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About Lorenzo

  • Birthday 03/02/1983

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  1. How I’d love to have friends like these who know what you need.
  2. This was an amazing read. It hit all the right triggers. A rise to a true faggot I would have loved to happen to me.
  3. I am, but unfortunately I'll need to unlock when my gf is around.
  4. The touch with the jewelry is amazing! Loved this read.
  5. Truly an amazing tale. Every chapter had me rock hard. Well done!
  6. My first cock. I was 20, had a room to myself in a house of college students. I had been browsing the net for all things gay, but never acted on it. Eventually a gay man in his 50s going through a divorce suggested a real life chat so I could ask all my questions. 3 minutes after he walked through my door his thick dick with a stunning mushroom Hèze was in front of my face with the simple question ‘aren’t you curious’? That cock made me gay. And in love with daddies with Thick Cock.
  7. 1. ‘You’ll never want to fuck your girl again after this.’ 2. After a daddy carefully slid the tip in during one of my first doggystyle fucks ever, and I pushed my hips back until he was fully inside me: ‘boy, you’re definitely not straight’
  8. Well written, loving this!
  9. Everything I’m afraid of and everything I want.
  10. Having to go abroad for a year leaving My girl and best friends behind. Using that time to be reshaped into a stunning shemale. Returning without notice and seducing said friends into having sex with me, and then doing the same to my girl. Then, at the supposed date of My return, putting on an Incredible hot outfit and walking into the room.
  11. So, I have been here a while, but I’m actually quite a shy closeted straight acting guy. I have been together with My girl for 18 years now and have been taking and sucking cock for almost every yeah of that relationship (and before that). Next to that, I have been crossdressing since I was young, with a profile on fetlife and other places. But untill now, I wasn’t ‘out’ to friends or family. My girl know about the crossdressing and detests it, she knows Nothing about the cocks. She has a lot of gay friends, so last week I contacted the one I trust the most, and after Some whatsapp Messages I outed the crossdresser bit. He was totally cool with it, knew Some people who do it as well, and was up for a real life chat if I wanted to. That chat is tonight, as My girl is abroad (so yes, I crossdressed last night). Really looking forward to talking bout this to someone I know. Really looking forward to additionally revealing that I’m bisexual and have Someone I know in the know. Slightly worried that the bisexual bit, and the taking cocks bit, Will lead to him informing My girl (he is her friend after all). But, if he is a member here, reads this and recognizes me in this post: yes I trust you, but I also think you are incredibly hot and I hope we’ll fuck tonight. (Sorry for all the capital letters, typing this on a mobile is annoying.)
  12. Speaking from personal experience, I must say that I have a love-hate relationship with edging. We have read the fiction about bottoms going completely cock-crazy because they have been edging. Or we have experienced the rising feeling of hornyness ourselves. I am just wondering who is the true me... does edging let go of some of the breaks in your head... or does it make you want stuff 'you' don't want. After cumming, I've often thought to myself... what have I done. Or the fantasy I was jacking of on immediatly comes over as wrong or 'not for me'. When I have been edging for a couple of days - especially when I'm in chastity those my gf isn't home so she can't notice the cage - I usually get online a lot more; chat a lot more; sometimes I text old friends to out myself or say something equally stupid; I'm more likely to talk about my crossdressing and I'm more likely to dress up; in short sex is always on my mind. And I'm more likely to date when I've been edging for a while. When I cum after such a period, the need for anything sexual is gone for a while. I'm usually stuck hating myself for a while, which flows over into a period of cumming multiple times a day; which flows over into edging... and the cycle starting over again. It confuses me. What are your experiences with edging? Do you like it? Is it a phase one must go through? I know I'm a sissy bottom in a relationship with a gf who know nothing about my gay/bi-persona, which probably aggravates the problem, and maybe edging is only for bottoms, but I'm interested in hearing your opinions.
  13. I sucked my first cock at 19. I guess I was ready to do it then, and given how much I wanted to suck more cock after I did it, I guess it was a good age. On the other hand, I had been thinking about it for quite a while. I wonder how much more fun it would have been if I wasn’t ready when I did it, and just experienced it.
  14. Next to the infighting, my supernatural power: eternal youth. Being able to maintain certain looks, both as a male and as a crossdresser sound lovely. The fact that loved ones would perish is a downer, on the other hand it would set you sexually completely free. That, our shapeshifting...
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