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Everything posted by Theo8

  1. a preacher getting busted for molestation? color me surprised NOT
  2. would you mind if I reposted some of your pictures on my tumblr page? 




    1. Fistulike666


      No ... that's just fine! :*

    2. Theo8
  3. I watched Damon Dogg play pool one night in a bar in SF. I was in awe and too afraid to approach him. Anyway, he was by himself and I didn't want to intrude.
  4. I would take issue with what you wrote. I know it's fantasy but it's illegal to have sex with someone under the age of 18 especially in the manner you described. I started early and I wonder if that's why I'm so fucked up at times. I would rather not see that happen to anyone else. I'm trying not to offend you but with me, it is personal. Sorry
  5. thanks for the follow!

  6. I wish I went to your high school
  7. thanks for the follow!

  8. I think mine hit me fairly quickly. I had sex with the guy who I think infected me and a few days later I was feeling something. I found out that he was poz after we had sex. My body might have been reacting to it on a psychological level instead of just physical.
  9. I had a Chlamydia scare several years ago and I was already poz by then. I felt dirty because I don't like being sick. I feel dirty when I have a cold or something minor. I had an eye infection a couple of months ago and I really didn't want to leave the house because I felt nasty. I'm poz and I'm going to be poz for the rest of my life. I don't see being poz as having a disease. It's a chronic condition like diabetes in my book.
  10. why aren't you poz yet? get it to bitch
  11. do you have a tumblr page?  I'm following someone named furfluent on there

    I'm rkitty01

  12. thanks for following me! 

  13. I was thinking of another drug that they were pushing me to try. You had to take it with food and the requirement was like a pound of food. That's an entire meal. That's why I went with Triumeq at the time. I haven't heard of weight gain on Triumeq but like you said, it could be getting older and being a couch potato.
  14. I knew a guy way back when sort of like Nick. His uncle ran one of the gay bars I used to frequent and Michael, no I'm not changing the name to protect the innocent, would pull the same shit if he saw someone he wanted going home with someone who was poz. Michael was one of the biggest whores in town and it wasn't a very big town so everyone had him one time or another. Sorry that I'm hijacking this thread but Michael was also an epileptic. One guy was fucking him and I guess Michael had a seizure and the top didn't even realize it. He just thought Michael was really enjoying his dick.
  15. buggery is practically a rite of passage among some of the English; they'll never outlaw it
  16. the only problem I have with the Atripla is high cholesterol. I'm on Lipator for that. I'm sure if I watched my diet I could probably do without it but I do love my steak and cheeseburgers!
  17. Atripla can cause drowsiness which I liked since I have trouble sleeping. I've been on 1 mg of ativan for years now and when I went on Triumeq, my shrink told me to take 5 mg of melatonin which did help. I've seen comments by people who say that they take up to 10 and 15 mg of melatonin which seems a bit excessive to me but if it helps, I can't argue with it.
  18. I'm planning on going next March for Bear Carnival.
  19. he's probably married or has a partner who doesn't know he's screwing around; if he gets home too late, he'll get too many questions
  20. I deleted my Scruff profile a while ago. I was chatting with this guy and I wanted to meet up for coffee or something. Mistake number one on my part. He wanted a face picture, which I had in my profile but I guess he wanted a current one. I sent it and waited for him to respond. After I messaged him, he said he was too busy to respond at the time. He was sucking dick. I guess that's a good excuse for not responding. I guess I'm old fashioned. If you're sucking dick, why are you also playing around on your phone? It's one or the other.
  21. just say no to cheap wine enemas!
  22. found the son of a girl I went to high school with on Scruff; he's bi I guess; he dated the daughter of a friend for the longest time; cute little pup too found a guy I went to college with on A4A; messaged him and he blocked me; we have friends in common on Facebook
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