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Pig Bottom

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Everything posted by Pig Bottom

  1. Also remember you can also bring home Chlamydia, Syphyllis,, Herpes and Gonorrheah. (Can't spell em but you know what I mean)
  2. It's much safer than taking someone's word for it. Also a top is much less likely to get infected than a bottom is.
  3. If you want to stay engaged and possibly marry a woman and cheat on her find a man who is negative, with tests to prove it, to bareback.
  4. Get him drunk and offer him a blowjob first.
  5. I bought some yesterday. 2 Rush and one large bottle of Amsterdam (big square bottle) . The Rush were only $5, but they sucked. In about 2 hours, using while jerking off, half the bottle evaporated, and it was weak. The Amsterdam was only $10, it's very good, so much stronger than the Rush that it almost made me throw up. It sucks that is new place I found is closing in a few months. I bought a big bottle from them last week, but I was getting fucked hard in a dark room and I dropped the top and lost it.
  6. Here is a picture of a quick night vision video we made last night. His cock in my ass. It might just become my new avatar.
  7. A gardener planting seed.
  8. Last night with my fuck buddy. We went out for a drink first. Then rode by the beach and went back to his place. First we made love, then he fucked me and came in my ass. He likes to stay in my ass for a while after he cums, I like it too. The he got me horned up and he was on his side in front of me, so I stuck my dick in his ass, but I didn't cum, but the whole night of sex was great.
  9. I always clean myself out when I am expecting to get fucked. If not I would still offer my ass if they didn't mind. A few years ago I met this guy on vacation and we were in the pool for a few hours and then we got to my bed. He was a total bottom so I fucked him, he wanted to clean out first but I told him it was fine and he was clean. Another fuck buddy wanted to fuck so I fucked him not knowing if he would be cleaned out and he was fine. One time in a club this guy who was mostly a top wanted me to finger his ass and when I did I felt a nugget in his bowels, so I tried to avoid it. No one ever died from a little mud on the helmet, but it's best to avoid it. One time I fucked this muscle bear and he left some mud on my helmet. I cleaned it off, but the smell lingers after washing, and even messing around with him afterwards was kind of nasty.
  10. Doubt means don't. If you are hesitant don't do it. If they do you with a condom, they should be thrilled to do you bare with no strings attached.
  11. Set up a safe word ahead of time. Usually one like Silver or Orange that don't rhyme with anything else. Maybe Orange can mean slow down, or take it easy, and Silver can mean stop. That way when he says, no and stop it's just part of the game and you just keep going.
  12. Just one. I kind of want to be his boyfriend, but he likes guys that are bad for him or unavailable. We go out for drinks once a week and then he fucks me. He NEVER calls me which pisses me off. The conversation is weird too. I have to always initiate it or keep it going, like I'm interviewing him. Whatever happens, happens. I like new dick too and went out Saturday night to Slammers and will continue to do so. It's almost impossible to find a good guy in south Florida or to make friends after 40. I had another friend but he was not a fuck buddy. When I stopped asking him to go out and I pay he never called again until he needed some help with something. I made the mistake of paying for dinner because his birthday had been a few days before. I think he pissed off the new friend that he tried to leach off of. It's been a month, he moved to a new place and I haven't heard from him since. I'm a really nice guy, but I'm tired of dealing with inconsiderate people.
  13. http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/02/28/us-aids-gel-shown-protect-anal-tissue-hi-idUSTRE71R5GD20110228 (Reuters) - An experimental gel containing a prescription HIV drug has been shown for the first time to protect rectal tissue against the virus that causes AIDS, according to new research. The gel, containing Gilead Sciences Inc's AIDS drug tenofovir, has previously been shown to sharply reduce HIV infections in women when applied inside the vagina. The latest study, which involved rectal tissue biopsies taken from HIV-negative men and women who used the product daily for one week, provides the first evidence that tenofovir gel could help reduce the risk of HIV from anal sex.
  14. I think 3 miles out you can be nude, but it doesn't mean you can have sex where you can be seen by the public. You can't even be home and stand naked in your window where people who are passing by can see you.
  15. You can't expose yourself from private property especially when children can see you, you could be arrested.
  16. Went to Slammers last night. One guy with a huge thick cock fucked me good. The base was so thick he couldn't get the last inch and a half in. He said it was a little less than 8 inches, but it was so thick it felt like 12. He didn't come. Then I got fucked by this black guy who weighs about 500 pounds. He has the thickest dick I've ever seen, it feels like getting fisted (which I don't do). He tried but couldn't get it in. The he waited a while and got it in and was able to stay hard and fucked me as deep as he could and it hurt, but it felt good too. I squatted and let him go for it and he shot a big load in my ass.
  17. I play and open and tighten while the fucking is going on. When they are cumming I don't change shit up.
  18. Where is this place, do they have Glory Holes? Do you have to pay to get in or keep buying tokens? I'm in Broward, but I would travel for a great spot.
  19. My regular Thursday fuck buddy fucked me last night. First he blew me and they I blew him, I got on his dick and then I had him fuck me missionary and they he wanted me on my side and them he came in my ass, and he likes to leave his dick in my ass until it gets soft. After a few minutes I thought he was asleep, but he wasn't and he was still in my ass. He has a great dick.
  20. Mine was many moons ago at East Side Club bathhouse in NYC. This hot guy comes into the room, He's Irish from Ireland with the sexy accent too. Dark hair, football build, nice big dick. I blow him, we make out kissing and he fucks me bareback really good.
  21. Tell us about your best sexual experience. If you have a partner exclude them and tell us about your best sex before them.
  22. Last Thursday night I went out for drinks with a fuck buddy. A little bit after he started his second drink he says to me "wanna go home and fuck"' So we do. He fucks me, and I usually bottom but I felt like topping him so I fucked him and he fucked me again.
  23. For me it's all about the dick and him knowing how to use it. I also like tops that stand behind me and let me ride his cock. I don't like aggressive top who want to spank me hard, but a good hard fucking is fine with me.
  24. When I go out slutting in dark rooms I use lube and spit. My pussy gets tight if I haven't gotten fucked in a week. Usually I open up a bit when I use me enema hose.
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