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Everything posted by iman2004

  1. Chances are low for oral in any case, but undetectable = untransmittable..
  2. I’ve often been curious but never asked. I met a total top who was poz and I commented that it was a rarity to see someone who never bottomed end up poz, and he volunteered the info, but I’m not sure I’d ask.
  3. Been in 3 of those locations and didn’t find anything. I had an awesome week in Auckland though!
  4. Saunas due to open on 17th. With social distancing natural. Like that’s going to happen.
  5. mental health been a bit of a disaster. I'm hanging in courtesy of some great friends. Sex? No, sorry, forgotten that.....
  6. absolutely. This is also the argument against permanent disposal of radioactive waste; in 500 years it will be resource not pollution.
  7. I was a condom nazi, then went bare once and then was happy to bb with "neg" guys. I hooked up with a poz u/d guy and then I only wanted to fuck undetectable guys. Now, a bit like you, I think about getting pozzed and fantasise about it all the time. Thinking about getting pozzed turns me on. In the right circumstances I'd go for it, but I'd need to switch the brain off for a bit. Poppers are pretty good at switching the brain off for me.
  8. Got hard reading this. Not had a condom sex in 8 years. No PrEP but still negative.
  9. I think the more difficult one to call is a scorpion tattoo. I know a few straight guys With those and a senior British broadcaster was sporting a scorpion tattoo a couple of years back.
  10. I've been meaning to go to Sheffield Cumunion for ages. I think the post lockdown time might just be ideal for it
  11. was always the one to ask for condoms until I got fucked raw again by a neg guy on prep, then a couple of u/d guys. The feeling of skin on skin and feeling a load inside me is awesome. Just one more step to make really.
  12. 17 at Crewe railway station. Guy in his 40s with a really thick dick. I had to sit on the train for 3 hours with a ripped up arse full of cum. I'd only ever sucked anyone up until then so getting fucked was a shock
  13. Actually recorded climate change data goes back much longer than this as we can confidently talk about palaeoclimate conditions back to the Tertiary (c. 6o million years) and fairly confidently back to the Permian-Triassic mass extinction c. 250 million years ago based on geological evidence (from rocks) and ice core data for the last 2 million years or so. You are also confusing two issues here as pollution e.g. plastics in ocean, air quality, landfill etc is not the same as climate change but they are linked on a very broad scale. Equally the destruction of the ozone layer was more or less halted by a worldwide ban on CFC use. The Ozone hole has been shrinking - although you can still end up toasted in sunshine in Southern New Zealand or Patagonia. Again, this is not a climate change issue. You are right that climate change occurs naturally. However, we know from geological evidence and looking at oxygen isotopes in ice cores that the rates of climate change in the geological past happened over periods of thousands and sometimes hundreds of thousands of years. The rate at which climate change is happening now, if seen on a geological timescale would be instantaneous. Many climate change skeptics cite the very high CO2 levels at the end of the Permian period as evidence that life continues at higher CO2 levels but the Permo-Triassic mass extinction eliminated 90% of life on earth and was a much more catastrophic extinction than the one that killed the dinosaurs. The other thing to point out is that 252 million years ago we did not have extensive elements of critical infrastructure on the coast nor did we have huge sectors of the population living close to or below sea level. The reality is that no attempt is being made to model the next 4.5 billion years. Climate change impact models are constructed for a few hundred to a couple of thousand years and there are good temperature data from human records and ice cores for these timescales. The science here is actually pretty robust. The data since mid 19th century is good, there is a physical mechanism that explains how change is happening and the modelled physics/chemistry fits the observed data. All of that makes a much stronger case than than picking up odd bits of the science here and there because those elements fit a narrative. The climate does show natural variability, that is evident in the data, but the trend is very clearly a warming one. That does not mean we won't get cold weather! The issue that international treaties don't specifically target China and India as major polluters is correct and remains a problem. The argument from India and China of "we deserve the economic development that oil/gas/coal brought you" is absolutely fatuous. The fact is we did not know what we were doing during the industrial revolution. However, it is worth noting that the city of Shenzhen in China which has a population of about 12 million now has an entirely electric public transport system. Much of this is driven by the desperately bad air quality but it clearly has climate change benefits as well. It's not clear that India is quite so advanced in its efforts.
  14. not even Divine Brown will go down that fast.....
  15. is that the sound of the penny dropping I hear????
  16. I think the hairier look works. Not that I'd kick you out of bed in either case
  17. Stats from the Aidsmap project are Bottoming for a partner of unknown status: 0.27% (1:370) Bottoming for a HIV positive top: 0.82% (1:123) Bottoming with condom for a partner of unknown status: 0.18% (1:555) Topping with a partner unknown status: 0.06% (1:1666) Topping with a condom, partner of unknown status: 0.04% (1:2500) Giving a blow job: Estimates range from 0.00% to 0.04% (1:2500) More information at http://www.aidsmap.com/ Things that are wrapped up in this include (cut vs uncut), chems, VL and poppers (using poppers seems to be increase the likelihood by 3-4 times due to the dilatant effect.. The higher numbers unknown vs poz partners probably stem from the wide range of VL in poz men, which when controlled tend to be low.
  18. PrEP seems effective unless you are effectively overwhelming the amount of drug in your system. https://www.poz.com/article/prep-fails-third-man-time-hiv-drug-resistance-blame This piece describes someone who became POZ after a stint of pretty extensive sexual activity (completely unheard of in my case!!) who was on PrEP but still seroconverted. This did not seem to be a resistant strain.
  19. Looking at the paper and the discussion piece the finding seems to be that variations in the behaviour of partners seems to have a large role in explaining the variability. The viral loads used in the papers are all modelled based on viral growth projections which are likely to be broadly correct but have their own assumptions built into the model. It is suggesting that the infectiousness of people with modelled high viral loads is lower than previously thought but there are a lot of caveats in this' of which the behaviour of the partners in this early stage, is one. I am neither a biologist or a epidemiologist so I may be missing something important in these.
  20. I had always been a top until I met a muscular, well hung guy in the University of London Union. He wanted to top me and I took one look at how big he was and said no. That was "no" until he stuck a little brown bottle under my nose and fucked me. I have not topped since.
  21. I think you need to consider, regardless of what the Law states in the nation or the State in question, where all such issues regarding young adults are being tried. That is normally in the court of public opinion and the tabloid press. I think bearbandit, who generally talks a lot of sense, paints an overly-depressing image of the Government in the UK but we can point to numerous cases over the last 10 years where what the Law or the justice system actually said was almost incidental. This has resulted in at least one death amongst someone who was accused on rumour alone. This is not the action of Government, justice system or Law but the outcome of bad press and inuendo. I recognise the issue of allowing yound adults exposure to a sex environment where protections for them can be put in place, the problem is that this may not really protect your other users from accusations which may not surface until many years down the line.
  22. Age: 46 Location, City or County: Leeds, often in London and Manchester. Sexual Orientation: Gay Sexual Role: bottom Sexual Perversions: will give anything a go. Love poppers and being tied up and fucked Travel or Accom: can do either.
  23. there are often reasons why any preachers of hate target other groups. It is normally to divert attention from their own group or their personal lifestyles. A cynical view I know but seems to happen more often than not.
  24. you just have to look at the number of guys who say "safe sex: always" on gaydar and then make it clear they are looking for bb sex on BBRT.
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