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Pig Bottom

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Everything posted by Pig Bottom

  1. Saturday night at Slammers. Got there early around 7:30 PM looking for some breeder cum in my mouth. At the glory hole ramp I saw a guy approach. He was fat and not attractive I was hesitant, but he pulled out a really nice big dick. He had a wedding ring on so I figured he was good to go and just came in to drop a load. Most gay guys get hundreds of BJs and don't cum from them, and they try to save their loads while looking for a husband. Anyway this guy shot a nice big delicious load in my mouth. I followed him to see if he was leaving and he was in the bathroom, much shorter than I thought about only 5 feet tall, so I waited from afar and he left.
  2. Inn Leather. I've seen guys blow each other right in the pool, and each room has a sling. It's not at the beach though, but they do have say passes if you stay somewhere else. A few other near the beach do have nude pools.
  3. I have a shower hose in my apartment. It was there when I moved in, but if it wasn't I would put one in anyway. I have an metal enema tip that screws in where the shower head goes. I have no problem regulating the temperature. I like to keep it a little colder than warm. The hard part is regulating the flow or power at which the water comes out. Last time I got a little aggressive and there was a little bit of blood afterwards. It's also hard to get deep into that second spot with the rigid attachment.
  4. I think they are really hot and they are hard to find but they are fun. I'm not really verbal or like to do dirty talk, but with them I think I can.
  5. I had an incident not too long ago. I had been on antibiotics for a non STD infection and the side effects were diarrhea even weeks afterwards. I had cleaned myself out well, but we went for a long walk and it had been a few hours, when we did it towards the end I noticed some wet brown, then when he was done he came and pulsed his dick in my ass, I waited a minute and rushed to the bathroom, when I came back in the room he was changing the sheets, he was cool with it, but we haven't done it since. Shit happens. Now my system is better and I can clean myself out and be good for 6 to 8 hours.
  6. You can even run two Twitter accounts at once, but you need to have two browsers open.
  7. I don't think it's a dilemma for many bottoms, Just cause you don't top doesn't mean you don't want your dick and balls to function.
  8. Salud/Cheers.
  9. http://www.breedingzone.com/group.php?groupid=60
  10. I don't like to cum when a top is fucking me. It's not important for me to get hard and I don't play with myself when bent over a bench in a dark room. I do see other bottoms playing with themselves waiting for tops. Sometimes when I'm at the glory holes I do get really hard when I am sucking a great dick. One time a top fucked me so good I got so hard and horny that I fucked two other bottoms that were there. One on one I also don't like the pressure to cum and appreciate a top who lets me do what I want without feeling that they need to try to get me off too.
  11. My pussy is usually flawlessly clean, as you can see from my avatar photo with clean cum dripping from my ass. That photo was taken a few hours after I left a sex club. Last time I had a flair up, it was clean to start, and would have been tasty to eat beforehand, but the guy had a long dick and he did some shitty damage.
  12. I like to ride the dick to milk it. Let the top stand still or back up against the wall and I'll do the stroking with my hole.
  13. Calling my manhole a pussy or cunt is fine. Biopussy sounds like a F2M tranny like Buck Angel.
  14. Note to self: Stop drinking coffee in the morning. I have a huge cup about 24 ounces, but I will have to give it up. When visiting my family over Christmas I skip coffee and my stool are nice and hard. Also I have to get a new Britta filter and stop reusing the plastic water bottles so often.
  15. I was planning on going out tonight, but after about an hour of shower enema I sat on the toilet and still wasn't clean, I guess my stomach is upset and it's still rumbling. I'm going to go out and get a pizza instead.
  16. I reuse an empty large Fleet enema bottle.
  17. I had a messy situation last night. I thought I douched myself well'a few hours before we go together, but I guess I didn't. We went for an hour walk along the beach and that might have been what did it. I've also been eating more stuff lately and less fiber and more cookies and junk. Last night I didn't smell anything at first, but towards the end I felt like I had to shit. Thankfully he didn't take too long to cum. I must have touched around my behind (I was on my side) and smelled a little on my fingers. He likes to leave his dick in me when he comes. He even flexed it hard a few times (so maybe his dick likes it messy) I let him stay in me a minute or two and ran to the bathroom to shit, it was watery and not too messy. In a few minutes I went back to his bedroom and he was starting to change the sheets. I walked over to his dick to wipe it with tissues, but it really wasn't dirty, he must have wiped it off already. I said sorry, he said it's fine it happens. He's a regular fuck buddy, I hope this doesn't turn him off to me. I've read that after taking antibiotics you can have diarrhea for weeks and I took some not too long ago. Last Saturday night I was in a dark room, and I had cleaned myself out well, but about 3 hours after I got there a guy with a big long dick fucked me and then another guy came right after him and he fucked me and stuck his tongue up my ass and his nose. After he was done I stuck my finger in my ass to see if either had cum and I smelled some brown, but it was wet, mixed with lube. I guess this is what the rimming guy was going for, some brown juice. And if a guy ever wants me to clean some brown off his dick he better have some tissues or a gun.
  18. I'm not sure if it's treasure Island but there is a video out there with a guy shooting up and another guy gets his head shaved over the toilet. I don't know the name of it, I had it, but I lost it when my computer crashed.
  19. Only if they want to become poz.
  20. Some married men are fucked up. I had a friend who fell for a married man. A married Preacher, bottom cumdump, A 58 year old Grandfather with a wife who has problems from a stroke. My former friend wanted him to leave his family for him, and got mad that the guy only was able to spend one day with him. By the way my former friend has many issues such as staying in a physically abusive and controlling relationship for 9 years and only wanting guys who are unavailable, plus he's an alcoholic.
  21. Nothing hotter than several anonymous guys sticking their raw dicks in your ass.
  22. I haven't seen any trails in the woods down here in south Florida. Where I'm from in NJ which is the most densely populated state there are hiking trails 10 minutes from where I lived in a city and a reservation about 20 miles away. The good thing is that I live near the beach and at night it is pretty secluded and dark and you can fuck on it, I hope to do that this year. I went out for a test run and found a secluded spot and took my shorts off on a towel and started to jerk off, but some cunt was walking her two yappy dogs and ruined it.
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