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Everything posted by iman2004

  1. Sounds like it was a good night
  2. I always think that anyone on BBRT who says “neg only” and isn’t on PrEP is either pretty naive or wanting to convert, but not yet ready to admit it. I tend to think it is naive more often than not. In this case, I struggle to believe anyone can be that naive. I’d stay out of it to be honest. His sexual health is his responsibility and you risk being being blamed for not talking him out of it if he converts, and if you talk it out of him, you may get blamed for talking him out of a sex session. Unless he is someone you actually think of as a friend I’d stay out of it.
  3. 1. Guys who clearly didn’t look at any of your info are usually a “can’t be arsed” flag. 2. Profiles with wild names. Profile says “neg on prep” and has a name like toxicAIDSseeker. 3. Constantly posting hookup ads and always ends up renewing. 4. No info
  4. It’s worth having a look at AIDSMAP ([think before following links] https://www.aidsmap.com) which is a UK based organisation facing HIV/AIDS. There are some pretty up to date statistics that covers both gay and bi/heterosexual encounters. This is a really good resource. The one thing to remember is that regardless of what the statistics say, low risk is not no risk. If there is a 1 in 1000 likelihood it is just as likely tomorrow as next week, that’s not meant to be alarmist but some guys convert on their first time, others, as @drscorpio says, can go a long time without seroconverting. Look at AIDSMAP is provides a lot of really good info.
  5. I like arranging things in bathhouses. It means if things go wrong there are usually other options
  6. New business opportunity? You may have identified a hole in the market….🤣😈
  7. Never seen this one. Presumably when asked about evidence, the response is “it’s being covered up”
  8. Bareback and he shot so much I thought my arse was going to explode.
  9. You mean to tell me that anyone who meets you in a bathhouse is looking at your eyes??? 🤣🤣
  10. damn! I have most of those side effects...
  11. one of the midland saunas has different coloured bands for top, bottom and vers as well as for safe or bb
  12. There is a lack of primary sources but although the language is slightly different it is pretty much what appears on AIDSmap. The important difference is the early stage effects, which might be the thing needing support
  13. Esteban Orive must be in the running for this title
  14. Neurocognitive disorders have been known to be an effect of long term, uncontrolled HIV infection for some time. The interesting piece in this is the potential risks even at undetectable levels of infection. Still an area needing more investigation I think. This is an interesting piece though.
  15. You could end up with some really worn out tops 🤣
  16. Various types of “bush meat” are not uncommon in some countries
  17. Never been to a DC Bathhouse, sadly. UK saunas generally provide some water based alternatives but they’re pretty awful
  18. I used to do the same when heading to a sauna. Some things are worth the effort
  19. Has to be deep inside
  20. My interests have broadened as I got older. Anything I found attractive when younger, I still find attractive but I also see pluses in a wide number of other things as well.
  21. There are generations of Roman Catholics who prove that pulling out just doesn’t work 🤣
  22. I think @fatbottom gives really good reply. I’d tend to agree with @RawUK that my experience of sweatbox was that it tended to be a younger, twinkier crowd. Pleasuredrome was more varied. Comments have been made elsewhere about it being in a slightly rougher part of London but I never felt threatened in that area even late at night. The proximity to Waterloo station is handy. I don’t know what has reopened post-lockdown. I know one of the saunas up here didn’t survive it.
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