture from 1980 on many sites. just kidding.
  13. But I never mentioned him again, you did.
  14. Eating at 11:30 am and skipping dinner is not fasting or starvation. Shit works it's way down slowly it's not a matter of putting your bottoms on a special diet. I could be clean after the first time which is good for a 10 minute fuck, but I choose to clean myself out better than that.
  15. I hate that old, boring, snobbish Jewish lady in a wig.
  16. But you said you don't want a hookup longer than 1 or 2 hours in advance. A real good cleanup takes hours. If I am going to a dark room and leaving the house at 7PM I start at 3 or 4, I don't eat after 12 noon. I use the shower hose with enema tip and stay 10 to 15 minutes. You might think you are done after the 1st one. then I repeat every 45 minutes in the shower. Sometimes the 3rd time won't get anything out, (sometimes it will get out as much as the 1st) but 45 minutes later the 4th one will. Once I am done I am clean until at least 6am. It also dehydrates you and makes you piss concentrated. If for any reason my stomach is acting up that day even after the cleanup I stay home. If I do go out and for any reason I feel a little santorum I always have an empty squeeze enema bottle to freshen up with.
  17. Some guys are assholes and don't have manners of common decency. Guy who condone or understand asshole behavior engage in it. On a side note I just called the shop where I buy my poppers at. I asked him how late he was open until. He said 6 PM, I said thanks, and click. He's nice in person but his phone skills are atrocious.
  18. SX has regular looking guys in some of their gang bang films.
  19. Where I go it's mostly condom porn shown. Just at the bar and in one corner of the club, it's not a big part of the place.
  20. A lot of flakes online. The younger or better looking they are the worst, in general. As far as someone asking how a party went that didn't go to, I would most likely respond with a "go fuck yourself" I'm supposed to meet someone from another site just as friends at a bar tonight. If he doesn't show up I won't be rude, but I will let him know how rude he was to not let me know he wouldn't make it.
  21. You are insane, no one wants a detailed message as to why you weren't interested in them. No one wants to be insulted online, unless they are into being humiliated.
  22. If anyone wants to try and they haven't all you have to do is piss into a cup or empty beer bottle and drink it. I had a fuck buddy and asked him if he tried it. He said he was pee shy and he had a bad experience with a former abusive boyfriend doing it to humiliate him and mark his territory. I recently told him about a piss party I went to and I told him about a guy drinking my piss in the kitchen. He thought it was like in the movies where guys spit it out, I told him no in real life guys swallow it all, he was kind of grossed out by it. I had two former clients when I used to do massage that I played with and they both loved my piss. I tried with another one that was into S&M he was coughing and almost barfed, never saw him again, but it was fine. At that last party I was a piss top only, if I ever go back again I hope to have someone piss in my mouth, depends on the vibe there,
  23. You have a great dick, I think you would do well in a Treasure Island Media film where they gang bang a guy in a sling. Or even Dick Wadd. Recently I saw I think it was a Dick Wadd film where one of the guys had scars from a full body lift around his waist.
  24. Maybe it's you, maybe you come off as not a nice person online. In the gay world the Top in king. A bottom can get fucked for hours where a top will cum or get bored and move on to the next ass, (I'm talking at baths or sex clubs) Most places have more bottoms than they know what to do with. It's also easier for 3 tops to take on one bottom than 3 bottoms wait for the 1 top. and why are you surprised that you get attitude when you freely admit to doling so much out?
  25. Some people don't want to post their face online. Just last month was the first time I posted mine and it was in sunglasses at a forum which is semi private. Some people are not out to everyone and don't want others to know they are pigs, or poz on certain sites, etc. I tried to meet someone just as a friend on a site and he said no unless I sent him a face pic, so I told him I wasn't interested. I've been told I'm cute and I do have a semi cute picture of me, but it looks better than I think I look anyway.
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